
Chapter 10

Henrietta walked to her office to see one of the men in black at the door of her office standing right there. She was confused for a while before her secretary quickly walked up to her.

"Good morning ma." The lady said.

"Good morning Susan," Henrietta replied. "What is that man doing at my door?" She asked.

"Yes, ma. He is your bodyguard ma." Susan replied.

Henrietta was more than confused by the look on her face. "How come? I did not ask for a bodyguard."

"Madam Vanessa said you should see her when you get to the office ma."

"You go to her office and tell her to come to my office," Henrietta said angrily as she storms off to her office without considering the bodyguard who wanted to introduce himself.

Henrietta angrily sat on the couch in wait for Vanessa as she folded her hands in frustration.

"Vanessa is crossing the line. I hate this." She sulked as she stood and went to the bar to take whiskey. She poured a little into a cup and went back to the couch before Vanessa came in.

Vanessa smiled brightly as she walked up to her. "Good morning angel."

"Tell me what that was all about in front of my office?" Henrietta asked angrily.

"It's a bodyguard Herietta and he is just here to do his job."

"What Job Vanessa? The last time I checked I did not tell you I needed a bodyguard."

"But you need it now. You might not say it but I know you need it."

"Vanessa, go and tell that man at the door to leave right this minute because I will not take it lightly with you."

"Are you angry with me baby?"

"And how in the world would I not be angry? Tell me."

"A group of guys vandalized the walls of the building on Saturday."

"What for?"

"They came here but they can come to us next."

"But you can't expect me to take that hefty man home with us. The unspeakable might happen."

Vanessa laughed. "You are not the only one living in the house Henrietta. And these guys will be staying at the security post not in the house."

"I still do not think this is a good idea because I wasn't informed before you made this decision and for that reason, I am out."

"Okay, I am sorry I did not inform you."

"Vanessa, look, the problem is not about you not informing me. It is about you doing the same thing over and over again and all you have to say is sorry. I can't have you make decisions for me like I am some kind of dummy."

"I am sorry for making you feel like that but at the same time you know I will do nothing to harm you and it is for our good because I have a bodyguard."

"Are you kidding me right now Vanessa? We don't need two, one is okay. This is wasting of resources."

"Henrietta please agree with me on this. You need this. We need this."

"Okay fine but no more surprises, please. They are getting out of hand."

Vanessa stood up to hug Henrietta in her seat. "Thank you for being understanding baby. I love you."

"Can I call him in now?" Vanessa added.

"Sure but I have to tell Damola about this first."

"Alright then. Let me call him in." Vanessa left the office to call the man in. She walked in a few seconds later with the man behind her.

"Henrietta meet Ethan," Vanessa said as she sat back beside Henrietta.

"Nice meeting you ma'am," Ethan said as he stood on attention.

"It's also nice meeting you Ethan and I will love it if you stick to your business only while working with me. Am I clear?" Henrietta asked sternly.

"Yes, ma. Your wish is my command ma." Ethan said without looking into Herietta's face. His face was cold and his expression shows that of a fighter.

"You can go now." Vanessa sent him off.

"Okay, ma." Ethan walked out of the office as Vanessa faced Henrietta.

"So how far about the groom?" Vanessa asked excitedly.

"He is fine. The fashion designer is done with everything he needs and his assistant is working on the rest." Henrietta replied as she pressed her phone.

"I talked with the event planner on Saturday and she told me they've gotten a hall and the caterers are also on standby."

"That's good. Tell her to follow my specifications and I don't want the baker to bake rubbish as a wedding cake for me. It is an elite wedding and I can't allow anything degrading."

"I will just tell Elizabeth to call her, so she can come talk to you herself."

"I will appreciate that."

Damola ended up coming to Henrietta's office to talk with her when he saw Ethan at the door who refused to let him enter.

"What is the meaning of this madness? Do you know who I am?" Damola asked angrily.

"I am sorry I don't know you, sir. I can't allow you to enter without an order." Ethan replied.

"Wait! Did Henrietta put you up to this?" Damola asked curiously.

"She is my boss and she did not tell me she would be receiving visitors today," Ethan replied.

Damola was about to call Herietta when Susan came out of the toilet to see him looking angry on the spot.

"Good afternoon sir." Susan quickly greeted.

"Good afternoon Susan," Damola replied as he scroll through his phone.

"Why are you standing outside sir? Madam Henrietta is in her office, sir." She asked worriedly.

"This thing has preferred to lock me out of my fiancee's office because he was not given an order," Damola said referring to Ethan.

"Ethan, this is our boss's fiance," Susan whispered as Damola put a call through to Henrietta.

"Henrietta. Come out now and tell me the meaning of this madness at your door." Damola said sternly as he caught the call.

Henrietta rushed to the door and opened it to see Damola standing against the wall looking pissed at the whole situation.

"Babe. I am so sorry. I did not know you are coming." Henrietta said apologetically.

Damola hissed and entered Herietta's office without a response to her apology. Henrietta faced Ethan angrily.

"Are you so clueless you could not even put a call through?" Henrietta asked angrily.

"I am sorry ma'am. I didn't know he was your fiance," Ethan pleaded.

"And where were you Susan before the whole thing started?" Henrietta asked.

"I was in the restroom ma," Susan replied as Henrietta angrily entered her office to see Damola sitting right on the couch looking very angry.

"Babe, I am sorry for what happened earlier." Henrietta pleaded.

"Henrietta, we spent the whole weekend together and you did not see any reason whatsoever to tell me that you would be hiring a bodyguard," Damola asked angrily.

"I am very sorry honey. Please forgive me. Something came up and Vanessa decided to hire them to keep us safe."

"And you did not deem it fit to tell me first."

"I am sorry. This whole thing came to me today unannounced."

"Seriously I want that guy fired right this moment. I don't want to see the guy anywhere around you."

"Babe, I can't do that. Some people came here to vandalize this place over the weekend. Vanessa was worried that they might come for us later. That's why she hired them."

"Henrietta don't make me regret picking you up. This is getting out of hand."