
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urbano
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283 Chs


Okay okay so this is going to about clown and I absolutely hate clowns so this goin to more scary for me them you ok but let the story

I was driving home from work last night and I saw the most horrific thing I have ever seen. There is a cemetery next to the highway that leads into my town. It's about 10 at night so it's dark but not pitch black, I look out my window at the cemetery and I see two people digging. I decide that I should go investigate. This is not something I've seen this late at night before. I pull into the grave yard and get out of my car and turn on my flash light. I walk towards where I saw the people digging. The flash light shines on them and my heart drops, I have just stumbled upon two people dressed as clowns who are digging a grave for a large bag that they have near them. They turn and look at me when my light shines on them. They start to laugh a dark sinister laugh and one of them says in the raspiest voice I've ever heard, "You aren't supposed to be here boy". I turn and run to my car. I hear the sound of shovels dropping and then the sound of feet running after me. I reach my car, I jump in and lock the doors. The two clowns reach my car and I see that both of them are now holding knives. I pull out of there as fast as possible, once I pull out of the grave yard I call the police. I tell them everything that I saw and they send a few cars out. I pass them as I make my drive home. A couple hours pass and I get a call back from the police station. They let me know that the found the bag that was with them. Inside it they had found a body of a local stripper that had been missing for a week. There was nothing else there, no shovels or any other signs of the clowns. The police are now opening up a investigation into the death. If there are any updates I will post it.