
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
283 Chs

Sold it

Last year I needed to buy a new couch. I started scouring some local ads and some social media groups, as well as second-hand shops for decent couches. I found one in a secondhand shop that I really liked, it was in great condition and it was within my price range. What was even better, was that the shop agreed to take my old armchair and smaller couch off my hands, for a reduced price on the couch I liked.

However, the guy who worked behind the counter, I didn't like the way he looked at me. He was blatantly staring at my chest, he would lear at me and stare, and I got a real vibe off the guy, however, I didn't think it was that huge of a deal, questioning myself a lot and wondering if I'd seen correctly. Lemme tell you, gut instincts are there for a reason. If you get a vibe off someone, it's for a reason. It's like a personal protection system, it's your instincts way of telling you something is not right. I ignored that feeling that day, and I am lucky it did not go a lot worse for me.

Anyway, I found another couch for sale, but it wasn't in as good a condition as the one in the store of the creepy guy. Deciding that I would have that couch no matter what, I took my friend with me when I went to go buy the new couch. Again, he stared at my chest, and when he was out back of the store getting something, I mentioned this to my friend. She brushed me off and told me that because I have big tata's I should be used to stares and glares by now.

Another guy came out and got some details from me, as I needed a delivery for the new couch, and also the old one had to be taken away. He was a lot friendlier, and he told me that he did the deliveries. Comforted by the fact I went on my merry way.

Two days later, the guy shows up with a helper, and they get underway with swapping the furniture over. Everything was normal after that, I was really pleased with my new couch, and, aside from the creepy guy, I was happy with the service I had received.

A week later, I got a phone call from the creepy guy from the store. He rang me under the guise of 'checking up to make sure I was satisfied with the couch' but he was definitely trying to fish for personal information and see if I had a partner or not. He would've seen the delivery card and found my information that way. I also got a phone call from his personal number, and not from the shop.

There were two instances where I was sitting on the porch and he drove past my house slowly. Now, he could've just been driving past to go somewhere else, but my street is not a main one. It's a quiet residential street, so I highly doubt it.

I was quite scared. It's not a nice feeling at all to be in your own home and wondering if someone is driving past to watch you or keep tabs on you. I called the store and explained the situation and what he was doing to me. They were very apologetic and told me that he would lose his job over this. Thankfully, they took this very seriously. I changed my number so that he could no longer try and ring me, and then I called the police and asked what could be done about this. The last I heard, they had paid him a visit, but ultimately, aside from him getting let go from his job and the police talking to him, I don't know what happened to him.

I don't know what his end game was, but anything could've happened. He could've come knocking on my door, he could've tried to attack me. He could've done anything. I also don't know if I was the first person he'd done this too. He may have had a history of this behaviour.