
Devil’s Crypt

Neva Corney has worked in the church for all her life as an nun. Answering people's prayers giving them lovely advice and confessions as the daughter of a pastor. Her father always told her to not go anywhere below the church as something dark and hidden is inside. Neva peaks her curiosity and disobeys her fathers demand. Waking up something hellish underneath. ------------------- Teaser: Neva saw the man rise out of chains, breaking free in an instant. The man held no emotions at first looking at her until he smirked causing her to tremble in fear. He was tall and slender, hair and eyes black as the night sky.  “What are you?” She covered her mouth with both hands stepping back only for the man to step forward. Not answering her question he said“ I won’t hurt you, I just want to get out of this distillate place. Do you know how long I've been trapped here?” She shook her head for him to say in a whisper “thousands of years darling” The man smile widely seeing her back hit the wall leaving her trapped between him and the wall that was holding her hostage from escaping. Just to show that he wasn't a threat he placed his hands behind his back leaning his back forward an said"What's your name my dear"  "Neva Corney, I'm the pastors daughter but what is your name" She was still trembling at the sight of him she seen something she shouldn't have.  He  furrowed his eyes an smiled  " Dominic Finnerty, Let's make a deal shall we?"

KyrieUzumaki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

A Duty

Neva's hands intertwined with each other, having her head down and eyes closed to hear her father start a small prayer.

"May the Lord bless you with good fortune and long happy life, as for we are his children in the name of the holy bible and spirit. Amen."

The members of the church all said Amen as they all stood up to leave the church. Some of the church folk whispered as they left, they felt something that Neva was a curse to the land. Though she was just a clumsy girl often making mistakes her way. Neva was pale as a ghost having a bowtie in the back of her brown soft, keeping it in place to wear her Habit. She was a small girl and very Pettie at that.

Once the members of the church left completely, she felt her father's cold gaze on her. She could not explain what she had done that was terrible. Having her father walk up to her and continuing to scold his eyes were practically burning on her flesh. Hubert was not too kind towards his daughter; he was strict and severely disciplined, growing up to be a great pastor like the generation before him. Working so hard at an early age he had lost all his hair due to stress, making him bald, and the wrinkles formed on his face due to age.

He cleared his throat and said "Neva, I need you to do better for your sisters. One of them told me you lost your habit, not only that you ruined supper for the entire village." Neva can feel the anger brewing from her father; she would hate to ruin his reputation as he was a kind and gentle pastor who only wanted the best for his fellow villagers, even his daughter.

Neva bowed her head feeling guilty for causing such a disturbance today "Forgive me, father, I've become tired as of late. I try my best to visit mother more often as she becomes weaker every day." Hubert gently grabbed her hands, rubbing them together to comfort her. Her mother had always fought off mysterious illnesses but this one was taking a toll on her for sure, Hubert had never seen his wife look so scared as if death was awaiting her at any given moment.

"Your mother shall be fine. She had caught a slight cold and she is bedridden right now. Give her some time, she will get better." His tone was calm and soothing, but he knew deep down inside that his wife didn't have much time yet.

Hubert made a deal with a devil, something that he had never thought he would have to do but had to be done to save his church and family. It was so long ago that he nearly forgot about that day, though days later his wife became drastically ill. He feared his only child Neva would catch a cold as well. They were struggling and the land that was once filled with love and care had slowly started to die out, folks were leaving the small village. They believe that demons came out at night to kill and terrorize people on the search to find something that crept below.

Her father was pondering deep in his thoughts intensely before breaking out of his train of thought "It will soon be dark out, so I need you to head back home I will be there shortly. I just need to handle a few things." Neva nodded, placing a kiss on her father's temples making her father smile as she left the church for the day.

Neva walks out the church door closing it behind her as she begins to walk home, Hubert made sure she was completely gone hearing her footsteps grow quieter in the distance. He turned his head to the right, seeing a curtain against the wall. Turning his body to the curtain, he began to walk towards it. As he did so, he grabbed the ragged sheet only to rip it off the stone wall to see a wooden door in its place with a keyhole.

Taking a small key out of his pocket he placed it in the key holder, turning it as he opened the door wide. There was a small narrow stair going downwards that went into the darkness, Hubert couldn't help but frown knowing that Neva could never come down there it was simply forbidden. It would only frighten her, he thought to himself. Not wanting to waste any time knowing his daughter was waiting for him at home he begins to walk down the stairs, descending into the darkness.

Once he reached the bottom of the stairwell it was pitch black until he clapped his hands making the fire lit throughout the entire stone-like chamber. Hubert picked up a piece of rotten fruit putting it in a wooden basket as he walked along the cold room. As he made his way through the part of the chamber that held no light, he gently placed the basket on the ground sliding it through the darkness.

"You still continue to give me rotten food I see" An unknown demonic presence said in a sarcastic tone.

Hubert showed no emotion to the creature that began to speak and said "Be glad you are getting any food at all coming from me. I am not like what my father was as you are trapped here for all eternity. We can simply do whatever we want to you, I'm showing you mercy."

The ground began to slightly rumble knowing that the demon became upset at what he had said. "When I get out of here you will get what you deserve, I promise you that. Remember your soul belongs to me." The demon started to laugh making the chamber echo.

Hubert tilted his head "That's why you are going to stay here forever just so you don't get out and wreak havoc. I shall leave you as you once are weak and pitiful. No matter how hard you try the spell will never be broken." He said as he turned his back to the darkness.

Beginning to walk away from it only to hear the demon scream his name, which he ignored. Clapping his hands as the light that once filled the chamber began to simmer and die down.