
DESTINED TO BE MINE ( Moved to a new link )

A girl called Luna Jones Lived with her rich billionaire father called Eric Jones and her twin sister Lucille Jones in Cape town. Their mother named Audrea. Jones lost her life in a car accident as the news took the streets of New York. Luna meets a mysterious stranger whose father was known to be a famous pop. star singer in New York City. She promised herself never to fall in love with a man, she had just met but fate crossed paths with them as she fell heads over. heels for him. A love that she never knew could ever exist became a reality for her as her dreams for finding true love became real. Things were going smoothly for the two lovebirds as they started getting closer and finding each other's hidden secrets in their past. Unfortunately, both parents didn't approve of their love despite so many efforts, challenges and promises they made to each other as they were wedded off based on a marriage contract on fame and status. They both seek to find a way to reunite but they face many obstacles which drive them further apart from each other. Blinded by greed and fame both parents will do everything in their power to keep their status no matter what it will take even if it includes the happiness of their children. Now both hearts are completely broken and shattered with the dream of getting back together all vanishing. Luna tries everything in her power. to make her dream a reality but a bridge makes it impossible for her to reach as She wanders helplessly with a hope that someday they will be together again. Asking themselves a question, were you destined to be mine? Who is this mystery man? What would happen to These lovers? Would they be able to come back to their happily ever after? Or would fate keep them further apart from each other? Keep reading to find out.

Kimberly_Obayi · Adolescente
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5 Chs


Destined to be mine


An hour later…

After the ball night party, Lucille, Ava, and Miya came a few minutes after back to the hostel.

Ava and Miya were completely drunk as they entered the room with totally different

personalities, while Lucille who looked completely normal tried helping them towards their


"Hey! What do you think your doing?...I want to go back home!" Said Ava who barely kept

her legs balanced on the ground.

"I want to keep partying and partying…wait let's go clubbing!!!" Miya said to Eva, dragging

her hand.

"What? You can't be serious? You both are completely wasted? What you want to do is

clubbing?" Lucille asked, glancing at the both of them.

"Shh…not now ok? You're not our mom or dad. Come on Miya lets…let's go!" Ava said,

pushing away Lucille from her path, making their way to the front door and leaving.

"Hey! Both of you, come back here! Luna?! Why aren't you stopping them? Luna?!" Lucille

turns around to see Luna smiling sheepishly.

Luna noticed her name being called as she came back to herself.

"Y…yes Lucille? What did you say?" She asked, turning to her sister.

"You mean you didn't hear me calling out to you? The entire time? What are you thinking of?

Why are you smiling? It's creepy." Lucille asked, looking totally lost and confused.

"Oh!...I have? Well…I guess it's nothing." Luna said, playing with her hair.

"Nothing? You can't lie to me sis. Spill it, who is the guy?" Lucille kept a glance making her

way onto her sister's bed.

Luna tells her about a stranger she encountered during the ball night and how he was so

attractive and charming. Lucille couldn't believe what her sister told her. Remembering what

luna always told her she quickly burst into laughter and said;

" Seriously? I could remember someone telling me never to ever fall in love with a guy she

just met. Are you sure you're okay?" said Lucille touching her sister on her forehead.

"Stop it okay? Yes I'm fine. I just feel he's different from other guys, that's all. Anyways

where did Ava and Miya go?" Luna asked, scanning the room.

Lucille doesn't talk for some second and keeps a serious stare at Luna.

"What? Well where did they go?" Luna asked again, gasing back at her sister.

" Are you finally realizing? After what I have been trying to tell you. Well they went out to a

club which I tried stopping them from going but you know how they are."

"Ok…well I'm sure they would be fine. They shouldn't cause much trouble right?" Luna said

but deep down she wasn't all that sure.


Ava and Miya were all night partying at the most popular club called Girl Booth. They had a

hell of a ride with just themselves. Encountering different experiences from drinking,

dancing, and karaoke performance. Unfortunately for them they got into a fight with the bar


"Both of you out! You're not welcome anymore!" he said angrily, stumping a glass jar on a


"Excuse you?...you can't kick us out. Do you know who we are?!" yells Eva, locking eyes

with him.

"I don't know what to know! All I know is that I want you bitches out of my club now!

Security!" He said, pressing a bell.

Two heavy tall men come out from the entrance of the door holding Eva and Miya in both


"Hey!...what do you think you're doing?! Let go of me right now?!" Eva yells trying to get

loose from the tight grip.

"yeah!...what she said." Says Miya backing up Eva.

Few seconds after eva and miya find themselves tossed out on the ground with their bags on

the ground. Immediately the doors shut right in front of them.

"I hate people! Ugh! Come Miya we're out of here so much for clubbing." said Eva stopping

a taxi to go back to their dorm.

10am in the morning ….

"Lucille! Lucille!... wake up!" screams Luna jumping out of the bed.

"Huh? What…what is it?" said Lucille, getting up sluggishly from her bed.

"It's him…" Luna turns around with happiness.

"Who?" Lucille asked, still confused.

"The guy you asked me about! Landon!" reply back to Lucille.

"Landon? What kind of name is that?" Lucille asked, bursting out laughing.

"Whatever…He texted me saying he would like us to meet at a restaurant." She said,

showing her the message.

"Ok? Why are you telling me?" Asked Lucille, falling back to her bed to sleep.

"I want you to come with me so you could meet him. Please!" Begged Luna taking off her

blanket from her body.

"Luna! I don't want to…he is your crush and not mine. Why do I have to come?" Lucille

wails collecting her blanket from luna.

"Pretty please! Please! I'll buy you your favorite dessert only if you promise to come with

me." Luna said, giving off a smirk.

"Hmm…I can't refuse such an offer. Alright fine I'll come just as Long I get to the desert."

She said, giving a peak on Luna's cheeks.

Two hours later…

The time ticked 12pm as Luna and Lucille got ready for their outing. A notification pops up

on Luna's phone revealing a message; " Meet me at wallies, can't wait to see you."

"Let me guess, him?" Lucille asked, giving a funny look.

"Yes him…stop giving me such a look and let's get ready! Hurry!" Luna quickly hurried into

the bathroom to bathe and got ready for the big day.

Few minutes after their preparations their room door flies open revealing Eva and Miya who

had just returned from their outing.

"Hey girls! So…how did it go?" Lucille asked, adjusting Luna's necklace.

"Awful! We kinda had fun and it was pretty amazing though. Speaking of Amazing, Luna

wow you look really…beautiful! What's the occasion?" Ava asked approaching luna.

"Oh this? It's a surprise…I'll tell you both right after I and my sister return back." Luna said,

taking her purse from her dressing mirror.

"return back from where!" says both eva and Miya watching Luna and Lucille about leaving

the room.

"Like I said it's a surprise…Bye girls!" Luna and Lucille take their leave, closing the door

behind them.

Exchanging glances at each other and looking completely confused they decided to watch a


1pm, At Wallis…


Luna and Lucille arrived shortly in a taxi making a stop at Wallis restaurant. Immediately

Luna received a call from landon.

"Hey, are you there? I've been waiting for you." Said Landon leaning against his black, tinted


" Waiting for me? I don't understand? I'm at Wallies already but I can't see you." Luna said,

searching through the area hoping to spot him.

"Why can't I see you? Unless you went to the wrong place. Ok I'm coming over there now to

pick you up. Don't go anywhere." He said hanging up his phone and driving off to the road.

"Well , is he coming?" Lucille asked impatiently.

"Yes, it seems we went to the wrong place." Luna said, checking her phone map.

"Seriously? Ugh! I'm leaving." Lucille said, taking a stare at her sister as she turned around to

head back to her dorm.

Before Luna could speak, she was interrupted by Lucille.

"Don't try to stop me ok? Goodbye." Lucille leaves a few blocks away from where her sister

was. Trying to cross the road to get to the other side she sees a car speeding towards luckily for her she gets out just in time.

"Hey! watch it! you would have killed me you insane driver.!" she yells moving towards the car which suddenly stopped.

Lucile standing in front of the car watched as the left door of the car opens revealing a handsome tall stranger.

"You almost killed me?! were you drunk?" yells Lucile angrily.

"I'm so sorry I was in a hurry to pick up someone. hope you're, ok?" He said giving her a hankie to wipe off a face.

"Do I look ok?" Lucile asked giving him a frown.

"No, you don't I just..." He gets interrupted with a notification on his phone. He hurriedly enters his car but heard a familiar voice he knows too well.

"Lucile are you ok? I heard your scream and came as soon as possible. What happened?" Luna asked hurrying towards her sister.

"I'm fine, just some crazy driver who..." Lucile gets interrupted by Landon who quickly calls out to Luna.

"Huh?!" both Lucile and Luna turned around in shock.

"Landon! is that you?!" Luna said moving closer to see the voice who called out to her.

"Yes, it's me...I'm so glad to see you again." He said approaching Luna and holding both of her hands and looking straight into her eyes.

Lucile gets completely shocked as she couldn't help but stare.


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