
Divine retribution of the misguided angel

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What is Divine retribution of the misguided angel

Leia o romance Divine retribution of the misguided angel escrito pelo autor LINESSI publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Many people ask why you are not getting married, why don't you want to have a boyfriend, you just work, you don't have time for yourself, you don't have time for your love life. Those are just some of the questions Yuri's acquaintances always ask. She always says that she doesn't have time for such things, she will prioritize her family and others. Yes, she really doesn't have time for such things because she spends all her time working to make her family proud and get their attention. She doesn't want a boyfriend because she doesn't want to share time with her family. She doesn't want her family to be disappointed even more. But it's destiny, it's inevitable that no man will try to court Yuri because she's beautiful and hardworking. But she tries to avoid Carlo because she doesn't want to be attached to him. But at times when she wanted to give up on life, Carlo was there to support her, to tell someone about a problem, he was there for Yuri, so Yuri's heart fell immediately. Carlo is his life, for Yuri if Carlo doesn't exist, she might not exist in this world anymore. Carlo was the reason why Yuri became happy again. But Carlo doesn't know Yuri's true feelings. Yuri thought that if she didn't give Carlo a motive, it would last longer in his life. SHe thought there was a right time for her to say her feelings. She just thought... Because it happens... "Life sucks" in Yuri's mind. "Why it is happening to me? Did I do something?" No matter what Yuri complains about her life, she can't bring back what happened. All she needs to do is to accept the fact. And besides, maybe God has a plan that's why everything is happening. Everything happens for a reason. But even though Yuri tried, it was still very painful to accept what happened. Yuri has a lot of what if's. What if she said what she felt. What if she made him feel her love when there was still time. Before it's too late Yuri felt so much pain and regret that she wished she could go back to the time when she was happy with Carlo. But when she returned to the past she discovered a lot. Many questions have been answered. A lot of self-regret. What happened then that Yuri regretted so much? To be continued ....

maria_mae10 · Urbano
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1 Chs


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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
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  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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