
Dimensional Store in Glory City

A mysterious and flashy shop is located in a part of Glory City, what will happen when Nie Li reincarnates and sees the change in his City? "Professor Shen Xiu, are you Legend rank?" "Dad, are you by any chance understanding the Law of Fire?" "Sister, where did you get that sword from?" "Hey wait, because I'm Black Gold rank" "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" . . . . This is my Patreon, you can follow me to read more advanced Chapters patreon.com/Madarasama222 . . ( I'm really bad at english so i'm using google translate hope it won't be any inconvenience for you)

UchihaMadara_sama · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 36: Itachi vs Gui Sha

Gui Sha was getting a little impatient after waiting for about two hours.

"What are those idiots doing? It's just a trash village, there isn't even anyone at the top of the Gold rank," he said with annoyance.

After a few minutes, he decided to go personally.

He passed through the still-under-construction walls and entered the village.

Suddenly, he saw one of his subordinates running towards him with a horrified expression.

"Lord Gui Sha," the man cried and stood behind Gui Sha.

"What's going on? Is there still an elite hidden in this village? We received information that the guards of the Viento Nevado family had already returned," Gui Sha frowned and looked around.

But he didn't find any threat. There were only fighters and demon spiritists of the Silver rank around.

The previously bulky man made a signal for them to stop.

Gui Sha's mere presence caused terror.

"No, there's just a matrix that acts as a barrier and seals our spiritual power. Right now, I'm only a 1-star Bronze rank," the adult man cried.

The fresh memory of his colleagues' massacre was still in his mind.

"Are you the only one left?" Gui Sha asked indifferently.

"Yes, I was able to escape thanks to the chief's sacrifice," he replied.

"Shi Tai died?" Gui Sha was very angry to hear this.

Shi Tai was at the top of the Gold rank, about to advance to the Black Gold rank. A combat power cultivated by the Dark Guild like that was, of course, difficult to accept such a loss.

Gui Sha let out some of his Black Gold rank spiritual power and crushed many spiritists belonging to the village.

"Damn, this guy is quite powerful," the bulky man who was leading the hunt cursed his bad luck.

He did not expect that an elite that even the matrix in the village could not stop would come.

The spiritual pressure was getting stronger and stronger. Everyone felt that they were being slowly crushed to death.

But suddenly, the shadow of a kick passed by Gui Sha's eyes, who was caught off guard.

He never thought that in this small village, there would be a power that could rival his.

The heavy kick landed on his face, causing him to stagger to the limits of the forest outside the village.


He crashed into a few trees.

"I can't believe I let my guard down," he said with annoyance.

He had relied on not feeling anyone powerful in the surroundings. He did not expect that the other party knew how to hide so well.

"But I'm surprised that there's someone here who can compete with me," Gui Sha wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked towards the figure that appeared in a blink in front of him.

He was a handsome young man. Tall and slim, with short, straight black hair.

He wears a metallic object on his forehead and a long dark cloak with many red clouds around it.

Looking at Gui Sha with a calm and serene expression on his face, making him look cold and calculating.

The most terrifying thing was his eyes with red pupils. With three concentric tomoes around them.

This was Itachi Uchiha.

Known for being a powerful ninja from the Uchiha clan of Konoha, in the anime Naruto.

He is a genius in the use of the Sharingan, a technique of the Uchiha that allows him to copy and anticipate his opponents' movements, among many other tricks.

Itachi is a very complex character, with a quiet and mysterious personality that hides his true nature and motivations. He is often described as cold and calculating, but it is also shown that he has great love and care for his younger brother.

Inside the village, Cao Yunlan, his parents, and several elders nervously watched the fight. Betting everything on the educated young man who came out of the card that Cao Yunlan crushed.

"Can he win?" Cao Fenguan's father asked.

"Let's trust him," Cao Yunlan shook her head.

No other option remained, and it was Cao Fenguan himself who had told him that crushing this letter could easily solve any problem.

Returning to the battle, Gui Sha looked at the young man in front of him.

"You're quite strong, managing to land such a kick on me." He had the impulse to praise his opponent.

The young man with an impassive face didn't respond.

He just performed a few hand movements.

Then, an exclamation was heard.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu."

Itachi exhaled a fireball, which shot out of his mouth with great speed and power, creating a huge ball of fire that headed towards Gui Sha.

To perform this technique, Itachi first makes the necessary hand seals, which are: Tiger, Snake, Dragon, Horse, and Tiger. Then, he inhales deeply and concentrates chakra in his chest, forming a large fireball in his mouth.

The heat and intensity of the fireball were so great that Gui Sha had to fuse with his Spirit Demon.

"Bloody Devil."


Gui Sha received the attack head-on, protecting himself with his arms.

After the huge fireball dissipated, Gui Sha's figure could be seen.

Although he was fine, he had several minor burns.

This is a very powerful fire technique that Itachi Uchiha is capable of performing by making hand seals and concentrating chakra in his chest. This technique is capable of causing a great deal of damage and destruction and is one of the most impressive and fearsome techniques in Itachi's arsenal.

"You're pretty good. Why don't you join my Dark Guild instead of protecting this trash people who are not worth it?" said Gui Sha, extending his right hand.

The maximum aura of a Black Gold rank was unleashed completely.

Itachi felt his blood acting in a strange way, getting to the point where he couldn't control his body.

He was surprised by the other party's strange technique, but well, strange is what there is the most in his own world.


After the exclamation, his pupils changed shape before an orange energy enveloped him.

Slowly, the energy materialized into a giant with an intimidating and powerful appearance, with a distinctive sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

This technique is called Susanoo.

Susanoo is a technique used by members of the Uchiha clan who have awakened this type of eyes.

As for the sword, it is Totsuka no Tsurugi, a sacred sword that can seal anyone or anything it touches into an eternal illusion.

Gui Sha felt a serious threat from this humanoid giant as he saw it wielding the sword towards him.

"Blood Force."

His Spirit Demon is capable of manipulating blood, so it wasn't too difficult for him to extract all the blood from the subordinate who had escaped, killing him instantly.

"Blood Hammer."

Gui Sha's demon abilities manifested as an extremely dark light.

Suddenly, a huge completely dark hammer materialized and clashed against the giant sword.


A thick sound resonated, followed by a slight shockwave when the two attacks collided head-on.

Itachi continued with an impassive look, while Gui Sha was a little overwhelmed by the collision between the attacks.

Although this forbidden technique is a great burden on Itachi's eyes, if you looked closely, his eyes weren't bleeding at all, something typical when using this pupil power called Mangekyo Sharingan.

But miraculously, his eyes were in a state of self-healing, even his blindness was slowly disappearing.

Something to mention is that spiritual energy is something that is created from heaven and earth. Something extremely magical that can even heal your superficial wounds.

Itachi, by using Susanoo, gathered chakra and spiritual energy at the same time in his eyes, although the process wasn't as fast as in his world, it was enough to maintain Susanoo.

And the spiritual energy, upon coming into contact with his eyes, provided him with a kind of healing, to prolong his blindness much longer once he returned to his world.

They clashed their weapons for a few minutes until Itachi found an opening in Gui Sha's posture in the sky and whispered.






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