
The First Kiss

I remember clearly the first kiss of my life, I was in highschool. After I got friend zoned in the past I was hopeful when I went to high school. I never expected to fall for someone so different from me but I did with Wil. I met him in Junior High. I was so focused in my studies from my freshman year that I didn't have any crushes up until my Senior Year. Wil he was the smartest in our class. A math genius. I was not very good with Numbers. I was flunking and my teacher asked me if I could be partnered with Wil. He has a disability with his eyesight. He always needs to be in front or near the teacher to see what's on the board. Wil was shy, he is very simple, very polite. He doesn't talk much in class, I figured he is a very sad person, and I told the teacher I'll help him with English, if he helps me with my Math. She agreed. Wil became my tutor in Math. Everyday I went to his house to learn to compute algebra which I hate the most. He likes old music, and I listen to Pop songs. He is very old inside I thought. I started to see another side of him I don't notice at school. He smiles with his eyes. He has a heart ailment, and his parents doesn't allow him to get tired so he always stays home during recess and doesn't play sports. I realized he was a very nice boy. So I started to talk to him about personal stuff, and he walks with me after classes. I didn't know but he was falling for me. I was afraid I was too. One day when I was in his house to study, he led me into his kitchen and fixed me some snacks, he smiled and asked if he could kiss me. I was shocked and trembled, I didn't know what to do. In my head I was not ready to kiss anyone if I'm not in love with him 100%. He held me closer I didn't back off, I just simply closed my eyes. It lasted for about two seconds, a good quick kiss but I felt it in every part of me. He asked me if I liked it. I didn't tell him anything. I went home thinking it was just a dream. My grades started to get better, and Wil. constantly called me and walked with me so close now that I sometimes feel like floating. Like I'm in a trance. I started to question my own motives and why I kept him close to me. I felt guilty but I was liking it. I asked my friends what to do, they told me to be honest and just dump him if I don't really like him at all. A secret I held in my heart, I love him, I love Wil I think. His kiss I always kept thinking about. But I don't see myself going on with it for so long, up until one day I met a boy, I really like. His name was Rj. Will's best friend. He is a bad boy type. My heart skips a beat whenever I see him. I have a crush on Rj. He calls me his Sakura. His cherry blossom, I felt really special around him. He would send me love letters, and one day he went to our house. He asked for me to come out and talk. I said okay, where will we go?. He just said hop on my motorbike. And even if I was afraid, I still rode with him and he told me to hold on tight. He went so fast I closed my eyes. After that day I was hooked into Rj. And sadly I dumped Wil. I was a very bad girl, but I get to pass my exams and he became so sad and closed off and cut ties with me. That was my Junior year. A kiss and a fast love, it's not so bad at all. I don't regret being close to someone and experiencing the craziness of young love.

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