
Detective Conan: The Laziest Worker of The Winery

Shikamaru Nara is a ninja known for his laziness. But who would have thought when he woke up, he came to Detective Conan's World. What will happen next?! Is there another murder?! That must be because Conan also came to this place!! https://discord.gg/h6Q9NPkh

ana_okey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 11: Shikamaru's Concern

"Don't worry. She's only sleeping" said Mako while giving Ayano what she had to her mother.

"I'd planned to let her sleep forever… like my brother"


"Yes. You mentioned Yoshiro Kinoshita just now. He was my big brother. He was 14 years older than me. My dear brother is the only family I have…"

"…. Until that man killed him!"

"My husband would never have—"

"It's the truth. I saw it happen. I was at the backstage that day, 14 years ago"

"I saw your husband fiddling with the handcuffs my brother was going to use in the show"

"My brother practiced that tricks after that, and drown to death underwater. Because he couldn't get out from those handcuffs"

"of course, his death was written as an unfortunate accident" explained Mako as she felt sad remembering the past.

"…So you apprenticed yourself to Motayasu Tsukumo so you'd have a chance to avenge your brother?" Asked Tooru.

Mako at him and said: "Yes. When I was taken in by relatives I adopted their last name, so that man never realize who I was"

"He murdered my brother right on my seventh birthday. I've been alone in this world for every birthday since"

She got silent for a while and continue: "That's why I called him to the basement and killed him, just before his daughter turn seventh!"

"After I made him take the poison, I told him who I really was. He seemed so composed so I thought I'd scare him with a threat, I told him ' I'M GOING TO KILL YOUR DAUGHTER, TOO '"

"I thought I'd make good on my threat and kill the girl too. But none of this is her fault"

But, as if remembering something absurd. Mako then laughed and laughed until a single tear fell down her face.

"Hmph! What a stupid man, though. I called him to the basement saying I wanted him to watch a new trick. He let me loop the string around his rings and never suspected anything. He blindly swallowed the poisoned capsule too"

"HA HA HA! This is japan's greatest magician? How pathetic" sarcasm Mako.

After hearing Mako's explanation, Kazumi glanced toward her and said: "Motayasu-san realized you were going to kill him"


Kazumi Sanada then explained that it was not only himself who saw Mako hugging the photo in the basement, but also Motoyasu-san as well.

At that time Motoyasu-san said, "Don't tell anyone about this until the time comes!!"

After hearing this explanation, Mako couldn't help but be silent. She seemed to be contemplating something in her mind.

"Hmph! Give me a break. I don't intend to go on stage when my trick's been revealed. It's time for the curtain to close. I'm going to turn myself in"

"….Besides, poor Ayano's now going to have to suffer the same plight as me," said Mako after she had considered many things.


After that Shikamaru and Tooru went accompanied Mako to the police station that night.

Shikamaru who had just set foot in the Tokyo metropolitan police station met officer Megure at the door.

"Oh! Brother Shikamaru, what are you doing here?" asked officer Megure happy seeing him.

Officer Megure was overjoyed to see Shikamaru here because it meant he'd be making a transcript soon. You know that transcripts are very important to the police!

They can only close the case with an official stamp if all the required transcripts have been collected!

Usually, the transcript of the detectives contains the essence of how the case has been cracked. However, these detectives are the most difficult group of people to contact.

One by one they have a strange and unique reason that is very difficult to question.

Poor officer Megure!

Shikamaru didn't expect to meet officer Megure at the door and said quietly: "How troublesome..."

"Well, I just brought a suspect who wanted to turn herself in to the police station"

"HA HA HA, then Brother Shikamaru can make two transcripts today! Don't worry, after you finish making the transcript, the police there will cash out the money you deserve!"

"But if, for example, the case that Brother Shikamaru solved has something to do with a commission from a client, the police station will not disburse the money," said officer Megure as he looked experienced explaining to Shikamaru.

It seems that one of the reasons why the detectives are not THAT diligent in making transcripts is this, Shikamaru thought.

Even when he had thought he would get a triple prize today. unfortunately, who would have thought it turned out the prizes will be less by one.

As if he was afraid that Shikamaru would escape from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Station, officer Megure immediately appointed his men to escort Shikamaru and his team.

"Takagi-kun! Immediately take brother Shikamaru and his team into the transcript room," commanded officer Megure.

"Yes sir!" said Takagi.

"I think that's all, Takagi-san" said Shikamaru, getting up from his chair and yawning widely.

Now Shikamaru was really feeling tired after everything was over. He ran all night today in search of Ayano-chan.

Shikamaru looked at the clock on the wall and realized that it was late at night. He looked around where the police were still busy at their respective desks.

He then walked towards the parking lot. As if remembered some situation and said: "How troublesome…"

"What's wrong Shikamaru-kun? Let's drink coffee first" said Tooru who saw Shikamaru's complicated face.

Shikamaru just looked at Tooru who out of nowhere had coffee and took the glass in his hand. then get into the car because the temperature at night is quite cold.

'I have school tomorrow' he thought again.

You certainly won't forget that Shikamaru is a high school student right?

And of course, one of the many obligations as a student is to learn. Even though Shikamaru's high school teachers are very happy if he doesn't come to school.

Well, all of that started with the obscure condition of the old owner of this body, who can find murder cases anywhere, making the school's teachers very tired.

After all, the school's teachers and the director need to maintain their reputation. What would happen if there were too many students killing each other?!

And that's also what made Shikamaru able to laze around until now. Since he transmigrated into this world he has never come to school.

Even though Shikamaru, with his IQ of 200 had studied the high school curriculum in just a short time. That doesn't mean, he could not come to school at all.

Because he has an exam tomorrow!

Tooru, who saw Shikamaru silent all this time, could only speculate on the reason for Shikamaru's silence.

He had actually seen reports from his subordinates that Shikamaru had a bit problem with his psychological state. Based on the results of the report, Shikamaru experienced severe depression and it would happen every time he encountered a murder case.

"How are you now Shikamaru-kun?"

"Eh... I'm fine. It's just... I just remembered that tomorrow I have to go to school" said Shikamaru while sipping the coffee that Tooru gave him.

"Ah, it's only school matters…" sighed Tooru as he started the car.



Shikamaru forgot he is still a student...

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