
Destroyer in Danmachi

You take a normal harmonal teen and you take a truck-kun, baaam!!.... You wait for few second, you freak out and then..... Isekaaaaaiiiiiii. Come on you know the drill. In short the MC is OP and an asshole. Might not be your cup of tea since he is not going to go around doing the right thing, No tragic backstory, no suffering childhood, no bullying in previous life, just your regular assholes. Being an assholes doesn't mean the same as being evil, kinda like bete loga. But not a tsundere.

Overlordfanboy · Anime e quadrinhos
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29 Chs

Lowe Loga

It was still some time before the monster cross the valley so by estimate they will arrive here, near the plains, by tomorrow morning.

They had plenty of time to prepare but still the adventurers were a little afraid,

even though this has been going on for a few years now, this time according to scouts there even were a few wyverns spotted there,

the only place aside from the dungeon where you can proudly proclaim that you going to become wyvern's food is the dragon valley.

Wyverns only appeared after the 50th floors in the dungeon, and were majorly found near cadmus on 58th floor.

They were classified as high level 3 monsters,

Hence the moment wyverns were mentioned everyone just wiped there head towards me,

What? There is already a level 6 mage in the elven territory. After all the thing that bugs me is not the wyverns, but why are they coming down from north.

The only reason I can think is something more dangerous has suddenly took there place over there and forced them to migrate like behemoth did a few years ago.

I left the place after assuring them if things get dicey I will help but not before that, others of course did not like my nonchalant attitude towards there problems but did voice it out because

First it was there problem I had nothing to do with it, second I was much more dangerous than the incoming monsters,

It was already dinner time as I met with shiva who had already heard about monster break from the dragon valley,

He said that there is were no sightings of any big monsters here, so my reason might not be correct. But I decided to take a look at the place at midnight.

Going down to the dining area I found Nala, Ron and Larry along with Lowe who seemed to have just returned having dinner,

I ditched shiva who went towards another god, while I sat with them.

Larry looked surprised to see me.

It literally took a monster horde to get his attention off of that Chienthrope.

Larry told me that he saved her during the previous monster break and then fought together to survive,

He proclaimed that they were destined to meet and fall in love.

Yeah good for you buddy. Now shut your trap before every man here beat the shit out of you .... Myself included.

"Lio" Lowe suddenly said with a serious note.

Everyone on our table looked at him,

"let me join your familia"

huh? He wants to join my familia huh. That's not what I was expecting,

"amm... No" I said after thinking for a minute. Lowe and group knew I was blunt so they didn't show much surprise but Lowe's ears went down a little.

He was a good friend and an old companion but that's only. He will not be able to keep up with me.

"can you keep up with me?"

"yes I ca.." before he could finish a fork, specifically the fork that was in my hands, flyed past only a few centimetres away from his face while he couldn't even react.

The whole Inn fell silent as the fork buried itself on wall.

"I will ask again"

Silence spread inside the Inn as an ominous purple was slightly visible behind the adventurer's blindfold,

"will you be able to keep up" every preson present felt an oppressing pressure on them.

All of them couldn't even lift there heads up as they all sweated buckets in fear and looked at the ground, weather they were adventurers or ordinary people.

Shiva along with other gods present watched the scene unfold with great interest.

".... N... No I can't"

As I thought, he is a good person and a nice friend but he won't be able to..

"... but..."

Huh?. Lio watched as Lowe gritted his teeths and lifted his head, fear was plastered all over his face.

"... One day I will" Lio simply sat there astounded.

Fear was still plastered all over Lowe's face but so was determination.

A rare smile emerge on shiva's face as he saw his child's astonished face. He thought about the time when his fellow gods talked about mortals with great interests,

To him they were all mere creation like any other animal or plants, for him to destroy. But now living among them, after he watched them so closely,

The more he watched them the more he grew interested in them,

Perhaps they were worth for him not destroy something for once.


Lio looked at the determined face of his friend,

He suddenly started laughing as the pressure vanished, why?. Why was Lowe so determined. The reason did matter to him, what mattered was the current him and his ambitions.

"let's get your falna after dinner" Lio said as he looked at shiva who nodded in agreement.

Adventurers started celebrating as there comrade just stood against the 'Destroyer' without wavering,

Tomorrow was going a long day for them hence they celebrated over the stupidest reason, eat and drank like no tomorrow.

Lio and Lowe spilt off from others and went to the room where lio and shiva were staying,

Lowe took off his shirt and gear as shiva used a dagger he always carries with him and picked his finger,

His anchor fell on Lowe as it lit up and shiva's symbol appeared on Lowe's back, a single vertical eyes with a Trident's head behind it,

Shiva took a piece of paper from his bag that was nearby and traced his status on it.

Lowe was a level 2, with his stats around G and some in F. He had the development ability of hunter and beastification skill which all beast people like werewolf, weretigers, boaz etc have.

In conclusion, he was as mediocre as they come. Not a level 1 as 4/5 of the continent but there were nothing special about him and his status.

Seeing his determination I thought he would get a skill like bell, but it seems like that wasn't the case.

Alright task no. 2.

"hey Lowe" I said to get his attention.

"huh?, what is it?" he asked.

"can you see this" I said pointing at the system screen in front of me.

He followed my pointed finger and stopped at the floor,

"the floor?" he asked confused.

So he can't, good. That would have been a pain to explain.

"alright congratulations, now for your first task.... Start packing"


"yes, we going to the dragon valley"

Shiva already started gathering the stuff. While Lowe was still contemplating about what I just said.

"isn't there monster going berserk there, why are we going there, it will be too dangerous. The armies will be there by tomorrow morning why are we going now, and is lord shiva also coming. It's way too dangerous for him" Lowe finished and started breathing heavily

"... Ammm...yes"

He gave up.

It was midnight by the time they finished, as most people had already fallen asleep they simply walked out towards the carriage and road towards the dragon valley.

On the way there, there was a campfire in the plains, where three adventurers were gathered, they were scouts who escaped towards the plains after seeing the monsters,

They might be adventurers but they were no match for the incoming basilisk, wyverns and baby dragons.

The key to defeating them will be cooperation with the Dwarven warriors and elven mages along with the help from the present <Nine Hells> and <Destroyer>.

To Rudy, Jack and Paul, adventurers like <Nine Hells> and <Destroyer> were only stuff of fantasy, as a level 1 scouts, they can only watch them create legends from afar

The trio sighed for umpteenth time and continued to keep an eye on the surroundings,

Ever since they returned they had been tasked to keep an eye out for anything abnormal in the plains since the defence against the monsters will began from here.

Rudy was looking around when he saw a carriage coming towards them.

The moment they got closer Jack recognised the driver and called him out,

"Hey Lowe!!" jack shouted, as one of few level 2s in the guild, Lowe was quite famous in the city.

"oh?,Jack. Rudy and Paul are also here" Lowe said.

"where are you going, beyond this is the dragon valley" Rudy asked as a another person popped out of the carriage.

"we are going there to take a look" Lio said. As he jumped on the driver seat,

"wait, who are you?" Paul asked skeptical of the newcomer,

"oi oi isn't he the <Destroyer>" Rudy said.

Lowe nodded and told them that he joined shiva familia and they were going towards the dragon valley,

The three scouts told them that they were tasked to not let anyone through towards the valley since they might agitate the monster bringing them here faster.

Lio scoffed and said if something like that happened, he will deal with the whole lot of them by himself.

The trio still remained skeptical and asked them to bring them along as well,

Lowe looked at Lio for confirmation who shrugged in response saying it won't make a difference at the end.

They got on the carriage to find God shiva dozing off in the back and quietly got on, as to not disturb the sleep of the god of death and destruction.

After a few minutes they reached at a cliff like position where the whole valley was visible,

Even though named the 'dragon valley' it was actually a cluster of several vallies and even some caves, due to it's confusing and maze like structure along with various hidden caves with many strong, high level monsters,

no one has been able to explore the valley to its fullest, hence earning it's place in the 3 great unexplored regions beside the dungeon and the grand ocean.

On reaching shiva woke up and Lio asked Lowe to look after him, he can't have him becoming monster dinner now can he.

Lio walked at the edge and started using both [Rinnegan] full Forse to see the entire valley and mark the monsters,

As he looked a single monster stood out the most in between as the other didn't even get close to it.

When suddenly one of the wyverns spotted there group and roared to get others attention. In a moment an army of monsters charged towards them,

"Shit!!!, they saw us." Rudy shouted.


"WHAT DO WE DO? WHAT DO WE DO?" Jack screeched,

"how about shutting your mouth for starters" Lio said calmly.

"What the Fuck it's you Fault that.." Paul suddenly closed his mouth as his whole body started shaking violently,

As a weretiger, he took immense pride in themselves and their strength and also there superior instincts when it comes to other beastmen.

Right now, every fiber of that instinct was telling him to run away, not from the incoming monsters but the monster in front of him.

"open your mouth again and I will close it permanently" Lio warned the whole lot, as he looked at slightly afraid Lowe and the down right shivering trio of adventurers and scoffed,

That's why this pathetic lot will forever remain side characters, just this demonstration is enough to prove that Lowe will without a doubt be cut above the rest in future.

Shiva was just nonchalantly looking at the whole scene, people not able to handle the brat's killing intent wasn't a new sight but a level 2 being able to do so was new. This must be why Lio allowed him to join this one man army of a familia.

Lowe gulped, no matter how he prepares the sheer presence of an adventurer like Lio makes his body tremble in fear, though not as much as the people next to him,

"what are we going to do about that" Lowe asked Lio who was looking not at the incoming monsters but something behind them,

"they are minor nuisances at best I will deal with them" Lio said as he raised his hand pointing towards the centre of the valley,

[Black Hole].

A strange pitch black sphere appeared in the middle of the valley and sucked out everything,

Monsters, air, rocks everything was pulled apart, as in an instant half the valley quietly disappeared.

Before any of them could marvel at the demonstration, a loud roar shook the entire area.


Born in the loga tribe, Lowe had there signature bluish grey fur and a swiftness of a werewolf.

As a young adult of the tribe he along with his friends hunted down animals to eat and collected vegetables and fruits almost daily.

Lowe like any other werewolf took pride in himself and his tribe.

Though when it really mattered he discovered he was nothing but a coward.

When the monsters suddenly attacked his village, he was a little further away from the village but he could hear the roars and screams of his people and monsters alike, and see the outskirts of his village littered with corpses.

He bit his lips to overcome the fear and was about dash towards the place when he came face to face with a minotaur,

The monster's roar itself frozen him at the place as it slowly walked towards him so as to mock him, his friends all screamed and charged at the level 2 monster but where all torn apart one by one.

Lowe dropped all his pride and ran away.

He convinced himself that he couldn't win,

He could hear the scream of the people who shouted to take arms and were silenced the next moment.

convinced himself that he would have died with them,

He ran with all his strength not daring to look back.

convinced he wouldn't have made a difference.

After a few hours he came back to find his entire village, family and friends dead, torn or eaten by monsters as a single child survived and cried while holding the body of another werewolf or rather what was left of it.

The moment the child saw him he jumped at him with every intent to kill him, he must have seen him run away.

The child punched, kicked, bite him yet he didn't retalite one bit, the child stopped and left after saying only one thing,

"... You are no werewolf, you are just a coward"

.. That day he convinced that himself that he was nothing more than coward.

After travelling for time, he came across the town of Kurana where he met his god how took him in his familia and then while adventuring he came across Nala, Ron and Larry.

But that feeling of helplessness remained as everytime they faced something dangerous, he would remind himself to not run away,

But to do that he needed strength, power to not lose to anything, power to face anything without covering in fear,

Hence he asked the person who held the title of the strongest, <Destroyer>.

The moment he let out his killing intent he knew that that silverback was nothing compared to the boy in front of him, he wanted to cover away, run away again, just say it was a joke, but no words formed in his mouth,

He looked at the Lio see a disappointing look on his face the same as the one that child had when he left.

At that time gathered all the courage that he had and replied, and swore that one day he will stand next to him at the top,

But right now, he was having second doubts...


The moment the valley disappeared, a loud roar shock the entire place,

From one of the largest cave, a ginormous dragon burst forth, and roared again which almost raptured Lowe's ear drums,

The moment they saw the monster, the trio ran as quickly as possible towards Kurana.

A pitch black dragon with a gruesome wound on one eye, any person on this continent can tell it's name, the monster of legends, the one who terrorised the world for centuries ... At least it was supposed to.

A loud 'bang' reverberated throughout the place as a giant Broad sword struck it across it's face, launching him backwards.

Yet that monster of legend was currently beaten black and blue without mercy, with the person beating him laughed like a manic. In a way that the people would start pitying the monster instead.

With purple eyes shining ominously in the night and a terrifying grin on his blood covered face and a battered dragon under his feet.

With there God currently cheering him one and offhandedly commenting on destroying Karuna as well while he was at it.

Lowe contemplated weather he made the right choice or not by joining this band manics.

Alright an OC aside from the original duo that will stay for long.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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