
Destiny of a Fay

There wasn't many things that could stop Harry Potter completely in his tracks. Voldemort? Bring it on. Dimensional travel? Far too common. Strange colored birds? A nuisance to be honest. But as he stares into a set of eyes that match his exactly, two identical expressions of surprise face each other. And with a jolt, he wonders if he has finally found a home. HP/OFC

Dragon_Fighter_T · Livros e literatura
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 (R18)

Notes: Here's Chapter 5. Our characters will firstly have an interesting dream(feel free to skip it). Then he'll go visit a___? And afterwards he'll___? Anyway, please give any criticism you can, and comment/review and for webnovel give power stones/collections I guess? Etc. ALSO, this will have fairly detailed ADULT themes first thing this chapter, so please. If you're too young to read such content, either skip it and continue or don't read. This will have a lot of fluff as well, and will be generally happy-themed.

Warnings and tags include: 'Incest(self-cest?)', 'Elemental powers', 'Heir of Ravenclaw', 'OP MC', 'AU', 'OOC characters', 'Mature themes', 'Cliche themes', 'Amateur author', 'Dimensional travel twice over', 'Soul bond', 'Neutral MC', 'Crossover themes?', 'Non-human MC', 'Different History', 'Wandless Magic'.

Pairing = HJP/OC(HLP)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything really. This is purely a work of fiction and is not intended to offend anyone.

Chapter 5: A Visit To Avalon


Universe 3, Monday, September 9th 1995. Harry's Room, Hogwarts, Scotland.

--Lemon Alert--

---He groans softly as he holds her naked body up, pressing completely against him and fitting against his like a puzzle piece. He kisses her neck roughly as she grinds her naked privates against his, sending jolts up both of their bodies. Her moans are like music to his ears, and as he presses her harshly against the bed she squeals and her large, heaving breasts move alluringly. His eyes latch on to them as he hovers over her, his two hands gripping onto her thighs and spreading them as far as she can. He settles into his rightful place between her legs, and as she wraps them firmly around his waist and looks up at him sexily; he reaches one hand and grabs onto her right breast firmly, its softness molding into his hand easily.

She moans again, grinding her soaked vagina in circles against his naked cock in desperation, gasping out to him pleadingly. "Ooh Harry stick it~ Please I need it, so take that cock and fuc-" Her voice trails off as he aims himself, and with a quick thrust, hilts himself inside her completely. She moans loudly again, and as he pulls out and harshly thrusts back in, the two of them notice that they again fit like puzzle pieces. She speaks again, gasping with each thrust. "Fuck yes~ You feel so good Harry~ Just like that."

He leans forward, continuing his motions while one hand still plays with her heaving chest, and roughly whispers into her ears. "You like it don't you? Being fucked by your big brother? Submitting to his cock? Say it Hazel, who do you belong to?" He finishes his statement while picking up his pace, her soft body jiggling more as he continues. She groans and tightens at his dirty talk, and as they're both clearly about to reach their orgasms she whimpers out to the body above her.

��Yes brother, I love it! Fuck me, claim me Harry, I'm yours! I'm almost there, faster Harry~" The both of them lock eyes and grip their hands together, locked in a dance as old as time. And as he goes as fast as he can without hurting her, the two of them begin to cum, jolts of pleasure rushing through their bodies. Her toes curl and she squeals in delight, feeling his liquid warmth burst into her. It feels so good that the two of them white out temporarily, magic unknowingly amplifying their received pleasure tenfold, and when the two of them finally open their eyes again, to look at each other---

--Lemon End--

Two people simultaneously wake up, equally green eyes snapping open, and Harry himself jolts his body upwards and looks around at his empty room. He's visibly out of breath, and panting as he looks down at his body. He grimaces as he notices the mess below, and he reaches over and grabs his wand, flicking it lightly to clean up the mess he left. He sets it down and groans lightly, falling back into the soft bed.

With a sigh he mumbles to himself. "That was just a dream? Bloody hell that was something. Was that the bond, or just me having years of puberty smash me in the face all in one day?" He yawns slightly, thinking back to the revelation he received last night while talking to the Headmaster… and his mom? A Soul Bond, something he believed was only a myth. It was the thing single handily responsible for him never being attracted to any other women, but as he remembers the smiling face of Hazel, and the dream he had that felt oh so real, he couldn't bring himself to regret having it. As he thinks back to some of the interesting things noted during the conversation, he idly remembers that Hazel is currently 15, and she was born the same date and year as he was. He's 16 though, so he can just assume that his dimension was a year ahead or something?

He shakes his head for a second before proceeding to get up, grabbing a change of clothes from his item box casually. Coincidentally the room he was lent has a bathroom and shower attached, so 10 minutes later, he exited said shower clean and ready for the day. After grabbing his wand and waving it across the room, tidying up the bed and cleaning it at the same time, he remembers what Dumbledore told him last night.

'Do not be seen. Not yet. Only after everyone agrees on an explanation for your presence can we allow you in public. Apologies my boy, but please stay out of sight temporarily.'

He frowns thoughtfully, pulling a watch from nowhere and looking at the time. "9:30AM huh? I suppose everyone's already in class by this point? Hazel agreed to meet me in the evening after classes, so I have quite a bit of free time. Let's see… Dumbledore already took care of all of the Horcruxes' except the snake, don't know why he needs me exactly but oh well. So no need to visit the Room of Requirements. Hmm, if I recall Dumbledore didn't know about the basilisk, so I should probably take care of it at some point, but it's fine where it is right now." He trails off, humming and glancing at his favorite ring. "Guess that leaves you huh?" He mumbles while sighing and reaching into his inventory once more; this time pulling out a pen, for its convenience, and piece of parchment. For a few moments he scribbles a small letter, signing his name and laying it on his already made bed.

He stretches casually, not exactly in a hurry to visit the legendary island, but sighs one last time as he holds his left hand up while speaking softly in a language that's clearly not English. "I am a Fay and Heir. Take me home, to Avalon." A mysterious breeze fills the room that Harry stands in, uncaring for Hogwarts' wards. And in a flash of light, Harry Potter disappears from Hogwarts once more, the ancient portkey taking him away for a time. Later, when Lily would visit his room in order to invite him for lunch, she'd find it empty. After looking around she'd notice a paper on his bed, and after reading it she'd pout at the missed chance, but leave anyway.

'Off to deal with an old lizard. Didn't invite anyone cause Avalon is weird. Very weird. Should be back before dinner. -HP


Universe 3, Monday, September 9th 1995?. Avalon?

After feeling the equivalent of magic playfully wrapping around him, and having the feeling of free falling for a few seconds; Harry Potter arrives abruptly in the legendary Island of Avalon, for the first time in this world. He opens his eyes, and smiles ruefully at the scene around him. He's standing in the largest field of flowers he's ever seen, under a beautiful blue sky that feels like spring and smells like summer. The nighttime of this place would feel like autumn, and the stars of winter would shine constantly. In the north a Castle could be seen, large and majestic, different yet oh so similar to Hogwarts. In the other direction a very magical Forest could be seen swaying lightly in the breeze, magical creatures more numerous than he can count everywhere. There were phoenixes and thunderbird's flying together, and there were unicorns near the Forest along with threstrals. With a sigh he closes his eyes temporarily, being sure to hold his mental defenses at maximum. There was a reason he wasn't intending on inviting anyone to this place, especially someone who he may or may not care about. The place was a paradise for all magical creatures, and to an extent, it exists outside time and space due to the ridiculous magic that created it. All it would take for a human to never want to leave would be a glimpse, as for him? Well he was mostly immune due to his pointy ears, it's silly he knows.

"Well now, this place hasn't changed a bit. Literally, everything is the same… Well for the most part." He murmurs to himself, crouching down and picking the same exact Lily flower that he did in his previous dimension. He puts it into his item box lightly while standing upwards and looking around.

"Now then, where is that old dragon sleeping? If I recall, his dead body when I found him was… that way." He looks east, and in a flourish of wind, bursts into the sky without a movement. He quickly ascends and begins traveling faster than most cars, the ground quickly moving past his eyes. He smiles as a phoenix trills in greetings, flying beside him. He waves back as it flies away, and with a hum he looks down at scenery below. A few minutes and the landscape had drastically changed, and instead of a beautiful meadow that stretched from horizon to horizon, he was now flying over sharp, jagged mountains that looked very intimidating. They were some of the largest mountains he had ever seen, and he knew that if he flew a for more miles east, he'd find a very angry looking Volcano, just ready to erupt.

As he quickly locates the entrance to what may be the largest cave in existence, its entrance being hundreds of meters long/wide, he muses to himself lightly. 'Flying like this is fun, I wonder if Hazel would enjoy it?' As he lightly descends, a soft wind flurries across the clearing in front of the cave when he lands. He slightly huffs as he touches ground, dusting himself off and staring at the massive cave in front of him. With a stretch of his body, he begins his way into the pitch black darkness; casually snapping his fingers and allowing a bright orb of magic to hover over himself, the sound echoing to a ridiculous extent. Tens of minutes pass as he walks unhindered, each step making the previously silent cave echo back towards him. As he eventually draws near to his destination, he smiles grimly as he hears a rumble. Said rumble continues to happen over and over until he realizes it's not a rumble, it's breathing. When he stops in front of seemingly a mountain of scales, he raises an eyebrow and thinks to himself. 'Gotta say, I loathe dragons, but the Red One looks a lot more impressive alive. Now that I'm staring at this monster, there's no way Voldemort could've killed him if he didn't want to die. Anything short of a well trained Fay would be incinerated instantly. Even if he had the Elder Wand, which he didn't at the time, Voldemort would be ashes. Which means…'

"Hey lizard. Wake up and have a chat with me ok?" He barks out loudly, staring at the slumbering mountain. As his words echo impressively in the large cave system, a large snort sounds out, this time a stream of flame following the sound. With a snort of his own, he slaps the fire casually and raises an eye in reluctant admiration as the eyes of Ddraig slowly begin to open. Said eyes are, to be expected, each five to six times his height, and with another look of admiration he realizes that the dragon must be at least the size of Hogwarts. The Elder Dragon huffs again, a large gust of wind blowing past him and probably all the way to the cave entrance, and as the giant eyes lock onto his own very small ones, the dragon twitches a giant-sized claw and the cave sparkles. By that he means it lights up completely, streams of magic flowing through the walls that happen to be made of every gemstone he can point out. As he continues to stare down the dragon, a deep gravely voice comes from the monstrous lizard, and it translates directly into his mind.

"A Fay hmm? It's been quite some time since I've seen one of your kind. You have quite the nerve, to wake me up and call me a lizard. I am Y Ddraig Goch, who are you?" He crosses his arms while humming in response towards the dragon and then replies. "My name is Harry Potter, and I am the Last of the Fey. A pleasure to meet you Red One. I've come here with a warning, and an offer. A Dark One, a direct descendant of the Lady Le Fay has recently received the other key to Avalon. I'm unsure if he's already visited you, but he intends on performing the ritual of Usurpation as his ancestor once did, and plans on taking your Fire. Are you already aware of this?"

The dusty red mountain of scales adjusts itself slightly, sending rumbles throughout the cave, and proceeds to reply. "Indeed. The snake faced mortal approached me thirty human days ago, and proclaimed his desire to have mine power. He was seemingly already aware of my desire to finally rest, so I humored him and agreed. If he can rediscover the rituals necessary I would give him my Fire, and watch in amusement at the destruction he causes. Hmm, now that I've taken a closer look at you, you're not from this reality are you? It matters not, you mentioned an offer Fay? Speak, so I may rest once more."

He sighs in annoyance at hearing Voldemort already had approached the old one, and with a firm stare into the giant lizards eyes, he speaks confidently. "You noticed? I'm not surprised. Yes, I'm from another world, one where the snake faced one took your Fire and burnt down the entirety of the land of Britons. I'm here to prevent that, so let me kill you. He won't get that annoying power, and you get to rest so we all win. Oh and I'll be taking the remnant of your body. I can use most of it for potions you know." He finishes his statement audaciously as the Ddraig rears back slightly in surprise before bursting out into a loud, rumbling laughter that makes the entire cave system tremble. With a light look to the shaking walls of diamonds and rubies, he idly wonders if the cave was about to collapse.

"That's quite bold of you Fey Child. To proclaim your intent to slay me and take my body as naught but ingredients? And how do you intend to overcome Avalon's magical protections?" He rumbles out, leaning his ridiculously large head closer to the very small looking human.

Said small human smiles casually at the lizard, his magic already beginning to swirl around his body in preparation, his Elder Wand slipping into his hand quietly. "I won't be harming you, just putting you to rest. Akin to putting down an injured beast, don't you agree?" His smile grows larger as the last Elder Dragon rumbles in laughter again, visibly tensing the mountain sized muscles seemingly in preparation.

"An injured beast hmm? That's a new one, and quite amusing at that. I hope you don't think I'll die without a fight however? It's been oh so long since I've had a decent one. I was prepared to quietly die and let the Dark One have his little fun, but I didn't expect a Fay to appear. Are you prepared little one?" He finishes his query while slowly breathing in, preparing a dragon's signature attack. Visibly, magic can be seen being drawn inside the large lizards mouth, and near its back a bright orb of pure destruction can be seen forming.

When Harry replies in confirmation, with a slightly too-eager smile on his face, Ddraig finishes charging his attack and breathes outward. The entire cave trembles as a beam of what appears to be pure plasma, nearly the width of the cave itself is fired in his direction. Harry has only a split second to react, putting up a shield created by the Elder Wand and maintained with his Fay abilities, and as he laughs he gets pushed back 50, then 100 meters instantly. His body, completely protected from the beam of devastation flies through the air backwards and he eventually comes to a sliding halt, still laughing in light disbelief at the simple breath attack. As he regains his bearings, he looks forward and notices the cave already destroyed, and the old dragon flaring his enormous wings, a single wave causing winds not unlike those of a tornado.

"Really now, how absurd. I do wonder if I have a problem however. I don't think it's normal to be looking forward to fighting this monster." He mumbles to himself, reaching his hand not holding his wand into his trusty item box, pulling out a beautiful silver long sword; enchanted by goblins and embed with rubies, it's the so-called Sword of Gryffindor. Said sword still has a certain poison attached, due to the goblin magic, so he'll have to make sure to not cut himself. "I wonder, can dragons be poisoned? Either way, there's really only one way to slay a dragon right? The traditional way is best after all." He finishes his statement with his normally glowing eyes shining brighter, and with a simple intention and flare of magic, he summons a heavy overcast. Lightning thunders across the sky once, then twice. A single bolt striking his raised sword eagerly, most of it simply dispersing into the ground. The rest of the lightning bolt lingers, giving his trusty sword a suitably dramatic enhancement and making him look bad-ass, no doubt. He smirks to no one in particular, idly reminding himself to put this memory in a Pensieve to re-watch it.

As his foe roars once more, he hovers off the ground while twirling his blade thoughtfully, staring at the massive enemy in front of him. "Now then, what's the best place to get through those scales of his?" He mumbles once more before clearing his throat and pointing his lightning covered sword at his foe, exclaiming loudly and dramatically. "Prepare thyself Ddraig Goch! Here I come." As dark clouds roll across Avalon for the first time in centuries, lightning flashes dramatically a few times, and every magical creature in the area had long since fled. He readies himself and smiles once more, flying forward as fast as lightning. And as the Fay and the last Elder Dragon clash, the entire Island(reality) of Avalon trembles. For the next 8 hours, the dreadful rumbling would continue, and the completely black storm clouds wouldn't disperse until the very end.


The Island of Avalon trembles one last time as the last living Elder Dragon falls down, finally killed. If one were to look at the area, and the dragons corpse, they'd notice a few things immediately. First of all, both of it's eyes were completely destroyed, and it's scales that were once perfectly untouched were now covered in lacerations. Secondly, the area in which the battle had been fought was absolutely obliterated. Where there was once a magnificent cave that held every gemstone you could imagine, there was nothing but a crater. All of the mountains in the area had been flattened, either from the might of an Elder Dragon or of a Fay, who knows? And thirdly, as the blackened clouds slowly begin to disperse, allowing sunlight to beam down directly onto the castle sized corpse; it's enemy was nowhere to be seen. The Fay who managed to slaughter a beast of legends, a feat even for his race is something to be admired, was dead… Or so it would seem?

A minute passes and silence resounds across the scorched, flattened ground. Seconds pass as the sky continues to clear, shining more sunlight down in approval, and the body of the beast trembles slightly. A flash of lightning sounds out, creating a large hole in the stomach of the lizard, sending blood and gore flying throughout the clearing. A small figure rustles inside of the stomach, making loud squelching noises as he limps out of the body, dragging his bloody sword behind him. With a groan, he flings said sword lightly to the side, it seemingly disappearing into the void. Taking a closer look at our hero, one would notice a few things immediately. First of all, he's completely naked. All of his clothes likely either being burnt to nothing, or being dissolved from the inside of the dragon. Second of all, he clearly finished killing the behemoth from the inside out, an idiotic feat to be sure. And thirdly, while his hair somehow wasn't completely gone, he did have one major issue that was likely causing him stress. Creating a diagonal line across his chest, ran a large gash that at first glimpse would be immediately lethal. A closer look would reveal that while not immediately lethal, the size of the wound would cause a human to bleed out less than 5 minutes, and that might be generous. As for our hero himself?

"Bloody hell. Fuck that hurts, a single scrape from his claw and I nearly died. Maybe I deserved it for fighting the thing alone? Nah. Anyway, I can't heal this by myself, if I recall that woman is a few minutes away from here…" He trails off, groaning in pain at the agonizing feeling tells him he's dying, quickly. With another groan he bursts into the air, flying as quick as he can due west, and returning to the plains of flowers where he first appeared. With one hand holding his chest, and his magic doing its best to keep his blood inside him, he passes the plains and quickly flies over the Forest, ignoring the Phoenix's that trill nearby in concern. He quickly locates his intended destination, and as he hovers over it shakily; he lets go of his magic and falls, allowing gravity to take him where he wants to go. With a loud resounding splash, he falls into what appears to be a golden lake, or perhaps a very large pond? Either way, he sighs in relief as he submerges, casually breathing in water the way a human does air. Another benefit of his Fay heritage, all nature embraces him equally. Of course that means water loves him as much as the plants and trees do. All while he continues to sink, the golden waters that seem very unnatural, wraps around him and quickly begins rejuvenating him, healing his wound in less than a minute. After he reaches the bottom, he's completely healed physically, while all the blood he lost is already being restored by the water he happily breathed in.

With a hum, he pushes off the ground, quickly ascending and bursting out of the golden lake, and as he blinks his eyes rapidly he feels a naked body wrap around him from behind, large soft breasts pressing up against him enticingly. He knows that if he were to look at the woman behind him, he'd see a woman the same height as himself, with natural wavy blue hair and sapphire eyes. He'd see that her ears were even more pointed than his own, and her body was unnaturally made of water, with similar proportions to his Hazel, now that he thought about it. He hums again, and proceeds to speak aloud over the silent clearing. "Hello Nimue, or do you prefer Vivien?"

A throaty chuckle resounds directly into his ears, something that would no doubt cause any man to fall into lust, and a soft feminine voice whispers to him from behind. "Hello darling Harry, it's wonderful to see you again~ You know I prefer Vivien." She makes her way around him seductively, her flawless face appearing in front of him and smiling temporarily, before frowning. "I see you had your fun fighting Ddraig, considering the way you jumped into my lake oh so desperately."

He chuckles sheepishly as the two of them float over to the edge of the lake, the woman made of water magically floating and sitting on said edge cross legged, uncaring of the way it aimed her privates to his face directly. He doesn't look away from her eyes as he replies with a cheerful. "Yes I didn't expect him to be so much fun, I got distracted for a split second and nearly got impaled." He relaxes back into the water, raising his eyes towards the sky with a smile. As she rolls her eyes at the battle-eager boy, a brief moment of silence resounds. Harry proceeds to look at her curiously. "You recognized me? But this is clearly a different Avalon, considering Ddraig was still alive, and I did cross dimensions."

The aquatic woman chuckles sexily once more, casually adjusting herself and lying on her side. "Are you curious? If you take up my previous offer I'll explain it to you~" She finishes her statement by running her hand down her body sensually, tracing it over the contours of her breasts first, then her hips. He rolls his eyes in response to her words once, then floats out of the water, still uncaring of his nudity or hers. He lands beside him as she moves her head, tracking him delightedly with a soft smile on her face. "I'll have to refuse. You may be unaware, but I finally found someone. She's my soul mate, and she actually makes my body react. The last time you offered yourself to me, I thought I was gay you know?" He finishes his statement by waving a hand and drying himself, before reaching into the void for a new pair of clothes.

As he dresses himself, he glances at her face which keeps her soft smile, and as he finishes he realizes with a jolt. "You knew? Even back then, you knew I had a soul bond?" Her soft smile grows wider, and he grunts in annoyance, settling himself on a nearby rock while adjusting his new cloak slightly. As he frowns at her she simply replies sweetly in response.

"Of course I knew. You remember who I am do you not? Anyway, you're beloved won't be too happy with you conversing with a nude woman you know~ You'd be wise to either not mention me at all, or tell her everything spoken during your time here. Stick with one or the other darling, it's your decision~ You should get going now dear Harry, your beloved is awaiting you." She finishes her statement with a wink, getting up and diving lightly back into her lake.

As the last of the Fay sighs in resignation at the flighty woman, he gets up from his sitting place and stretches in every direction for a few minutes, making sure his chest had healed completely. And as he holds up his hand which has the Key to Avalon, he disappears with a gust of wind and a flash of light. All the while, the Lady of the Lake laughs lightly, her melodious voice echoing across the clearing, and her twinkling blue eyes stare fondly at the place he once stood.

"He really is a lot like you… Merlin~" Her soft voice speaks once before she descends into her lake, her once solid body completely dissolving, and leaving nothing but silence across the lightly rippling water.

Notes: That's chapter 5 finished, hope you liked it. We had our first R18 scene, so if you don't like that stuff feel free to skip it. Thanks for the comments and encouragement, they do help. Please like, comment, review, give power stones etc. Thanks for those who have continued to read, even though the tags probably put many off reading it. I cross-posted this on fanfiction/net and wattpad under my usernames: dragonfighter11. If you don't like, don't bother reading~