

"Let's end this relationship!"A man exclaimed to the woman

"Why?!"The woman asked the man

"I have another woman"The man told the girl honestly

"Just because you have another woman doesn't mean you have to leave me. I, myself have been with another man for a long time yet I didn't leave you! Lets end this relationship now if you're so fixed up on ending it" The woman said to the man with a mocking tone

"Just joking..... Whaat did you just say?!"smirked the man towards the woman but freezed when the words said by the woman entered his ears

"I say we're breaking up right now, I'm contented with the idiotic things youve done to me this past few days, Daniel. You took me as if Im your everything dumbass and payed all the expenses for the dates too"giggled the woman while walking away

The words didnt quite register to Daniel's mind and so he chased after the woman.

"Evelyn! Wait just a minute!" said Daniel as he chased the woman hurriedly

Suddenly a speeding truck deviated from the road and sped towards the walking Evelyn. Daniel wanted to swoop in and save Evelyn but his feet didnt move, his legs are rooted to one spot while shaking. He closed his eyes by instinct and then suddenly he heard a shriek.


When Daniel opened his eyes, all he could see is the dead body of Evelyn which doesnt look quite like Evelyn due to it being deformed. A man came down from the truck and coughed blood, when he looked at the shaking Daniel, he shook his head. Next his companions jumped down from the truck and gave a hearty laugh.

"How do we handle this boss?"asked the companion

"Put all the charges towards this guy and lets move on towards our next project" said the man while pointing towards Daniel

"What do you mean by that?" asked Daniel dumbfoundedly

"Take him away! We dont have much time!"said the man towards his companion

The man's companion hurriedly grabbed Daniel. Daniel wanted to fight back but he was suddenly tased by the man grabbing him. Daniel closed his eyes while asking 'What the fuck just happened?!'