
Different Dimension infinite Cheats (Anime)

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto 5th Dimension; One Piece Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

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Chapter 145 Spirit

Eero glanced at the three races speechlessly; he already had a high stage choice phobia.

"Which one should I choose?" Eero muttered, feeling confused.

Looking at the list of extension races, he noted to be good in three categories:

Human: Elf, Humans. Demi-humans: Half Demon. Heteromorphic: Slime, Undead, Zombie, Vampire, Treant, Spirit, Demon, Doppelganger.

These races are the ones he selected based on humanoid shape; even these Heteromorphic creatures can take human appearance using their spells or inherent skills.

"Now which one should I choose among them because it's gonna permanently be my future race in this dimension," Eero muttered thoughtfully.

Looking at Spirit and Treant, 'Both of them are almost the same races; one is based on a soul that looks like an invisible humanoid ghost, and the other one is a humanoid plant, but Spirit races show traits similar to my primary race. Their upper race is elemental or fairies.' Eero fell into deep thoughts.

Eero preferred the spirit race. First, it is a race based on a soul, and second, the spirit race is also related to humanoid race fairies beside the elementalist, which gives it three races benefits in one. Also, their job class and racial levels are similar, which may allow him to select all three class occupations and race skills.

If he matches the elemental and fairies classes, he may even awaken the combined racial classes, Eero assumed it may be a loophole in this game at an early stage, and he can feel it is feasible.

Eero selected the spirit race; instantly, a more customizable option appeared. Looking at the main profile of the spirit, a small ghost 👻, floating invisibly without any attribute.

"They should add ghost name straight away; what is the meaning of spirit race here?" Eero muttered speechlessly. Then shook his head and didn't care; basic heteromorphic race forms are not that impressive, appearance changes as racial level increases.

'At least it looks better than other heteromorphic races. Also, Ghosts are fun.'

Eero thought intriguingly, then focused on the specification of the Spirit race; instantly, it expanded in front of him.

[Heteromorphic Race: Spirit]

[One of the pure undead races, Race share common trait with all Spirit races, i.e., ghost, elemental, fairy, genie]

[Racial Trait - Physical Damage Resistance]

[Racial Weakness - Holy]

[Karma - Evil -10]

"As expected it shares a common trait, well, in a way, it is best for me," Eero nodded thoughtfully.

After customizing the appearance a little, He made its appearance more humanoid and compact.

"I can't freely alter the whole appearance now; I will be able to do it later, after few games updates," Eero muttered looking at the floating ghost, looking like a small invisible child, with a similar body shape as humans but without facial features.

He confirmed the setting; next, the job class options appeared in front of him.

Looking at a few basic jobs he is interested in, Warrior, Rogue, Wizard, Assassin, Smith, Chemist, Sage.

Eero selected Rogue as the first Job class. He selected it because the first Job adjust the attributes. Rogue has the most balanced attributes among all races with very little discrepancies.

Rogues inherently can steal and use any types of item's, which is a perfect match for his Virtual Reality talent.

Also there are other features of Rogue Class Eero considered after selecting it,

This class is capable of detecting and disarming traps. However, rogues were limited to one or two items at the most when stealing them. Even doors guarded by high-level magic was a possibility depending on their level.

Their detection abilities allowed them greater hearing allowing them to pinpoint a target with ease.

Possessing greater physical ability, rogues were skilled at climbing. Rogues also possess detection abilities, which allowed them to view low-level items from a distance like the titles of books with ease. Still, they have difficulty in discerning magic items or whether spells have been cast. In addition to that, while magic scrolls or items are limited to specific classes, rogue based classes have a skill that can deceive the scroll enabling them to use the item.

In addition, rogues have the ability to leave hidden messages behind undetected, using the coded words of the rogue language.

Rogues are known to throw consumable magic items like Powder of Will O' Wisp at their foes so that it can negatively affect them in combat. Their style of fighting involves using trickery against foes.

After confirming the class,

Next it was skill selection, looking through the different skill lists given by the rogue class.

He selected Perception, Stealth, and Throw for rogue.

"These skills are fine and other damage and weakening are inherent in my race; anyone I touch will be weakened to a considerable degree depending on their classes," Eero muttered thoughtfully nodded, then confirmed.

After a moment,

He opened his eyes, looking around at the dark place, looks like the barren land with small caves and graveyards, He is floating above one of the graves,

"Don't tell me it's a monster village," Eero muttered looking at the darkness around, but he could see everything clearly.

[Welcome to the Novice Zone]

[The Graveyard of the Dead]

[You are the spirit of vengeance summoned from hell by YGGDRASIL to fight the monster threatening to eat the remaining leaves of World Tree]

Eero then glanced at all the simple intro and rules and other things,

Then under the guidance of the tutorial, he reviewed his stats and other things, also familiarized with the terrain around.

Looking at his status panel,

Eero [Eternal Ruler]


Position: Spirit of Vengeance

Attribute: Evil - Karma -10

Racial Level: Spirit - Level 0

Class Occupation Level: Rogue - Level 0

Level: Racial + Occupational = 100

- Level: 0 + 0 = 0

Ability Table: 0 - - - - 50 - - - - 100

HP: 1

MP: 1

Physical Attack: 0.5

Physical Defense: 1

Agility: 1

Magic Attack: 0

Magic Defense: 0.5

Overall Resistance: 0.5

Special: 0.5

Note: Humanoid races has 0.1 - 0.5 attribute at level 0, Heteromorphic races status exceed 5 - 10 times then humanoid races.