
meeting and crying

In room 107, Maryline and Vivian where deciding on where they wanted to stay. The way beds where ordered; two beds where adjacent to the door while the third beds were opposite to the door and closest to the window. While Maryline was explaining to Vivian how they should wait for the last person, Vivian had already settled her luggage at the middle bed. Maryline was not very picky and decided to wait until their roommate came in. To Maryline's surprise and Vivian's expectation, the last roommate was a beautiful blond.

As soon as Stephanie entered her dorm room she was hugged and welcomed by Maryline. They quickly got to know each other and from Vivian's observation she was the same as Maryline, bright. Vivian sighed and continued on at her side of the room. When Maryline saw this she quickly brought Stephanie over. Vivian could easily tell that this girl was very shy.

"H-hi my name is Stephanie Myers, I-"

"Stephanie Myers 17, daughter of Lucy Myers. Your mother is famous for her talent in archery and her secret technique. The breath of 7 Blooming Flames. For a mom known for her tyrannical behavior, I expected you to have more of a presence."

Maryline and Stephanie looked at her with their mouths on the floor.

"How did you know so that?" Vivian looked at Maryline.

"It's easy to get this kind of information. Just ask around or pay someone to gather information. After the tournament, does it not make sense to learn more about your competition?" Maryline could not help but praise Vivian for her thought process. After looking back at Stephanie, she could tell that she was feeling a little apprehensive.

"Don't take what she said to heart. We are all roommates here and I hope we get to know each other well enough so that we can be really close friends! This is Vivian Lee by the way. She tends not to talk too much. I guess she wanted to find out more about you so that she can understand you better and become closer." It was now Vivian's turn to be shocked. 'How did you get that from what I said?'

Vivian could not even care less and proceeded to fold her clothes. As she was doing this, Maryline and Stephanie picked their rooms and started to arrange their accessories as well.

In room 122, Elijah was crying a river. He could not understand his luck. Not only did he have the glutton Drew as his roommate, but for some reason he was also roommates with a muscle head. As soon as they came into the room, these two started yapping and talking trash. He could tell right away that the two were the same kind of conceited and loud. Elijah knew that he also had an ego but he wasn't so obvious and obnoxious about it.

Elijah could only sigh. His luck was never the best and this just proved it. Elijah looked at the muscle head in sorrow, his name was Adam Soo and from what he could hear from the conversation he was ranked as 8th. Elijah tried to look at the bright side of the situation.

"Ok maybe Drew too honest with his feeling but at least he knows a lot of information...yeah that good. And Adam may not have a single neuron but that leaves more space for muscles. And from the looks of it, he is quite strong." As he whispered this under his breath, he started to calm down.

It did not take long after everyone had settle down for a 3 letters to come out of their door mail slots.

Don who had just finished assembling a small book shelf for himself picked up the letters. He gave Mark and Lars their own and opened his own.

Inside was the schedule for the year. When they shared their schedules they all let out a gasp. Lars gasped at Don's schedule which was completely support based.

Lars was also going on a support path since he was going to become a cleric but he had set up a 2:1:1:1 ratio. with an elemental class, a weapons class and support training class but Don, the mad man decided to do a 2:3 ratio.

Lars caught himself and chuckled. He was planning to surprise others but got surprised himself.

Indeed, the reason why Mark and Don were shocked was because of Lars schedule. for his elemental class, did not choose fire or earth. Instead, he chose to take light class.

In Taurus, their native species (Humans) can only awaken 2 elements normally Fire and Earth. The rare people with other elements either use runes ingrained with other elements in their weapons (synthetic) or have roots to another species from another continent. This is more likely in children born from parents of two races. They are usually known as hybrid species. After a few generations of no mixing, they could look very normal but due to luck of the genepool, they would have an element different from normal.

Since buying weapons of that power is very expensive, they came to the right conclusion that Lars is a descendant of a species unlike humans.

Don who had only seen humans in his life was very excited. He looked around Lars to see any difference between them.

Lars laughed as he saw Don's open curiosity.

"I guess you already figured out that I am a hybrid of sort. Indeed, my Great great great great grandfather was not human. It has already been so many generations that many of my siblings look completely human. But maybe it is due to how powerful he was that almost all of us inherited his element."

As Lars said this, he purposely omitted the name of the species. Don and Mark knew that he was waiting for their guesses. The two contemplated for a while. There was only 4 continents with naturally awakening light elementals. Aquarius, home of the royal flying creatures. Leo, home of creatures who have reached high intelligence, Virgo, home of small creatures of service and Sagittarius home of the dragons. After narrowing down their choices, Don knew that for many of these creatures, it would take more than 6 generations for their physical attributes to fade. He closed in on the Leo people which are mostly high humans and high elves and the Aquarius people which include fairies, pixies etc.

"High elves right?" Don asked. Lars nodded as he smiled. Mark looked at Don oddly.

"How did you narrow it down so fast?" Mark asked.

"Well there was only a limited number of species that look a lot like humans. Lars is tall and skinny, which took off most of the Aquarius and Virgo race. I then thought of races that are more likely to awaken light elementals over the other elements. I also noticed that your eye color is grey which is rare in humans but not in some other races. At this point my list only had giant fairies, high humans and high elves. But the factor that helped me decide on high elves was your hair-or lack thereof. Why shave your head? There could be many reason but one that comes to mind for me is that it is different. Humans only have red, brown, black and blonde hair. Fairies and high humans are a little different but nothing too strange but high elves are quite different. Most high elves are born with silver hair that might change too red, blue, or black but will most likely stay silver. I am guessing that you dye your eye brows brown and shave your head since hair is more obvious than eyebrows. "

Lars smiled wider once he heard Don's analysis. His guesses were bang on right to the dyeing of the eyebrows. Mark's jaw was to the ground. He had gotten as far as Giant fairies, High elves and High humans but could not figure out which race was the one that Lars belonged to.

"Wow. Don I must apologize. I underestimated you." Lars said. Don laughed as he heard this.

"Don't think I am that weak." After getting to know each other a bit better, dorm 139 began to form a nice friendship.

Since it was the first day, classes were half their usually time. 1 class was an hour and a half but for today the classes were 45 minutes each. Three morning classes, lunch break and then two afternoon classes.

Don and Mark both had General magic studies for the first class and so they walked together while saying their goodbyes to Lars. In their classes, they spotted their crew who were saving two seats for them. When they sat down in the third row, Don noticed that there was space for about 50 people in their class. All around him he only saw students with blue uniforms. The majority of them looked 16. Some looked around Marline's age and probably got a pass that allowed them to enter early. Luckily Don was tall for his age and did not attract too much attention with his baby face.

After they sat down, they did not have much time to talk before a scruffy looking man with a textbook in his hand showed up. He looked to be in his 40s but knowing that the higher your level, the slower you aged, Don guessed that the man was more likely in his 70s or even 80s.

The scruffy man looked up to see the rows of children quietly sitting and in attention. The man nodded at this site.

"Hello students. I am your general magics teacher. Before we start our first lesson, I must warn you. I don't like noise, I don't like surprises and I don't like you." The students looked a little confused as they heard this. Don started to sweat a little. He felt as if this man that he hadn't met before was staring at him with daggers. After a few seconds the feeling went away and he began to speak again with his low and muddled voice.

"I will have a schedule on projects and assignment. If you do not hand them in on time, it is a zero. If you do not do your test on test day, you will also get a zero. Also, if you are caught cheating, I will fail you immediately and you will have to repeat this course next year were hopefully I will not have the pleasure of teaching you." All that could be hear in the room was the sound of gulping and sweat hitting the ground. After making sure that he had made himself clear on his rules he continued his introduction.

"I see that we have a understanding. As you all will call me in the next year, my name is teacher Lisser. Not teacher Pisser, Or teacher Gizzer or teacher F*ck you. I have been working in this school for 30 years now and have heard it all. Before being forced into being a teacher I was an adventurer, a mage of a party that you kids are too young to know. Since my reputation precedes me, I am constantly tasked year after year to teach fetuses who can barely tie their shoe, the beauty and wonder of magic...sigh. Since they pushed half of the first year mandatory courses on me, there is a possibility that I will be meeting you students twice a day.

My schedule this year is General magic I, Null magic I, Advanced history, General history and GM II. " More than half of the student silently groaned as they heard this. The man had not even started his lesson and they already knew he was going to be rough. having him twice a year would kill a person. Don looked at his schedule once again. He really needed to applaud his luck. He somehow found a way to have Teacher Lisser 3 times in a day.

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