
Divine Evolution(Chaotic Wish)

After several year's, The god's of myth once thought to be non existent and a bunch of fairy tails suddenly reemerged on Earth. Moreover with the long passage of time their presence on earth had diminished, the god's had grown bored with their thirst for entertainment reaching an insatiable level. To quench their thirst for amusement, the god's decided to bestow several humans with systems but their gifts came with a catch for all those bestowed systems became monster's Known as EVO'S and like all monster's they were seen as a threat by all of humanity. As expected the two sides started waging war against the other while the supposedly benovelent god's sat back and watched. Ten years later the cruel god's grew bored of the supposed battle and in turn created a new breed of creatures later known to be Black card EVO'S to destroy all of creation in other for them to rebuild the world again. But unfortunately 4 Black card's thought otherwise, With them having lived a frustrated life where they were opressed before their rebirth. They decided to go against all three races, The god's, The Evo Beast's and humanity. Now being faced by all three due to their unwillingness to submit, a chaotic adventure awaits the 4 Black card EVO'S.

Lord_GrimX101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Chapter 18, Another EVO Beast

[A/N: Thanks to @Overpoweredchosen for the constant support, I really appreciate it and I hope other's would support me to, The more supporters I get the more chapters and word count I post ok^^ ]


A wooden door was swung open, a slim and fair looking young lady with dark yellow hair, emerald green eyes, fair eye lashes while clothed in a plain cloth dress ran in.

" What's all the commotion!, Don't you know how to knock‽–" An irritated voice emerged in a timely manner.

A man who looked like he was in his 50's, wearing a traditional Chinese kimono walked into the room, His name was Fa Shu.

" Oh it's just you Yi-Fei, What's wrong, why are you in such a rush" The man calmed down when he ascertained her identity.

Her full name was Fa Yi-Fei, She was his one and only daughter.

Seeing his daughter in such a worn out state Fa Shu quickly rushed to her side, he pulled her within his embrace, a look of genuine worry could be seen on his face.

" Yi-Fei you don't look too good my dear, Did something happen to you while you were out?" Fa Shu asked his daughter, his voice filled with warmth as he held her within his embrace.

" P-Papa you won't believe what just happened" Fa Yi-Fei sniffled within her father's embrace, her moistened eyes dabbing gently on his cloth.

" What is it, What did you see Yi-Fei, Tell me what happened" Fa Shu pulled her Infront of him, holding both her shoulders respectively while gazing into her eye's.

" Well you know how that dog of a monster The tyrannical Shang-hai has been terrorizing our forest's for over a year now" she said with a meek tone.

" Yes I do, is that what's wrong, did that bastard of a dog send his cronies to attack you again?" Fa Shu became irritated at the thought of that.

Ever since he could remember, The moment that insufferable dog arrived over a year ago, He had made it his mission to plunder their forest.

His people who lived in the forest as simple villagers were forced to watch as he killed and Devoured every little ounce of livestock of theirs.

Since he was a powerful EVO beast and they were nothing but simple villagers, Anyone who dared to stand in his way were killed and eaten by his savage minions.

Moreover unlike most monsters he knew of, His own daughter was a special case.

 Ten years ago when a few people around suddenly vanished into thin air, Fa Shu was quick to realize what really happened for his very own daughter had turned into a young deer right before his eyes.

With the world heading towards a chaotic path where most of humanity persecuted and killed all Evo beasts due to the rash actions of some of them.

 Fa Shu who feared for his daughters life decided to leave the safety of Beijing city districts to seek refuge within Jiufeng national forest which no one dared to venture due to the risk's of Evo Beast's that were appearing in rural areas all over the world.

Ever since that day he had pleaded with their god's to please remove this cruel curse they had placed on his child.

Fa Yi-Fei was his only daughter and child, he just couldn't bare to live her like this, Fortunately a few months afterwards his prayer was answered.

His daughter had managed to be blessed with a transformation ability by one of the god's, Namely the great god

Cāngdì, Also known as "Green Deity" or "Green Emperor" of Dōngyuèdàdì meaning "Great Deity of the Eastern Peak".

He is the manifestation of the supreme God associated with the essence of wood and spring, for which he is worshipped as the god of fertility. The Great Azure Dragon (Qīnglóng) is both his animal form and constellation.

Moreover as a human, he was Tàihào (Fu Xi).

[1] His female consort is the goddess of fertility Bixia. 

[2] His astral body is Jupiter.

* * * * * *

With the ability to shift between her human and beast form, Fa Yi-Fei became the guardian of Jiufeng national forest just like her benefactor had asked of her.

News soon spread that Jiufeng national forest was a protected heaven causing the poor and homeless who couldn't survive in the city due to the growing yet hard economy, with nowhere else to go they all decided to relocate to Jiufeng national forest.

 Sadly that all changed when Shang-hai arrived, as another Evo beast he longed to devour her in other to increase his strength but due to Fa Yi-Fei's other ability.

«[Nature's Protection]» 

She was able to escape him time after time, Nevertheless because she couldn't face him nor could she beat him, She has been forced to hide away inturn allowing him to take over the forest.

* * * *

" Uhh well yes and no, but that's not the point, You see I think we might not have a monster in our forest anymore..." Fa Yi-Fei muttered underneath her breath.

" Huh, What are you saying my dear, could it be that Shang-hai happened to meet an unfortunate end‽" Her father who had heard her became stunned, it was a known fact that Shang-hai was a formidable force to be reckoned with so the thought of him suddenly meeting an abrupt end would leave any of the villagers speechless.

" I wish.....but no father, it's that....well" She paused, Yi-Fei twiddled her fingers together thinking of how she would break down the news to him.

" Well father.....we might not have a monster in our forest anymore because I think there's not just one monster in our forest to be exact but 2?"She said meekly her voice cracking a bit at the end.

" What?!" The man stared at her with bewilderment, One EVO beast in their forest was already to much for them to deal with, The meer thought of there being more was something he never dared to imagine.

* * * * * * 


A Fat, Scar covered beast head dropped to the ground with a thud, The head was naturally The Alpha dog's severed head.

" The heck!, Where did you get that scary thing!" Ebube exclaimed with shock when he saw the beasts head.

" A dog's head?" The black scorpion said plainly as if such a thing wasn't much of a surprise at all.

" Can I eat it?..." Zara asked, her eye's shinned brightly like a pair of jews at the sight of fresh food.

" Of course you can, Why else would I bring back food if not to eat hahahaha, but not now ok, let me set them down somewhere first then you can eat" Chinonso replied with a light smile.

' Yayy!, So much yummy yummy food all for me^^' 

Zara who heard him wagged her tail in excitement, She couldn't wait to dine in.

* * * * *

Hey there, Hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart Author and AE who could really use the support ok, Any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone 

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal 

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

(4) Divine Evolution: What kind of wish is this

(5) Unorthodox Path to Divinity

(6) Fallen Prince: I shall become the one true king 

And so much more.

My penname is always LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me on any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.