
DSS shorts: Changes II

She had stopped meeting with friends and family and equally declined visits. The baby was pushing on her bladder, and the bathroom became her second home.

Quincy had spoken with Justin and Claudia about it, but they weren't of much help. Claudia said Summer had always lived in her own bubble of school and work, so she might feel extra frustrated not being able to do the things she loved.

"Everyone says pregnancy is so great but why do I feel so miserable?" She cried in front of the bathroom mirror.

"I just want to get this over with."

After stepping out of the bathroom, she met with Quincy's doting eyes. Her husband really did his best. His comments had always made her mood better at the beginning of her term. Now, it just all sounded ridiculous.

They hadn't been intimate for the past 2 months because she couldn't bear him running his hands over her imperfections. She knew she was being insecure and extremely bitchy but it was out of her control.

She felt hurt so it was only right for her to hurt the guilty party.

"It's all your fault," she said as she choked back her tears.

"You made me ugly and insecure. I don't want to see you."

She stepped out of the room after venting. She waddled all the way to the next room and closed the door behind her.

She regretted.

The moment those words left her mouth, she regretted.

It wasn't his fault at all, and she was a horrible person for even thinking that.

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