
Does the prince need a hand?

pyrocheesenu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

The prince at the dragon's castle

Hey there, I'm the narrator! Technically speaking, I'm a crow. The story I'm about to tell is not very different from others but this is about a boy, a prince to be exact.

Long ago, far away there was a castle on the dry plain lands of mineteal, the name comes from it's popular mines filled with pricey shiny stones, maybe i stole a few... but that's for another time! This land wasn't naturally plain, it used to be filled with trees and plenty of creatures, races... anyways lets talk about humans for now.

There's this one strange human boy, even though he's what humans call a "royal", he's locked up in a high tower but the only reason i know this is because i saw him on a missing poster! Out of curiosity, i got close aswell once, to the tower i mean with that but i felt eyes... eyes piercing through the back of my head and ofcourse i turned to them, the eyes where big and scary, the only creature with eyes that big are dragons...

But for the great mage(me ofcourse), they're just babies! After years of boredom, i finally found someone to play with! And you know... i kinda went back to the tower and hid in the bushes, trying to collect as much magical energy as i could, so i could transform into the prettiest BOY you'd ever see Before sneaking into the unprotected tower, i ran into a dirty bedroom and hid under the bed as the door creaked open.

But i forgot that hiding under a bed is one of the most stupidest places to hide because that strange boy looked under the bed immediately, before he could catch me, i smacked him... right in the face. Luckily he didn't pass out, otherwise I'd be charged with the attempt of murder of a royal and that's the death sentence.

As he stared at me, he murmured "a little girl?..." i quietly sat there as i processed what he said, after i realised what he said, i smacked him again but looking back, i regret that.