
Dimensional Travel: The Ageless Wanderer

Max Draven, a high school student, was tormented by his bully, Dany, the son of the city's top businessman, and his gang. The relentless bullying pushed Max to the brink of suicide, but he lacked the courage to follow through and didn’t want to worry his parents. One day, during another round of torment, Max accidentally fell from the roof of the school building. Miraculously, he survived but slipped into a coma. In the darkness of his subconscious, Max found himself in a vast, lightless space. Confused, he heard a voice from behind him: "This is inside your subconscious mind." Turning around, he saw a shadow of an old man with long hair and beard, his eyes glowing light blue and exuding a dominating presence. "Who are you?" Max asked. "I’m you, and you are me. We are one. Live with no regrets," the old man replied. As Max stared in confusion, his head began to hurt again. After four long months, Max finally woke up. His eyes glowed a light blue. As he began to wonder where he was, a sharp pain surged through his head. The nurse walked in and, seeing him in agony, called for the doctor in a panic. The doctor rushed in and administered an injection, slowly easing Max’s pain and lulling him into a deep slumber. After some time he woke up to see his mother by his side sleeping from exhaustion. "I'm back. Is this really true? What day is today?" he murmured. "June 6th, 2024. It’s only been four months then." With a perplexed look, Max pondered what was real and what was a dream. He knew that this was real; he had returned after what felt like 400 years of hell. He was glad. "Ha…" he sighed in relief. Thoughts of his bullies filled his mind, and his eyes glowed with a deadly rage and killing intent. "Every one of you will pay for what you did. I’ll make sure you do." During his coma, Max's consciousness had accidentally traveled to a world full of war and conflict, inhabited by cultivators and sects. He had endured 400 years of strife and hardship there, but in the real world, only four months had passed. Now, armed with the knowledge and strength from his otherworldly experience, Max was determined to seek vengeance on those who had tormented him. The bullies who had pushed him to the edge would soon face the consequences of their actions.

life_is_life_2681 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

The First Steps

"Let's focus. I can't always avoid these kinds of problems. I need to make my own force to face them in the future."

"First, I have to strengthen myself to protect the people important to me."

"Let's start with that."

He sat cross-legged in a meditation pose and began to focus his mind. He opened the storage in his mind and took out five stones that shone bright blue, releasing a slight blue cloud with shiny particles.

He placed all five stones around him, closed his eyes, and started to focus on the particles being released. He began to feel them. After some time, the particles swarmed around Max. Once they fully surrounded him, he collected every particle into his body, forming a space to store them in his stomach's qi/chakra point. Sweat drops appeared on his face. After a while, his whole body was covered in sweat, as if someone had poured a bucket of water on him.

After a struggle, he vomited a mouthful of blood, then smirked. Finally…

He stood up and walked to the bathroom mirror. He could feel his body slowly healing five times faster than before. If he wanted, he could heal himself instantly by concentrating on cultivation. But that would be suspicious if doctors or nurses checked on him and found no injuries.

There was a chance of him becoming a research subject for some secret government organization, which he wanted to avoid. "Thanks to those level 1 spiritual stones, it seems I've become stronger than before. I don't have to rush. I need to build my strength slowly without arousing suspicion. Let's take it slow and steady."

He took a shower and changed his clothes, cleaning them so his mother or others wouldn't notice the bloodstains. Just as he planned to return to bed, his mother entered the room, looking at the bed with a confused expression.


"Did you spill water on the bed?"

"Ahh… Yeah… Sorry about that."

"No, it's alright. Next time, tell me. You are not allowed to do this until you get better. It's good to know that you can walk without a problem, but don't push yourself so hard."

"Okay, Mom, I won't."

After a few days, a doctor came to check his condition.

"It seems you are healing pretty well. At most, it will take two to three months. Rest and please diligently follow physical rehabilitation exercises to regain strength and mobility." saying that after a while he went back.

The process had been intense for the first time, but it was worth it. As he lay back in bed, he made a silent vow to keep growing stronger.

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