
The First Time At the Big house

I spent an hour fixing my curly hair, straightened it to make it look nice. My dress off shoulders, with flowing mint skirt. This might be our first date together since Carl got sick and the last time before he gets his operation.

I rode the bus, missing him, and smiling thinking about his sweet face, his lips full.

I love him so and he makes me feel the most beautiful girl. Our first month he made a letter each day, saying one word "Safe", I love to protect you always", "Wash", I will clean away all your past, so we could start fresh, " One", One kiss every morning when I see you, "Two", Kisses when I see you go. "Strong", I will be a tree for you, "Net", I will catch you when you fall, "Glass", I will be transparent, "Radio", I will listen to you, "Lamp", I will be a light for you, "Ball", I will play as your guard, "Wipe", I will wipe away every tear, "Room", You will be the one I look in first in every room. "Fan", I will be your number 1, "Wind", I will lift you up, "Cool", Let me cool you down when you're hot, "Hair", I will always caress you. "Glue", I will fix you.

"Reason", you give me purpose, "Rescue", I will be your hero, "Rose", I will always nourish you, "Plants", I will let You grow, "Watch", I will be here to watch over You, "Pillow", You can hug me or cry when you need to. "Push", I will push You to chase after your dreams, "Camera", Let me capture your Beauty, "Frame", let me frame this memory of us, "Photo", let me take your Photo and keep you close to my heart, "Fly", If you wan to fly I will fly with You, "Eye Glass", I will use it see You clearly, "Time", I will use my it making You and Me Happy until the last minutes, and seconds with You. I Love You.❤

Carl, rode with his Dad, they drove towards the cafe on a black Pick up. He got off, and he was wearing his trademark sunglasses, khaki pants, green shirt and brown suede shoes. His hair parted from the side, with a newly shaven undercut, top curls swaying in then wind, he tossed them a little and went in the cafe. He caught my eye, and I met his, waved my hand to let him see me. His hands clutching a bouquet of flowers 💐, he gave them to me, kissed me on the cheek, and we sat on the cute chairs of the cafe.

He smiled and asked how my day was, "Are you feeling better?" I inquired. I had an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, do you want to come with me?, Yes! I was hoping you'd say that. What do you want to tell me?, Let's take a trip, on our farm my Dad can drive us. It's an hour from here. Are you game?

I'm ready than I'll ever be. He took my hand, and I held onto him closely.

The sun was shining, trees are swaying as we drive to the country side. Goats and cows cross the road freely, and there are fruit stands by the road, theyre so fresh, I can almost smell them. We arrived at a big white house, with spiralling steps at the side with two big windows making the façade of structure look taller. They have a craftsman room and workshop, this is where his Father makes the furnitures for their high end clients, private and governments offices in the city.

I this is your house too?, how big is this estate? About 7 acres, more or less Uncle Carlo stated. My father's father he bought this land, planted crops, and grew this farm. We have animals at the back, horses, fowls, and goats, a few cows, my daughters like so stay here during summer vacation. We drive back and forth to town when the crops are in season. I was so impressed. My Dad and Mom, when I was little they had to work here with my grandparents, it is not as grand as now, they did a lot of tilling, and plowing because the soil was not good for planting. I saw my parents grow their business here. One day this will belong to me, my sisters, and my future family. I was silent in awe and taking everything he said, "Future", a word he never told me before in his love letters. It sounds so good, but felt suddenly so distant. This will only be his if he would heal his heart, and maybe it's better to live here, the fresh air will be good for him.

We had lunch at the farm, we cuddled at the big terrace of the house, sat under the shade of a pergola, and took a nap on their day bed. We were alone, and he started to touch me, out his hands under my blouse, I asked him, what if your father sees us?, He won't, just let me feel you. He kissed me, and I gave in, I kissed him hard, our tongues rolling on our mouths, sharing passionate kisses, and his hand slid inside my skirt, wondering hands, pinching a check of my exposed behind. He caught my panties and slowly slid if off my leg. How about a quickie?, I winked at him, and told him, "I want You", now.

He held the skirt upward to my navel, he kissed my thighs, and he felt my wetness, and he took out his hard manlyhood and willingly entered me, I felt his desire for me, for almost a month without touching each other. I moaned silently, Our first time, in the big house, was quick, hot, and wet, he came and I felt my orgasm cover my worries from this morning. We smile at each after he fixed my dress and slid my tiny underwear in his pocket. This ones mine now. He laughed.

We went down to the bar his Dad had stacked full of exquisite liquors, Fine Wines, and spirits. He was holding a whiskey bottle, and told Carl to fix him a drink. He obliged, and looks at me like we just did something really naughty, I composed myself, because I can still feel him inside me just minutes ago.

"Here you are Dad", just like you want it hard on the rocks. Uncle Carlo, looks at us two, and he said,

"If Carlo wants it, I can marry you two here at the farm". I choked on my lemon spritzer. They both laughed out loudly, "Calm down you two", I told them, No one asked my parents yet, so before you begin to plan anything. I stopped shortly when I realize it was a joke. Carl, squeezes my hand in a gesture that said, "Let's just enjoy this moment and hope it never ends".

He was ready to take me home and I fixed myself, In the powder room, someone knocked and Carl, slid right through, kissing me harder my back on the wall, we did it again, not knowing who will hear us, he whispered in my ear, I can make the joke earlier into reality if you want, I didn"t reply I cannot focus on his words while we were on a blissful act, wishing we were making love right now on the bed.

The drive back home could not get any faster...I leaned on Carl's arm all the way to my house.

It was 8:30pm when I got back at my front porch, we kissed one final time and they head on home. His window open he waved at me and I blew him a kiss.😘...

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