

In the enveloping embrace of the night, the theater stood silent, a sanctuary away from the tumults of the world, cloistered in darkness as dense as black ink. Not a ray of moonlight, not a spark of light, managed to penetrate the barrier formed by the carefully drawn curtains and locked windows. This place, once animated by laughter and applause, was now a realm of silence, a space suspended in time.

This was a striking contrast to the bustle that had animated it just hours earlier. The stage, once bathed in light and life, had hosted a theatrical play whose finale, tragically, had never been performed. The echoes of voices and footsteps of actors seemed to still haunt the air, like the remnants of a memory both close and distant...

Yet, in this almost sacred stillness, an alien noise disturbed the calm: the sound of discreet, almost unreal footsteps. A solitary figure moved across the stage, a shadow among shadows, revealed only by the flickering light of a cell phone. This faint light, like a star in an ink-black sky, made its way through the darkness but remained powerless to fully reveal the features of this nocturnal visitor. His face remained concealed, masked by darkness, while his sinister and enigmatic smile could only be guessed at through the shadow it cast on the wall behind him.

In a theatrical, almost surreal movement, the intruder bowed in an exaggerated curtsy, as if saluting an invisible audience, an audience that existed only in his mind. This deserted theater now housed two protagonists: the mysterious stranger and a second silhouette, whose existence was betrayed only by the elongated shadow on the wall, illuminated by the faint light of the phone. This shadow seemed to rest in peace, stretched out on the stage, an actor sleeping in an eternal performance.

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

Suddenly, the scene took an even darker turn. The phone's light abruptly went out, plunging the room back into absolute darkness. A sinister laugh, heavy with triumph and unspoken secrets, echoed in the empty space, a vibrant conclusion to this nocturnal performance.

"What happened?" you might ask, intrigued by this mysterious scene. Patience. Stories, like plays, unfold scene by scene. The mysteries of the past, like ghosts, reveal themselves only when the time is right. Why unveil now what belongs to another era, another act of this vast play that is life? The story weaves slowly, and if you are meant to understand this dark chapter, the revelation will not happen here, not now. Stay patient, for every story deserves to be told in its own time…

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