
Dimensional Driver

Johnny had won the most recent championship and was thinking of calling it quits after the current season. That all changed when he was given an opportunity to use his skills. Testing a new prototype vehicle for a virtual test realm for Banzai Bangers. Unfortunately, things wouldn’t go to plan. Johnny ends up trapped in another world. With no way to get home. He is at the mercy of this new world. That is until he is saved by the mysterious Radiant Alliance. With their help and his AI assistant. Johnny will face a new threat at every literal turn. Whether it be portals, rift eaters, or old rivals. He will need help anywhere he can get it. If he hopes to succeed in defeating the ultimate evil of the Loathing One. Follow Johnny as he fights, races, and destroys his way across the universe. As he attempts to thwart the plans of the Loathing One from getting more powerful. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I AM DONE WITH BOOK 1. I AM CURRENTLY, JUST TWEAKING THE STORY. I AM GETTING FEEDBACK FROM SOME DISCORD USERS. I AM POSTING HERE TO GET MORE FOLLOWERS FOR THE STORY. I KNOW SOME OF THE GRAMMAR IS BAD. ENGLISH IS MY NATIVE LANGUAGE BUT I STUGGLE WITH IT. MOSTLY POSTING FOR PEOPLE TO ENJOY A STORY. PLEASE DON'T ADD REVIEWS UNTIL I AM DONE TWEAKING THE FIRST BOOK, P.S. THERE ARE GENRES THAT I COULDN'T ADD TO THE LISTING. I WANTED TO ADD ELDRITCH HORROR, RACING, DEMOLITION DERBY, SCI-FI, EVIL DEITY, CYBORGS, MULTIPLE WORLDS, ETC...

J_D_ELDRAIS · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs



Johnny found himself waking up in the prototype with a start. The humanoid rift eater stood by him with his arms crossed. The beast was disappointed as it spoke. "Normally, I would half let you die from smoke inhalation there, but as The Loathing One says you made it above the cutline. Besides he was enjoying the show.You were allowed to have assistance for five minutes." It finished with a sigh. "Your comrade Julia healed you. If you are wondering, but she is back now at the check in building." He continued to rant. "I hope you don't survive the final quarter. This time it is going to be drag race." The beast finished with a distained tone, before walking away.

Johnny just sighed as he took deep breaths in and out sitting in the prototype. I am glad Julia was able to heal me from the ash in my lungs. She also fixed my hearing too. I gotta make it to her somehow after this.

After knowing he was fine. Johnny checked over the terminal again to access the damage he had gained from the obstacle course race. At least the suspension isn't in too bad of shape this time. He only had to fix some minor damage. He was alerted the core essence would drop to twenty-five percent after that. He again ignored the warning and let the prototype repair itself.

Johnny made a quick assessment of what he was going to need for this leg. Unfortunately, the terminal said he wouldn't have enough core essence. Before he could panic a hidden option on the terminal allowed him to transfer any used weapons or armor back to the core for more essence. Johnny hit yes on the terminal as he decided to leave only a few select weapons. He was now back to thirty-five percent with essence. He then moved onto the next phase of commands.

Johnny set up the prototype run as fast as possible. He turned the of the prototype into a Koenigsegg Jesko. He added a six-speed automatic transmission. Although he had more core essence, he chose not to add any armor or new weapons. He added two tanks of nitros oxide to help him get a boost. With the changes made he hit the terminal to change to the prototype. He was given another warning that he would be down to ten percent in essence, again he ignored the message and hit yes. He watched as the prototype glow a dark purple as the prototype shifted from a rally vehicle into the Jesko. I'm coming for you Julia.

With his preparations made Johnny pulled up to the starting grid for the last 125 miles. He would be starting in twenty-fifth position. Johnny looked past the other cars at the track ahead. Nighttime soon would be over as the moon was setting low and the light of day was just beginning. It passed over the blackened desert landscape. The road was smooth with no signs of wear or tear. Johnny noticed the road had a banking when reaching the turns.

The countdown with the lights initiated as they went from red to green. When the light hit green, everyone took off from the starting grid. Johnny quickly passed ten drivers at the start. He was hitting 250 mph within the next few minutes trying to get a feel for the car.

"This is too much." Johnny thought to himself with excitement as his heart was hammering from the speed.

Within a few minutes Johnny had already clocked off about 8 miles he was now running in fifth position. Johnny was now roaring the engine at 300 mph. He had used the draft from other cars to pull ahead into his current spot. Johnny was having a frustrating time trying to pass fourth who kept blocking him every time he tried to pass. He had almost spun out and crashed from trying to pass.

How I am going to pass this guy. Johnny thought with frustration gritting his teeth. Low on ammo Johnny didn't want to use his weapons till the very end. Sixth place pulled up next to Johnny on the left. The driver was going for a pass on Johnny. Thinking of a move. Johnny pulled to the right as both now were going to pass fourth going three-wide.

As Johnny began to pull by with the driver on his left. Johnny heard a whistling sound which was followed by a massive explosion. Johnny looked to his left to see both cars exploded into a massive fireball as he drove on. He watched from the rearview as both cars tumbled down the road ripping off pieces of their cars. Flaming debris littered the road where a few unlucky drivers ran over blowing out tires or breaking some other part of the cars.

Johnny then noticed in his rear view as he rounded a corner. A black mass began to appear on the roadway behind him. It started out with a glimmering form as is faded into existence. A midnight black semi-truck with an attached trailer began to barrel down on Johnny and the remainder of the field. On the trailer of the truck were guns and cannons. Johnny looked out in horror as it fired another shell towards Johnny.

By this point Johnny had made it to the final quarter of the last leg of the race. The truck had managed to take out fifteen other drivers. A few drivers had been knocked out by broken parts or worn cars. There were only five cars running as the truck continued to shower the racers with bullets and cannon fire. Johnny had enough.

"I need to get this monkey off my back." Johnny said in frustration who was running in third currently. Johnny went over the options of left over weapons he still had. "I have oil slick, flame thrower, and a gatling rifle with 100 rounds left. I also have a pistol but that will not work." He sighed. "Let's just hope this idiocy of a plan works and I don't blow up." He complained to himself.

Johnny hit a button to activate the oil slick. It splattered on the ground causing both fourth and fifth to lose control and crash into the truck. They spun of its front bumper into the sand. The truck began to slide. Johnny then used the last of the flame thrower as he ignited the oil. It instantly went up in flames as the truck was engulfed in an enormous fireball. The other two car were also engulfed in flames. Johnny looked in his rearview mirror as he heard explosions going off. Yes! Thought Johnny with a satisfied tone. His glory was short lived when he watched the truck come out of the wall of fire. The truck had suffered sever damage from the fire and explosions. The truck was now driving with a blown up and burnt trailer. The cab was smoldering as I drove like a beast rampaging in hell.

Johnny gulped as he looked at the truck that was now barreling down on him. There was now less than ten miles to go. Johnny activated his first tank of nitro as he blasted past both first and second to get away from the enraged semi. The truck then pick up speed as it rear ended third place off the road. The car lost control and flipped violently landing in a smoking heap.

First place seeing Johnny boost by activated his nitro as well. They both were neck and neck with two miles left. The track went down a hill that soon evened out with the finish line in view. Johnny was desperate to get the truck off him more than anything. I kept ramming Johnny who was able to control his car. Johnny needed to think quickly. He grabbed the last tank of nitro as he threw it out of the window. The tank got caught in the truck's grill. The truck then rammed Johnny again without any avail.

Johnny regained control and lined up the gatling rifle. He swung the gun around backwards from the top of the car as if fired at the tank filled with nitro. As Johnny began to fire at the truck. It rammed him again. This time he lost control, spinning into the other driver. The other driver lost control into a barrier full of tires. He then spun back out onto the track. Johnny was able to gain control for a moment.

The truck exploded as Johnny made the shot. The tank of nitro ignited blowing the truck into a massive fireball, as shrapnel and debris flew in all directions. A piece of shrapnel blew throw the rear window as Johnny was driving. It pierced him in the abdomen. The sudden pain caused him to lose control. Johnny began to slide off the road. He was driving sideways as he tried to gain control of the car. The prototype began to bounce on the uneven ground at high speed. The car eventually blew over from the bouncing. Johnny was sent barrel rolling end over end. He ended up flipping back onto the track. He lost count of how many times he was flipping over. Soon he stopped flipping. Johnny now was sitting 100 feet from the finish line. Johnny groaned as his vision was fuzzy. A few seconds later he was able to focus.

"This is just great." Thought Johnny. He quickly did a report check on the prototype. The suspension had been destroyed. "I need to fix this fast." Johnny groaned from the pain he was in. He knew the core would most likely be depleted if he fixed the suspension. He needed to get the car going. Johnny worked frantically from the prototypes on board terminal. The core began to fix the suspension and finally gave out after it was done. The prototype was now out of power. Johnny now felt even more pain. Like he was going to puke. He ignored it as he slammed his fists on the dash.

 He then looked in the rearview to see an unexpected site. The other driver was slowly crawling their crippled car to the finish line. While the remains of the truck could be seen burning behind them. Johnny got an even bigger surprise look on his face when the sun finally peaked over the horizon. The truck faded away like it never existed.

Somehow, the other driver had managed to get their car going and was slowly gaining on Johnny. Johnny got out of his prototype. As soon as he did, he fell to the ground with a thud. More blodd came out of his mouth as he looked down at himself. A piece of shrapnel from the exploding truck had lodged itself in Johnny's abdomen. He coughed up a stream of blood in a fit from the shock.

Johnny had now realized with the core had lost all power. So did the core fragment in his head. He couldn't use the regenerating properties of it. If he was hurt in any way, it would start healing him. Johnny pushed through the pain thinking of Julia and the others. The whole universe was at stake. He got up and began to push the prototype to the finish line. It made Johnny want to scream in agony. He slowly pushed the prototype as he began to cough up more blood. The wounded opened up even more as he pushed the prototype.

The remaining driver was a few dozen feet from passing Johnny. Johnny pushed even harder now with only 50 feet to go. He doubled over in pain as he coughed up blood. He stood his ground as he struggled to remain conscious. Finally, Johnny pushed his car past the finish line. 

"And the winner is Johnny." Said a random voice. He had won the race as the invisible crowd cheered. Johnny sighed with relief before collapsing on his back. He laid his arms and legs out bleeding from his abdomen and mouth. So, this is how it all ends. He thought before seeing Julia and the others running to his aid before he blacked out.