
Descent To Insanity

Read the journey of a boy who wants to explore the world, and help his parents live a better life. But will he be able to do that with an ability like teleportation? Will he gain enough power to explore the Unknown? And Will the power descend him to insanity? Read the journey of Wand to find out whether he wins this race or not! ——————————————— Note: This is my work for the WSA 2024. So, don't hesitate to give those Power stones!! Universal Energy(Unie) is this world's equivalent of mana.

StrangerOfVoid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

3 Academy

"Space Manipulation: Teleportation"

The Man made a shocked face when he saw "Space Manipulation", but it returned to normal after he saw the complete sentence.


"I am Wand." The man then typed in the device.

"Alright! Turn to you left and look straight at the middle of the circular glass."

Wand complied after which the man pressed a few buttons and said, "You can relax now." Then he took out a slip of paper which came out of a slit in the machine and gave it to wand.


As soon as John entered wand went out through another door and got out of the main door.

Then, the middle aged man from his village approached wand and asked," You got your data paper, Wand?" Wand nodded and handed his data paper to the man.

The man looked at it with shock and happiness and said," Wand! With your new ability, your unie control and your strength you have a good chance to get into the aurora academy!"

Wand expected that as he also witnessed the shock on the face of the man who awakened his ability.

"Let's wait for everyone from village and then I will take all of you to the academies building."

After a while John also came out of his building with a friendly smirk on his face, then he showed his data paper to wand and the village council member.


Name: John Kesh

Ability: Hair Control

Both Wand and Village council elder were shocked! After all, John had a surname! And all of the people who got a surname get accepted into aurora academy.

Needless to say, getting a surname was a rare occurrence.

The three of them then talked about John's and Wand's ability. John was also happy that Wand will also probably get into the aurora academy.

After about 13 minutes, All the kids from the village had come out, of which 2 girl and 3 boys failed to awaken an ability. Yes! It was possible for one to fail in awakening an ability.

Out of 8 boys and 4 girls, only 5 boys—Including John and Wand— and 2 girls managed to awaken an ability.

A child named Alaia awakened fire control ability, whereas two others awakened a low level strength boost—Which was a active not passive boost— and another awakened an low level speed boost ability.

Another girl awakened [Sound Waves] Ability. According to the village council member, she might have a chance to get into a decent academy.

Needless to say, His face was full of joy and glee as this was the first time that four people were going to get accepted in academies form the Happy Village!

The kids who didn't awaken an ability will go out to set up two tents. As for the other kids, follow me!

The seven kids followed him to another part of capital where some tents and a building were set up.

The man and the kids following him went towards the building which had the words 'Aurora Academy' Engraved in it. Inside the building there was a small line which was rapidly decreasing as dejected children were getting out of the building.

The man sends the kids to line up. This time Wand's turn was last in his group.

The line rapidly went forward till it reached the children who awakened low level strength boost.

The man who was reviewing the data paper looked really menacing to all the children.

He took the data paper of the child and ruthlessly said "Rejected!". The child didn't even have time to process the rejection as he was handed the paper back and absentmindedly when out of the white colored building.



The brown-haired man said as he rejected other two children from the group.

Then the girl with [Sound-Waves] ability showed her data paper and the man said" Hmmmm".This was the scariest 'Hmmmmm' of that girls life.

The man continued "Go to the building on the right of the building. You will get accepted to the Scholar Academy, if you do good in their aptitude test."

He then stamped the data paper.

Next was Alaia's turn. After looking at Alaia's data paper he said" Go to building on the left of this building. Your strength and Unie control will be tested, your acceptance will depend on it."

He again stamped the data paper.

He then looked at John's paper and said" Accepted!"

He stamped John's paper with a new and fancy looking stamp and handed john another paper along with his data paper.

Next was Wand's turn.

He looked at Wands paper and then looked at Wand's Violet eyes.

He then said "building on left. Your strength and Unie control will be tested, your acceptance will depend on it."

He returned the stamped data paper back to Wand.

Wand happily went out and met with the Happy village council member.

"Kurt Uncle and John! I am going to that building for the test! Wait for me!" Wand smiled and went towards the building with the words 'Strength and Unie Test' written on it.

Wand went inside and saw another line.

'Ugh! Another line. I really can't stand lines'.

Looking around, he saw Alaia standing at the last turn and quickly approached him.

Covering Alaia's blue eyes with his hand he said while giggling "Guess who?"

"Wand? You also got sent here?"

"Yeah! The bastard at the building even paused before sending me here! All that to crush my hopes!" He said as he put away his hand.

"Haha, We will pass man! There is no need to worry anyway."

"Yeah, you are right."

"Hmmm, John got accepted, right?"

"He did not."

"Wait, seriously!?"

"Yeah, He definitely didn't get accept in a jiffy."

"Wand, you bastard! I really thought you were telling the truth!"

The boys then burst out in laughter.

A black-haired man in 20's came near them and said" Boys, please don't talk loudly! People here are quite stressed!"

"Alright!" The boys said instantly.

The man spent some of his next 30 minutes requesting the boys.

The man finally had peace when it was Alaia's turn to take the test.

After 2 minutes, Alaia Came out of the room with a grin and thumbs upped towards Wand.


After hearing that Wand entered the room.

Inside which Wand saw two men — one burly man and another man with average build.

The burly man gestured Wand to come towards him and said" Kid! Hit me with all your force! That's your test. Don't hold back."

Wand Complied and Took a proper stance and hit the burly man. The man didn't even move and took the hit to his torso.

After which he took Wand's paper and wrote "Strength:9/10".

"Go to the other guy got Unie control test."

Wand then went across the 7meter room towards the slim guy.

The man friendly said "You see this jar of water? You have to cover you hand with unie and try to keep your hand dry for as long as possible."

Wand nodded and masterfully covered his right hand with Unie and dipped it inside big water bucket."

The man's eyes glowed while looking at Wand.

10 second,..30second,...50second

After 60 second Wand was starting to feel slight irritation and pressure in his unie.

After 90 seconds, Wand's unie slowly started dispersing in water but he had created the best unie barrier he could without any spells—as he had none.

Finally, after about 180 seconds Wand's Unie barrier broke down and his hand got wet.

"Alright! 183 seconds, haha kid let me tell you something your unie barrier is something else! It's almost at the level of a spell made by an ability—of course it will be the worst of worst barrier spell— and for that you will get a 12 out of 10 marks!"

The man wrote in his data paper [Control:12/10].

"Go back to the building of the Aurora academy, you will get accepted!"

"Thank you!" Wand said and went out of the building.

Outside Wand could see Alaia, John and the council member. Wand makes a thumbs up sign and went towards the main building.

There was no line right now as most of the students had already been accepted, rejected or sent for the best. Wand quickly went to the menacing brown-haired man and gave him his data paper.


"Hoo! Looks like we got a Unie control genius! Accepted."

Finally, Wand's journey in this world had started.

A journey to explore the Unknowns of this world.