
Chapter 11

His deep brown eyes scan me from head to toe, making me feel things that I haven't felt for the last 5 years.

Damon Dolohov is here.

By the look on his face, I can guess that he had been here during the whole performance. His eyes hold a blazing fire, so unlike anything I expected from him that I almost trip on thin air.

I am clumsy, I know.

I somehow balance myself at the last minute and regain my footing.

His eyes never move their gaze from mine, and I have no choice but to excuse myself away from my friends to get as far away from Damon as possible.

I rush towards the washroom, hoping to compose myself and somehow stop the memories from rushing through my head.

I try controlling my breathing. Somehow trying to be in control of something I know in my mind that I have no control over.

My breathing quickens, my chest tightens, I see blurry images dancing over my eyes. A blur of black and a familiar set of brown eyes come within my vision. I feel myself tilting backwards.

"Andrea. Andrea, stay with me," Damon holds my body as I am falling. He kneels down with me, holding my head on his lap as he panics. My eyes tear up, my body still quivering.

"I- i," choking on each letter, somehow trying to speak.

"Hey hey, calm down. I am here, okay? I am right here," he says, and even though I can't even get a good hold of my surroundings, I know that he is afraid for me right now.

He pulls me in his arms and rocks me, slowly and patiently, knowing perfectly well that will calm me down.

"You okay?" He asks, once I tap his shoulder, letting him know he can let go of me.

"Yeah, thanks for the help," I say, as he helps me sit up and lean against the wall.

"I didn't have much choice I guess. You were in my private room, and I don't know, I just have a feeling that I know you," Damon says, his hands combing through his hair in a frustrating manner like he couldn't get a hold of something.

"You private room?" I ask, my left eyebrow raises in a question manner.

"Uh huh," Damon nods, standing up and pulling me up with him as well. I try to stand upright but my legs feel like they are made of jelly. I somehow try walking again, but I slip and am about to fall but a pair of arms grab me before I could.

Saving me from falling. Again.

'This seems too cheesy, even for me. If I hadn't remembered how he has broken up with me over a text and blocked me over every social media so I couldn't get in contact with him, I might've even fallen for this good guy act of his,' I think, scoffing. It's too much of a see-through. He's totally pretending like he doesn't know me at all.

"I thought you would notice me being in partnership with Tristan in this club," he says, his left arm wrapping around my waist to support me as he walks me out of the washroom and towards his room.

I didn't even notice that I had entered a private room's washroom. I guess I was too busy running away from Damon that I didn't even notice that I ran right into him.

"I didn't exactly go through all of the paperwork and everything by today. I still have time, you know?" I say, and grab the sofa as he slowly helps me down on it.

"Yeah, I know," Damon says, and takes a bottle of alcohol before sitting in front of me on another sofa. "I just don't understand why you look and feel so familiar," Damon's hands rub his forehead.

If I wasn't confused before, I definitely am now. He hands me a glass of, what I am guessing is the strong kind of stuff. And even though I am a lightweight, I still take it. I need a strong drink if I am going to have a conversation with this man.

"Why won't I feel and look familiar?" I yell, absolutely dumbfounded and not being able to keep up the stranger act anymore.

"Why would you?" He yells back, and I could sense that he was genuinely confused.

But that only made me more confused.

What in hell is going on?

"You don't remember things?" I ask, tasting the idea of him forgetting me somehow in my mouth. I take a sip from my drink, and down the rest of it in one-go.

"I told you to stay the heck out of my personal business," Damon says, his teeth gritting and his whole composure becoming guarded.

He is feeling vulnerable. He takes a drink from his glass and downs it in one-go just like me.

"Hey hey. We are not in the office anymore. And I am not your assistant right now," I say, leaning forward and putting my elbows on my knees.

My strength is slowly returning and I know if I wanted to walk out of this room right now, I definitely could. But, I was curious now.

"What makes you think that will make me let you meddle in my life?"

"I am not meddling. I just want to know why you don't remember me?" Forcing the 'me' subconsciously so hard, that I instantly regret it the moment it comes out of my mouth.

"You were important to me," Damon states, and I know he's deep in thought. Or, maybe just pretending. He pours himself another drink and leans back.

"Uh, sorry," I say, standing up. He's digging about things that I really don't want to remember. Trip to memory lane is not exactly what I had in mind for tonight. "You're right. I shouldn't have meddled."


I stop myself from standing up at his order-like statement. Suddenly I am not so curious about what happened to him. If he forgot, good, or did not forget and is just pretending, good. I don't care either way.

'Stop lying to yourself, Andrea. You and I both know that you care," My subconscious sings the word, giddily.

'Oh shut up," I retorted back, rolling my eyes.

"Excuse me?" Damon asks, his eyes dumbfounded.

Shit. I spoke that out loud.

"Sorry. Not you," I say and cringe. What in hell is going on?! If he doesn't actually remember me, then surely he thinks I am crazy now. No one is here except us, so basically indicates I was talking to myself like a mad-man.

Damon rolls his eyes. Downs another glass of drink as well.

Thank God nothing more.

"Sit back down, Andrea Harper,"

I groan in exasperation and force myself to sit back down.

"What?" I ask.

"What don't I remember?"

"I-i don't know," I say, stuttering a little at this direct question.

At this point, I don't think he's pretending anymore. Otherwise, he wouldn't be purposely pushing a button in that conversation.

His eyes narrow in my direction. I gulp.

"I gotta go. My friends are waiting for me," I say and before he could say anything else to stop me, I stand up and stride towards the door.

I try the knob. It's locked. That f**king piece of hell.

I swing around and gasp out loud at the close proximity he's with me. The strange feeling in my stomach returns.

My back hits the door and he comes closer, looking down at me. Still waiting for me to answer his questions.

"If you want to know what I was to you," I say, my voice low. "You have to let me in. Tell me why you don't remember me."

"Accident 5 years ago. Amnesia," He says, hesitantly, his breath hitching.

My whole face changes from curiosity to instant concern. Things make so much better sense now.

"You were my boyfriend for 2 years. I loved you," I mutter as he grabs my elbows to get me to answer my part.

His arms leave my elbow only to trap me to the door. He leans his mouth closer to mine and a shiver runs down my spine, making me quiver a little. The alcohol is already blurring my senses. And him being this close to me, I clearly won't be able to think at all.

"Andrea," Damon breathes out my name, his breath tickling over my face. His eyes dilate and we both forget what we were talking about in the first place.

His eyes are trained directly on my lips, unmoving. My lips part to let a breath out and his eyes turn completely black.

My eyes are now trained on his lips as well. He looks deeply in my eyes, his breath hitching the same way as mine.

His hands leave the door and come to wrap around my waist hesitantly, like he was afraid I was going to jerk him off.

But once I don't move at all, he takes another brave step and pulls me closer to him.

His eyes turn hazy, and my eyes follow to copy the same action.

We both are breathing the same air, our bodies are tightly linked together, and even though we are not kissing, this feels much more intimate.

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