
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

I Want a Baby Too

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The attendants at Mo Laotian's private Estate started getting busy at around 10 am in preparation for tonight's dinner celebration for Daniel's fast recovery. The official event was supposed to start at 7 pm in the evening but the guests started appearing at around 9 am so even out of the plan they're all now gathered at the garden just chatting. There were a few people missing but that's okay, they weren't expecting guests at this time of the day.

Now, they just finished having lunch and all they have to do is wait for the night to come and the other guests that were invited.

"So, do we have a gender yet?" Hanlu asked rather excited looking at Daniel's bulging stomach. He was hoping the twins would be a set of girls but a girl and a boy would have been good too. There have been so many men born in their family already so girls would have been cute. Of course, he also hopes Ian and him would get a baby girl too.

"No, that'll be in the next few weeks when I go back for a check-up." Daniel halted from his snack and answered. When Hanlu heard that he was a little disappointed but nodded anyway before he shifted his gaze on his wife at his side, he didn't say anything as he was thinking but that quickly made Ian frown listening to his question to Daniel earlier.

"What?!" Ian exclaimed with a blush.

"Hmmm, Nothing... I was just looking," Hanlu defended, he quickly motioned his palms in a soothing way against Ian's thighs. He actually wanted to say that he wanted a baby of their own too but he also thought that he shouldn't pressure Ian, surely his beloved would one day be ready to bear another child.

"Oh, what about you Ian? Are you two planning to have another baby?" Daniel mentioned looking at the two causing Hanlu's heart to skip a beat. 'Nice brother-in-law,' Hanlu thought. Even though he already knew what Ian's answer will be, he still wants to listen to it hoping that the Omega has changed his mind.

"Ha? Ahh... H-Hanlu and I aren't planning to have another one yet. M-maybe a few years from now," Ian answered awkwardly, he still hasn't come clean to Hanlu that he really didn't want to have another child. He will try to prepare himself but he can't promise that he'll be as brave one day. He does like children but he can't be pregnant again, he was afraid his anxiety would come back from when he got pregnant with Lan back then.

"Oh, that's a good plan. Don't just give in to Hanlu's demands." Daniel laughed. He knew how much Hanlu loves children and the way the Alpha had been holding onto Ian all these times and then he kept on asking about his baby, Daniel was sure Hanlu couldn't wait to be a father again.

"That's so mean brother-in-law! You really shouldn't stick around brother, you're slowly turning savage like he is," Hanlu complained, frowning towards Daniel and his Older Brother who were all this time just beside Daniel leaning back in a carefree way while holding the saucer plate for Daniel's snack.

"I've always been like this though, Laotian didn't influence me or anything." Daniel innocently defended. What he said was true, he was initially shy and timid but when he got close to people he tends to let loose as well as any other people.

"No, I don't believe it. Brother is definitely a bad influence on you." Hanlu insisted and narrowed his eyes towards Mo Laotian who until now was ignoring everyone aside from his wife. Since most people in the house are the elders, they were busy playing with the kids instead of chatting. Their occasional laughs would emanate in the room as they watch Lan and Luangmin run around the living room.

The previews subject of the hot topics could now relax being away from so many questions since earlier before lunch had even started. Their conversation earlier started off with Daniel's quick recovery and then later shifted to the recent scandal Hanlu was in. Questions regarding Veronica Chime and Ethan Morris, to the Mo Empire's success, and even Hanlu and Ian's second wedding were discussed earlier so now all that was cleared up except the wedding part. Hanlu and Ian especially can now finally relax. Thankfully, Lan and Luangmin were there to distract their grandparents.

"Hanlu is annoying, Ian why did you accept his proposal?" Daniel pouted at Hanlu remark so he decided to shift his attention to Ian. Ian, who was willing to ride Daniel's teasing, quickly catches on and he quickly sighs.

"I don't know either. I'm actually starting to regret it." Ian sighs, teasing Hanlu and even though Hanlu knew Ian was just joking; he quickly pouted looking upset. Without saying anything, Hanlu stood up and left. It quickly caught Daniel and Ian off guard because Hanlu was never a sensitive man. Daniel chewed on his lips and worriedly looked at Ian.

"D-Did I say anything wrong?" Daniel asked, his heart was quick to catch a pace because this was the first time Hanlu acted like that.

"Oh no, you didn't. Wait a moment, I'll go check on him." Ian assured with a genuine smile before he stood up and followed where Hanlu went. Meanwhile, Daniel was teary-eyed when he looked at Laotian.

"Laotian, did I offend Hanlu?" Daniel asked with his lips trembling to Laotian who was quick to be alarmed. He was very careful these past few days not to trigger Daniel's emotions and now his younger brother was ruining it.

"No, you didn't. I know him and I know he's only planning something silly," Laotian assured and hugged Daniel. The day was going so well with Daniel's mood being bright today and somewhere his younger brother was doing unnecessary things.

"A-are you sure? He looks upset with me." Daniel asked again, his tears yet to fall and his heart still pacing fast.

"Trust me, Okay? He isn't upset at all," Laotian assured again, wiping the tears that were yet to fall from Daniel's lower lashes.

Meanwhile, Hanlu leaned on the wall, and as soon as Ian followed him, he quickly snatched him and dragged him all the way to the library. Ian attempted to struggle thinking it was someone else but when he realized it was Hanlu, he let the Alpha drag him. As soon as they were inside the library, Ian crossed his arms and looked at Hanlu as if asking what's up with him.

"I could finally have you alone," Hanlu whispered mischievously and continued to drag Ian towards the sofa until they fell onto the soft material with Ian sitting on his lap.

"What the fuck was that? Daniel was worried that he offended you." Ian fretted still crossing his arms even when Hanlu was already slipping his palms inside Ian's shirt.

"I'll apologize later... but I am truly upset because they're having another set of twins while we're not. I want to put babies inside you too." Hanlu demanded and caressed Ian's smooth and flat stomach. He watched Daniel's bulging stomach earlier and he'd be lying if he said he was not jealous of his older brother who was not even planning to have more children.


"Don't look at me like that. I'm not forcing you to have kids now. I'm just jealous that we couldn't now, I'll wait for you to be ready but that doesn't mean it'll stop me from claiming you now." Hanlu said and swiftly unbuckled Ian's pants.

"You idiot! Stop! We're not at home now; this is your older brother's house. We can't do this here." Ian tried to stop Hanlu but really if the Alpha wanted something even if Ian tried his best to struggle, he truly wouldn't be able to do anything. The Alpha was just really strong.

"It's alright, it's not like they'll know. Also, I brought emergency condoms with me." Hanlu assured and successfully stripped off Ian's pants throwing it to the side leaving Ian with only his underwear. Hanlu then fished something out of his pocket and it was indeed a condom making Ian blush.

"I told you we can't. We'll still go and make a mess with only one condom...w-which is anyway not the case here." Ian insisted pulling on Hanlu's hair hard but unlike the usual, Hanlu didn't budge.

"It's okay. It's okay. We're not going to make a mess, I promise you." Hanlu assured again with a playful smile before he pulled down Ian's underwear.

"Stupid Luu, I told you we can't," Ian whined while hiding. He was about to cry so Hanlu stopped his advances.

"Please...?" Hanlu begged and hugged Ian. He used his puppy eyes and a little pout making Ian close his eyes in frustration. He wanted to punch himself for not being able to resist Hanlu. He didn't want to spoil the Alpha but he also couldn't say no to him.

". . ."

"J-Just a quickie." Ian stuttered covering his face and later fell on the Alphas' shoulder. Hanlu on the other hand smiled triumphantly.

"Hehe, it's cute that you're shy but I want to kiss you while we do it," Hanlu said, pulling Ian away from him before he showed Ian the spare condom he had. Ian blushed even more and emotionally prepared himself when he realized the size of the condom wasn't even fit for Hanlu.

"Luu, that condom doesn't even fit you," Ian mumbled looking at the S sign indicating the condom's size was small. Ian was about to say that the size was for Betas or Omegas when he realized the condom was actually for him.

"You're the one who's going to use a condom, silly," Hanlu said and later opened the plastic. "I'm going to come inside you, I know you won't be coming that much through here but it's better to be safe," Hanlu added and later happily fitted the condom on Ian's small half-hard tower. Even though he was against it, he couldn't deny that Hanlu easily turned him on.

Hanlu later pulled Ian into a heated kiss that lasted long. The echoes from their crashing lips and occasional moans emanated in the room, their bodies swayed against each other filled with lustful desires for one another.

"Luu, y-your pants w-will get dirty..." Ian mentioned when he felt the Alpha's erection against him. Ian also felt himself starting to get wet and so he was afraid he would get Hanlu's pants dirty.

"Take it off for me," Hanlu whispered nibbling on Ian's neck, his fingers making its way to his back and down to Ian's wet entrance.

Ian hesitated at first but he did anyway because he thought it would be more embarrassing later on when Hanlu got his pants dirty and they would need someone to find him other pants. By then everyone would know that they shamefully did it at someone else's house.

With trembling hands, Ian unbuckled Hanlu's belt and later unzipped his pants. As soon as Ian pulled down Hanlu's boxers, his proudly standing penis sprouted out like a mushroom after the rain that it surprised Ian for a quick second.

"Although it has been days since we last did it, I'm sure you're ready for me already," Hanlu assured knowing how wet Ian had become. Ever since that scene with Veronica almost a week ago, Ian had been going in and out of fever so they didn't really have the chance to indulge much in any sexual activity. Today will be the first time in a long time but knowing that they are mates, Ian shouldn't have a problem taking him in despite minimal preparation.

"Hmmmn," Ian nodded in a daze, seeing how hard Hanlu was for him of course Ian would be happy. He quickly positioned himself after stripping off his underwear and then later, he used Ians' slickness first to lubricate Hanlu's shaft.

"This looks good. You're so wet." Hanlu praised seeing how Ian's slick was enough to cover his rod for smoother penetration later while Ian hearing this, he blushed but still managed to throw Hanlu a threatening glare.

"Just shut up," Ian demanded before finally leading the tip of Hanlu's inside him until his husband was fully inside him. Ian moans a bit louder, throwing his head back but he later paused when the door suddenly opened with Tian Zi walking in with someone. The Young Alpha didn't notice the two first but when he did, a red pigment flashed on his cheeks and later spread all over his face. It took a quick three seconds when he dashed out of the room closing his eyes.

"Fuck! Jesus Christ! Why can't you people get a proper room!?" He complained and slammed the door close.