

The Digital World – a land entirely unlike which humans call the Real World. This Cyberspace built upon the network is home to Digital Monsters known as Digimon. The discovery of these AI lifeforms is both a blessing and a curse to human society, which relies on the Network to manage everything in their world. Nagasumi Eiji is 19 years old, a "loser" Cracker who earns daily money with dangerous work related to the Digital World. One day, Professor Ryusenji of the Tokyo Cyber University, entrusts Eiji with a Digimon Linker, the newest model of the Digimon Dock – along with a Digimon. When Eiji meets Loogamon, a Wolf Digimon with a mysterious Interface on its head, his life is changed completely. Judge, a justice hacker who hates crackers. Digipolice, Investigative Unit Eleven of the Metropolitan Police Department's Cybercrimes Division whose mission is to stop Digimon crimes. As well as SoC: Sons of Chaos, an extremist crack team led by legendary cracker Tartarus... Ryusenji sends Eiji to infiltrate and investigate SoC. He discovers that they are planning a widescale cyberterror attack. What is the special skill known as Mind Link? What are the answers to Loogamon's missing past and true specs? Will Eiji come out on the top in the Digital World and turn his life around...? This is the beginning of a Digimon story steeped in chaos

The_playlist_God · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Eji: Wolf of Ninth Avenue(2)

Tokyo Cyber University was established as a flagship government policy to nurture and support science and technology students who will shape the future of the country.

While its history may be relatively short, Tokyo Cyber University boasts top-notch research and achievements in the field of information engineering. Situated in the electrifying district of Denrin, which has emerged as a new hub in the multinational city of Tokyo, the university garners strong praise. Its reputation for facilitating employment opportunities in global corporations, particularly in the realm of Big Tech, further elevates its popularity among prospective students.

Adjacent to the Cyber University and the Denrin Campus, there was another facility. 

Abadin Electronics Corp. (AE)

It is a top company that handles electronic devices, network equipment, and fabless semiconductors.

Abadin Electronics' Denrin District Digital Lab, commonly known as DDL, served as the company's research and development hub.

The lobby on the ground floor of DDL was simpler than what Age had imagined. There was a reception desk and some ordinary benches in the waiting area.

On the large display on the wall, there was no advertisement for AE Corp... Instead, various environmental videos showcasing landscapes such as vast prairies, dense jungles, polar seas, majestic mountain ranges, rushing rivers with autumn foliage, and underground caves were continuously playing, depicting the changing seasons and diverse natural settings.

"True, the Digital Lab is a research facility... AE Corp's headquarters are elsewhere," remarked Age.

The outer walls of the lab, constructed with gentle curves, were covered in greenery, devoid of any company logos or recognizable signs. Passersby might mistake it for an extension of the neighboring Cyber University building.

Age caught sight of his reflection in the glass.

He was wearing his usual casual attire. While it seemed that casual wear was allowed at DDL.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he, a high school graduate working odd jobs, might be out of place among the elite minds that surely worked here.

Undeterred, Age walked up to the reception desk without hesitation.

Indeed, because it was his job.

"Hello there," he greeted with a friendly smile.

Age greeted the receptionist with a warm demeanor.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the receptionist responded.

The receptionist's gaze shifted to Age with an expression that seemed to say, "What's up with this suspicious behavior?"

Since he wasn't carrying a square backpack, it should have been clear that he wasn't a food delivery person.

"Ah, I see... Probably thought I was one of those university students or passersby who sometimes wander into the lab by mistake. That's likely what she thought," Age mused to himself.

"I have an appointment, but I'm not sure if I should just enter it on this tablet," Age asked, indicating the device on the reception desk.

Given that it's a research facility, they likely have company secrets to protect.

On the other side of the gate, several burly guards were stationed. If this were America, they might have been carrying handguns, exuding an intimidating aura.

"Well... in that case..."

His bewildered voice was also rather endearing.

With a short hairstyle that tapered down toward the neckline, she had a modest, office-like appearance typical of someone working in a research institute. However, her petite face and slender neck and shoulders gave off an air of attractiveness that surely garnered attention wherever she went.

Is the 'name' section for my real name? I go by a different name for work," he explained.

"Sorry to ask, but are you in the entertainment industry or perhaps a writer?"

"No, nothing like that," he replied.

It's not a stage name or a pen name. Age, like most crackers, uses a street name or cracker handle at work, as is common.

"If it's not a problem, please use my real name."

"Eiji Nagasu... And for the phone number and the agreed time... Is it okay if the purpose is for a business discussion? - Hatsune-chan"

Age glanced at the other person's name tag.

"Please don't address me so casually all of a sudden."

"Then, just call me Hatsune."

"...!" The receptionist, Hatsune, twitched near her temple. "If it's for a business discussion, please provide your company's..."

"I haven't set up the company yet, actually."


"Um, my occupation is... Wait, what department was that person in again? Ugh, this is such a hassle."

Age picked up his smartphone.

――Tomonori Ryuzenji (Professor)

Tapping on the address, he sent a message saying "I've arrived" and waited in the lobby.

There were several other visitors, each receiving a guest pass at the reception. They all exuded an academic atmosphere more reminiscent of a cyber university student than typical businesspeople.


Age suddenly glanced at the centerpiece in the middle of the lobby.

Three spherical objects hovered in the air.

Each sphere bore a distinct mark.

It was like a triquetra. The spheres rotated, overlapping each other, reminiscent of three globular clusters in space, each gravitationally pulling the other.

(Or rather, was this here just a moment ago...?)

Approaching for a closer look, Age was surprised.

"This is a holographic display... 'Holorise,' right?!"

"Hey, Fang!"

A voice called out from beyond the gate, addressing him by his cracker handle.

At the same time, the triquetra object crumbled and disappeared without a trace.

Age turned around.

He stood at around 170 centimeters tall. With deep-set features and a romantic gray, he exuded a slightly Caucasian aura. Though he should have been in his sixties, his gait and posture made him appear much younger.

His presence was more discernible through the reactions of those around him than by his own demeanor. Everyone in the lobby unexpectedly turned their attention to him as soon as he appeared.

"Hey there, Professor Ryuzenji!"

One of the co-founders of Abadin Electronics.

A billionaire. He still holds just over 20% of the shares of AE, which has a market capitalization exceeding 100 billion yen.

He's known in the industry as the head of the renowned Ryuzenji Laboratory and currently holds the title of Honorary Professor at Cyber University. Over the past 10 to 20 years, he has nurtured the company he founded as a university venture into a global corporation, holding a top position within it.

"Meeting Cracker Fang like this is a first for me, but it doesn't feel all that strange, does it?"

He must be one of those 'people above the clouds,' huh?

Thinking about it normally, Ryusenji isn't someone Age can casually interact with.

"Well, we do talk on voice chat all the time, you know. Oh, by the way, I'm Eiji Nagasu."

Age introduced himself again.

"Right away, Fang—Age, let's go. Sorry for the trouble, there's been a lot going on. Oh... you, give him the guest pass."

Ryusenji went to the reception desk.

Ayashii Wakazou casually called over the de facto boss of Japan AE Corporation, which made Hatsune, the receptionist, nervously fidget and act suspiciously.

"Yes! Right away..."

"I'm heading to 'D4', so I'll need a researcher's pass, please."


"The board of directors approved it. This morning, actually."

"Yes... Oh, that's right!"

Checking her terminal, Hatsune issued the pass, visibly startled twice in the process.

Holding up the specially issued pass, they passed through the detection gate, glancing sideways at the guards who stood at attention with utmost respect.

Just that act made Age feel like he had grown up a bit.

As they walked down the hallway, passing employees and researchers greeted Ryusenji. Age stuck close behind, peeking around nervously and bowing politely in return.

That, in itself, felt really nice in a way.

"Professor Ryusenji, why is he called 'Professor'? Why not President, Vice President, or Chairman?"

"I guess 'Professor' suits his personality better, like a university professor."

It's probably his researcher temperament. They say he leaves the management of AE Corporation to his former subordinates.

As Age, he's unsure how to interact with a corporate executive, but if Ryusenji is like a university professor, it might be somewhat easier to talk to him.

"Before we go to the office, there's a place I'd like to visit. I really want you to see it."

"I wonder what it could be? I'm looking forward to it!"

"It's this way."

When they moved to a different floor in the elevator, they encountered another heavily guarded gate with security personnel.

It wasn't like the airport-style detection gate in the lobby. It was a partition. Inside the DDL building, it seemed completely independent from here.

—D4 Section.

"From here on, it becomes the highest level of Abadin Electronics' confidentiality. This is where the crucial research that will shape the future of our company is being conducted." Ryusenji explained.

The core of DDL, which is the cutting-edge research institute of AE Corporation, lies within the D4 section.

Age was required to hand over his smartphone and belongings to the security guard. Furthermore, he underwent a thorough body check.


"Is there something?"

Ryusenji, who had passed through the partition gate ahead, turned back to look at Age.

"Um, just mentally preparing myself."

"Don't worry, you're just going to have a little 'experience.' Do you dislike attractions?"

"Yeah? The fun kind?"

"Yeah, yeah... We're not resurrecting dinosaurs through genetic manipulation or researching zombie viruses or anything like that."

"Although that kind of twist would be interesting too..."

Relaxing with Ryusenji's joke, Age passed through the D4 gate.

And there, awaited...