
Divine Soldier II

In this second series of the 'Divine Soldier', join Kyler Pearce and the Monster Slaying Squad as they slay monsters, demons and there fellow humans till they reach the top!!

DaoistL8MLSc · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


In the military world, there is a certain secret regiment that isn't known to the public. This regiment deals with monsters and other forms of creatures lurking in the dark. The name of this regiment is called the "Monster Slaying Regiment", there bases are found in all five countries in the world which are Country A, Country Y, Country E, Country D and Country X which is the capital Country in the world.

Now at the base of the Monster Slaying Regiment in Country A, at the last floor of a golden colored pagoda-like building, a group of people were seen sitting at a round table while a few people were standing behind these people.

"How long has it been now?" asked a middle aged man that was seated in the round table. This middle aged man has narrowly open eyes with a slightly long black hair, a formless aura was going round his body which was covered in a long white robe.

"Tomorrow will make it two years Venerable Futian" replied another middle aged man who was also in the round table. This middle aged man has curly orange hair and beards while he was on a casual outfit. Based on the tone he used to reply to the other middle aged man, the later seems to have great respect to the former.

"Those brats don't want to come out huh?" a slightly aged and bad looking man suddenly muttered as he also sat in the round table. This aged man has wrinkles all over his face while having a 'hunchback'.

Among the people seated on the round table, there were three men and a woman. The three men were the man with the narrowly opened eyes who is named Venerable Futian, the man with the curly beards and hair who is named Sir Long Ye and the man with the 'hunchback' who is named Menacing Demon or Venerable Demon. The only woman in the round table has an enchanting temperament on her which drives both men and woman to be in awe, a long glowing black hair and wore a light blue colored robe. The name of this woman is called Hart Shila.

"If tomorrow reaches and they aren't out yet, then they can forget about the mission" Venerable Futian suddenly said with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Can't you wait a bit longer Venerable?" Hart Shila asked as she gave off an enchanting and pleasing smile. But all she got in return was a disdainful glance from Venerable Futian which made her to lower her head in embarrassment.

"On behalf of those brats, we are truly sorry for making you to wait this long for them. But if they come out sooner and we found out they didn't reach the minimum Power Rank for this mission, won't all this be in vain?" asked Sir Long Ye with a respectful expression on his face.

Who Sir Long Ye and the others were waiting for are the recently created Monster Slaying Squad. After Kyler Pearce who was the captain of the squad woke up from a coma after a catastrophic event, both him and rest of the squad went into retreat to further their strength and Power Rank. But while they were in retreat, Venerable Futian suddenly showed up and said the headquarters of the Monster Slaying Regiment in Country X has a special mission for the Monster Slaying Squad but they must meet the requirement of reaching the initial phase of the 9th Stage of the Qi Fusion Rank.

Although Venerable Futian was initially furious when he found out that the Monster Slaying Squad was in retreat and no one knew when they will come out, Sir Long Ye and the others later convinced him to wait for them to come out.

"Yes it will definitely be in vain because if it truly happened, it will show that the HQ was a bit muddled and gave this important mission to a group of brats who isn't cut out for it" Venerable Futian retorted as he suddenly stood up and was prepared to leave. But before he could leave his chair, a voice suddenly reverberated round the room as a boy appeared…

"Please where are you going Venerable Futian?"

The boy that appeared has glittering green hair which slightly passed his shoulders, A pair of bright jade green eyes and an exceptional temperament all around him. When everyone saw who the boy that just appeared is, they all sighed in relief.

The boy was none other than Kyler Pearce, the captain of the Monster Slaying Squad. After waking up from his coma two years ago, he decided to go into retreat with his squad to improve in both his strength and the squads'.

"Took you long enough" Venerable Demon said as he stared at Pearce with a stern look on his face. But what he is feeling within him is quite the opposite of the expression on his face.

When Pearce saw this, he had an apologetic expression on his face as he said while clasping his hands together "am truly sorry for making you seniors to wait on this junior for this long"

"You should be sorry" Venerable Futian suddenly said in a cold tone as he sat back down on his chair. When Pearce heard what Venerable Futian said, he suddenly frowned. But he didn't dwell on it too much as he asked.

"But why were you seniors waiting for me and my squad to come out of retreat?"

"Because there is a mission that was assigned to your squad from the headquarters" Hart Shila said blandly.

"A mission?" Pearce asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, the mission the headquarters assigned to your squad is to infiltrate a monster's base in a city in Country Y. We got a report that five Djinn were spotted in that base and we want to know why five Djinn are spotted in the same base" Venerable Futian explained with an indifferent expression on his face.

Djinn is a genie like creatures that has the power to see the fate of both humans and monsters. Although most of them are friendly in nature, there are also a few who uses this same power for evil.

"But before you and your squad can prepare for this mission, I would like to access you and your squad Power Rank to see if you meet the requirement" Venerable Futian suddenly said as he stared at Pearce.

When Pearce heard what Venerable Futian said, he made a smirk as he suddenly said out loud "You guys can now come in"

Suddenly, seven people appeared behind Pearce as the fluctuation of qi was all around the room. The seven people that just came in were none other than the Monster Slaying Squad members which include Drake George, Wayne Bridget, Turner Hutton, Bowen Daniella, Darwin Barnes, James Veronica and finally the Vice Captain of the squad Robert Hummingbird.

"Guys, why don't we show this man here our Power Rank" Pearce said casually as he pointed at the seated Venerable Futian.

"Yes Captain"

After the seven people answered Pearce, a frightening aura of qi exploded out of their body which shocked everyone in the room immensely.

"They all meet the requirement" Sir Long Ye said with a shocked expression on his face when he saw that they are all in the 9th stage of the Qi Fusion Rank.

"Pearce is even at the last phase" Venerable Demon also muttered with a shocked expression on his face as he saw the bright colored red qi frantically coming out of Pearce's body. When Venerable Futian saw all this, he suprisenly smirked as he thought.

'Looks like they didn't disappoint him'

Hello everyone (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)

am here to announce that for better understanding of the book, please read the part 1. Thanks (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

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