
Suprise test

On the cafeterie(restaurant), Alter was happily eating his food while having some idle thought

'This place looks a bit like the modern world...could it be someone from earth was here and he was the one who created the academy.....nonono! impossible! if that was the case ,my room should follow the modern theme! it obviously just luxurious! those yellowish tiles that blinds one eyes! maybe because they tried to make all the things luxurious it ended a bit modern,Yep that it!'

Just as alter finished his food he heard a system notification

[Ding.....successfully analyzed the blue Phoenix regenerative flames]

'Oh! Finally! so, give me an explanation' replied alter while he was walking back to his room

[Ding...Blue phoenix regenerative flames is a failure spell where it lacks the use of order power]

'order power?' asked alter

[Ding....In general, any phoenix element uses the power of chaos and order, by using different amounts of both powers ,it is possible to cause different effects, For example, The blue phoenix blast spell, by using 50% on both chaos and order, it will give the same effects as the last time user used it, it is useful since by modifying the % used on both order and chaos , you can change the radius of explosion, distance travelled, speed, etc, Of course by adding the user control over the spell, the spell formula and user strengthen is still important!]

After the system finished it speech, Alter looked toward the giant circular clock and thought

'so there's set hours that you become useful in them huh, not like i understood what you wanted to say, more importantly, how much mana i need for the spell?' said alter in his mind

the system took it time to answer alter, expressing it disappointment in him

[ding....15 mp per second to cover a adult sized fist, if the flames aren't healing something, the maintenance cost is half]

'What's my current mp?'

[ding....150] replied the system

After that, alter went to his room while ignoring the gossips about him, but before entering he prepared himself to meet "that" thing

"Hi alter~" said Claudio while giving a warm smile

'Ugh! here it's! i should maintain a cold attitude' though alter

"Nn" said alter

'UgH, What is that supposed to mean! I should just ignored him!'

after that alter picked up his back pack and took out a book titled a brief introduction to the world

"So you're going to read huh, if you don't understand something just ask me" Said Claudio

alter sat on the bed and started reading

after reading for a while, Alter asked claudio who was reading a book too

"Why it called Nature nation rather than nature continent?"

"huh that because.....because...." replied Claudio but stopping midway, and his face became expressionless

'just what happened to him' thought alter

[Ding....Because user enlightened someone, he received the tittle: Enlightener]

[Enlightener: slight increase to the chance of entering the enlightenment mode, when you enlighten someone his enlightenment effectiveness will increase by 50%]

'Oi oi! what's all this about?' exclaimed alter

[Ding.... when one is enlightened, he may become better on some subject, make a breakthrough, recieve some type os upgrade, the effectiveness of the Enlightenment changes according to one understanding ]

'haah? more importantly, did my tittle increase his enlightenment effectiveness even thought it happened before i got the tittle?' asked alter


meanwhile, claudio was muttering random things continuously , such as now:


so Alter gave up about reading that book and started practicing his crimson claw, he managed to cover his entire hand with the crimson crystal, and he managed to do the same in his foot, also, the way he creats crimson crystal evolved, not just plain crimson crystal expanding from a certain point, now, red particles starts gathering around his hand while creating a a rubi like crystal , inside that crystal, sometimes some particles would give a light red glow, and it possible to clearly see through the crystal, but his crimson wall didn't receive that upgrade, he also managed to create a skill similar to the overpowered killing intent, now he can choose how much mana to use on it

[Ding.... Crimson claw level upped twice]

[Ding.... Upgraded Crimson claw, rename it ?]


[ding.... learned skill : Manipulated overpowered killing intent]

After few hours, clahdio woke up, and the aura around him changed a bit, and after looking around the room, he didn't find alter in there, so he finally realised

"The opening ceremony!!" shouted Claudio in panic

meanwhile in a hall

a old man-probably the director-was giving a speech....a very long speech with some sort of magic device to amplify his voice, alter was sitting in one of the multiples chairs

'ugh....this is like any school isn't it?!' exclaimed alter

[Warning....User is being affected by a legendary level sleeping spell!] Warned the system

After 2 Hours, the speech finally ended, the ones who survived through this punishment....ehm...stayed awake, started applauding, while others started crying in joy.

After that alter went back to his room, claudio said something to him but he wasn't able to hear him, reached his bed, and got knocked out.

In a certain place

A white haired old man, altought his face still looks like that of a middle-aged man, was talking to a Blondie, that blondie was Eric, the one who saved Alter

"So, did you record the ones who stayed awake?" said the oldman

"Yep, the majority of people slept even though they managed to wake up later they still failed,, those who nearly slept are included, survivors numbers are just 150, 45 trully stayed awake, all of them are new to this school, of course, that includes the kid i saved" replied eric woth pride

"hmmm, i see, well then, send a notice to all thise 45 and change their assigned class, 45 huh, this is the first time we get so much elites of elites, they're worth nurturing, of course, you'll be one of their teachers" Said the old man

Hi! Author here! with a new chapter!

if you have any suggestions leave them in comment.

Next chapter : Everyone's op!


Kyruucreators' thoughts
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