
Digital Restart (HSR X DC)

No purpose, No dreams, No Goals. That is the man I have become, and have continued to be till now. But things changed when I died, and somehow had a second chance. Things will be different, and for some reason, I’m all for it.

Dark_Abyssal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Waste of a Life

Hours pass as the sound of clicking continues to be heard throughout the room. A young man in his early 20's stares at the screen of a computer with a gaze that feels empty.

Gin Okami, resident NEET of Hakone in Japan, once again feels empty. Gazing at his computer with lifelessness, he thinks of what his life has become.

Born into an average family, he was provided with enough. His parents were however, distant and didn't associate with him much, leading to him viewing them as nothing but strangers in his life. He grew up striving for an ordinary and average life, but it all changed when tragedy struck.

His parents left- no, abandoned him as they fled the country. Turns out, they had dealings with the Yakuza, and had debts that needed to be collected. So with them out of the picture, all of it fell onto him. His life had then took a drastic turn for the worst when the Yakuza started to harass him, threatening and even beating him up for not having the money they wanted.

His classmates in school all avoided him due to him having the Yakuza after him. None wanting to associate themselves with him after finding that out.

He was a friendless, parentless loser to all. With no source of income and nothing but his computer and phone in his possession. He fled to an abandoned building after another session of being a punching bag for the Yakuza, hoping to at least have some peace for a few days.

He tuned out everything else as he focused on his unhealthy obsession with games, hoping to drown his sorrows and bad luck away in his digital world of comfort. He was nothing to the world, a waste of life.

There was no way out, getting a job would be meaningless as no one would want to hire someone who had a past with the Yakuza. Joining the Yakuza would be impossible as well as due to the debts, and running away isn't an option either.

He was at the end of his wits, his long uncut hair covered his eyes and his body was severely malnourished. As he stared at the screen of his computer a passing thought made it's way though his mind.

'I'm not going to live much longer…'