
Descent of The Fallen Treant

Long ago, the gods created a world full of beauty & resources; ready to embrace all life that would come to inhabit it, the world started to become populated with animals, plants, and sentient beings like elves, beastmen, demons, humans, and more. At first, the races lived in harmony, and the gods granted blessings to help them grow, build, and hunt. It was wondrous, but then, conflict started to rise between the races; as time passed, darkness began to fester in their hearts: they grew envious of the others strengths, anxious & fearful at what they could do, disgusted at their appearances. Pressure continued to rise until it couldn’t any longer, and the Grand War descended upon those prepared and unprepared… The gods knew the sentient races couldn’t exist without conflict, as they themselves couldn’t, but to see how fast they have fallen into madness… Destruction erupted and came to every corner of the world, nothing was untouched by the war, millions of lives were gone in the blink of an eye for the gods, and there was no end in sight. The world that they all created together was being destroyed bit by bit by the war, but only when the races started committing unspeakable acts to each other and their own, even to the very world to gain unnatural power did they intervene. They all unified and came to an agreement. They descended to their now ruined world and forced the fighting to a close with their power and might. Once that was done, they enforced an enactment across the world; a price for all the terrible happenings during the Grand War. For all things, no matter how far away they were, they heard these words: "You had peace, you had hope, you all had a beautiful world, but now, you have BURNT it to the ground, you all have done sick, twisted deeds to gain the slightest edge in battle… We gave blessings, with the goal to help and spread growth, but you have absconded from our wishes and only used them for self-interest and murder… There was no need for such a large and bloody war to happen, yet this is what it came down to, the war wasn’t going to end before taking the entire world down with it. And so, we had no other choice but to get involved. We gods have decided upon a fitting punishment for ALL to live under… The world shall be refitted anew with resources to make up for what has been destroyed, burned, and the horrid damage to the planet will be reversed, however, since all of you created conflict with each other in a peaceful world, we thought you all would make peace with one another in a violent one. In 10 years time, monsters shall start roaming the world, spreading forth the destruction you all once wrought… Apart, you have no chance to survive the tide of change, but together, you will survive. That is all…prepare with these 10 years, and we wish you all the best of luck." The entire speech was done by the leader of the gods, the Goddess of Creation. And with a bright flash of light, they couldn't see anything, but once their vision returned, they were surprised. The gods were gone, and the world was no longer broken, scarred... but it wasn’t as beautiful as before the Grand War, this was an unspoken punishment from the gods: the world would NOT return to how it was, no matter how much they pleaded for its beauty to return. There was another untold punishment that everyone noticed imminently on reawakening, that their previous powers were now gone! All forms of power were reset to zero, and they would have to start from scratch! Without them being able to curse out the goddess for this indignation in fear of the incoming catastrophe, the races began to rebuild and train to recoup their strength. While they had made peace and worked mutually, there was always an underlying conflict, intolerance, lingering from the Grand War. As their time came to a close, things came to fruition just as the goddess said, monsters now roamed the world, spreading the havoc once sown by their own hands.

Storyteller_0 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Myth of the Rabbit & Knight

They were stuck there, unable to speak in retaliation, their words stuck in their throats, looking down, be it indignation at this joke, or in admonishing themselves at getting caught.

None showing an ounce of regret for what they had done or allowed to transpire.

"We have only one person to thank for what has happened tonight."

Xander turned back, ignoring them, and faced the man next to him, while also pulling something from his pocket.

"This honor goes to Dua, as he had bested the strongest of Alexda's men in the dead of night inside the forest, leaving the mayor defenseless for us to finally strike without fear of failure."

Be it the crowd, the two sides, they lifted their heads to watch as Xander place something on the man's chest.

Dark bronze, circular, edges patterned like weaved fabric, in the center, laid an engraving, multiple swords from above, pointing at single one below, in opposition, pointing back.

Before voices of confusion, be it from what such an item means, to why does he deserve that one in particular recognition, Xander smiled mischievously as he continued.

"As the head of the town's adventuring guild, I award the "Odd's Breaker" medal, as Dua had faced exactly that, odds pushing him down, and rising instead of falling in the face of such a weight placed on him, facing the 12 guards... all...at...once.

As he revealed it, their faces went from understanding to shock, amongst other things; their heads snapping towards the man in front of them.

Some in surprise for recognizing him as the town butcher, pride for the ones who have been resisting for all this time against the mayor, for having someone on their side be so strong, and fear, laced with suspicion, amidst those with the mayor.

However, before any of them can voice any of it, Xander wrapped it up.

"That is everything, meeting dismissed, you all may return to your homes and rest in ease, tomorrow we assort the valuables that were taken along with giving back the funds he has illegally taken."

Clapping his hands, multiple guards had suddenly appeared around the mayor's group, from the ally off wayside of them between the buildings, some barrels off to the side, one even jumped from a rooftop, with a smile on his face.

Sounds of swords leaving their scabbards sounded out, glints of the points of maces, spears, were revealed in the moonlight, and leather armor fluttered in their rushed movements with the cool breeze.

Surrounded by a couple of guards, they were stunned, part of those among them drawing their weapons in response.

Walking over there slowly, with the crowd still watching intently, Xander, Dua, along with the two guards holding Alexda made their way just behind the encirclement of their forces.

Other hurried footsteps sounded out; Xander's faction was following up behind him.

Not stopping it or taking action, Alexda's group stayed, observing, they recognized the squeeze they were in, for a few, it was quite literal as they entered an enclosed formation, the non-combatants in the middle, talking with each other imminently on realizing their plight.

"Did you ever think on why our group was smaller than before?"

Hearing that, the ones in the center hushed and looked up, in distain of the voice even more than before.

"You really thought I would allow you all a chance to run? You're trusting my words way too much for an enemy."

Revealing his own weapon strung on his back, a large two-handed hammer was revealed, black cloth wrapped around near the end of the long handle, metal underneath a dark purple leather stretching over itself in a diagonal pattern, a pointed pommel, with a flatten surfaces on the head, in a brick-like pattern, it's flat end stirring dust as it hit the ground they dry grass with strength, showcasing his control over the destructive weapon as the weight didn't make the weapon didn't dent the earth.

"Now...I'm going to say this once, and you better listen."

Xander put on his most domineering face possible, his hand strengthening his grip, still on the weapon handle, ready to be picked up at a moment's notice.

"Put down your weapons, give any amount of resistance, and you'll stay down there as long as the mayor does."

Hearing that, they were even further incentivized, the guards bringing their weapons closer.

At that moment, a mace hit the earth.

Looking into their group, they saw one of the guards walking out the formation.

"What are you doin-"

"You think we stand a chance?!", the warrior screamed back.

Bewildered, he only stared as the guard ranted.

"Even if we escape, and that would be with casualties, where would we go? The forest? We could end up lost, or worse, find our way right back here even! By then, our faces would be plastered on the boards for all of them to see!

It's easier to give up, as long as I can live and go free..."

Going silent, he continued walked up to Xander, he kneeled, lowering his head, not saying another word.

After some stillness, one by one, all the fighters surrendered.

Their weapons fell to the ground; lining together, some kneeled just like the first, others simply stood.

With no more fighters, the rest had nothing between them and the weapons aimed towards their heads, eyes, heart, and legs.

Their cold sweat began to drip, dirtying their clothes, wetting the earth, letting their fear be known.

Some accepted their loss, others looking left and right, looking for a way out, saw none, and had to join the others, they all shared their collective animosity.

Only one saw differently.


The last of the group was walking forward, her face no different than the rest, if not just sweating a little more than the regular one.

However, instead of getting down like the rest, she walked past them.

Getting confused looks, even from Alexda, one of the guards stepped out from the surrounding formation to stop him.

"What are you doing?"

Before he could reach out his hand to place on her shoulder-


Feeling something slice at his neck, all he could do is fall to his knees, grasping his neck as blood began to flow, escaping through his grasp.


Running with everything in her, she sprinted away from the group, some rushing to the injured's side, others following slowly in their metal armor, only to stop as she made ground.

Bloodied dagger in hand.

Those that gave up saw hope in her gambit, a few even raised to give their shot in the midst of the formation, yet blades aimed at their head halted their growing confidence, frowning in disappointment, they got back on the ground.

Just as Xander was going to give chase, a hand grabbed his shoulder.

 Looking in surprise, he saw it was Dua.



He pointed at her direction, that being the forest.

Upon seeing what exactly what he pointed at, he was nonplussed at what he saw, unconsciously recalling what Dua had told him on returning, to which even he doubted despite Dua's words.

A rabbit sat on the top of the hill, that led into the forest, close to the size of a young child, grey smooth skin, too smooth, ears with a concentric pattern at the center, the ends tampering off, it's head shaped like a multi-faceted gem, cold dark grey, looked like metal, with reddish-pink straps stretching to the back of the head from the sides of its forehead and the two large spikes slanted towards the left and right downward slightly where the mouth should've been.

Only two facets besides those spikes were larger than normal, and in them, were two white lights, that even from the distance, could be seen to be made of some jell like material, a strange luster escaping from within.

Before he could confirm with Dua, the runner made it up the hill.

Before she could properly recognize what was in front of her and the shadow off to its side, something silver came rushing at her from the shadow's side.


Only for pain to come flooding in its way, making muscles twitch, body to shake, her vision to grow fuzzy, besides those things is the cold feeling of metal against the insides of her flesh, in spite of all that, she did her best to look downward, something obstructing her ability to move her head.

Within the blur of the situation, the pain clawing into her mind, gasping for any amount of air, she saw the broadside of a sword, plunged into her neck.

Unable to understand how fast it happened, she looked at the figure holding the blade.

A lone knight, wearing the silver armor of their town.

Reaching for the sword, she wanted to pull it out.

Before she could, she felt the pull of the sword lifting her up, off the ground.

The pain tripled.

Eyes going to the back of her head from the nerves being shot, pain all she can feel, think, see, her consciousness fading, but the pain keeping her there.

As the dark closed in, slashed muscles began to wane.


Tendons doing their best to hold, just until she passed.

~Chi-k~ ~Flwp~ ~Thump~

As something heavy fell, something else flew into the air.

Finally moving, the bunny's legs tensed, before launching itself into the sky.

Grabbing the head that was launched into the night sky.

As the bunny fell, head in hand, the moon started to retreat into the clouds, almost as if in disgust to its actions.

The extra light receding with it, making the crystalline lamps giving orange illumination strewn across the town all the more important.

Seeing all of what occurred, some didn't react in kind.

Parents horrified; kids' eyes covered by their parents...few forgetting to grant their kids such a mercy.

Dua's stoic face remaining, only a glimpse of insight passing in his eyes, while Xander's showed a frown, the guards confused.

However, he didn't have time to think on what happened, or Dua's word.

Stepping off to the side, where the guard who was injured was placed.

"Is he stable?"

"He's lost too much blood, she hit him in just the right spot, hitting right where the blood goes towards the brain... I don't think-"

"Take him up the hill."

Dua interjected.

Baffled, the one treating him spoke in astonishment.

"You mean to whatever those...things are? If we do that, his death is all but assured, he won't make it to the to-"


Hearing the sound that could only be described as a large amount of dust being kicked up, they looked towards the source, already knowing where.

An armored hand reached down, laid on the head in the rabbit's paws as it lifted the head, in a peculiar synchrony, and it began to evaporate into gray dust, white light glimmering within.

Droplets of blood, be it from the blade, or on the ground, joined, seemingly drying up, leaving only a particle of dust behind before it joined the small cloud.

As it flew into the air, above both of their heads, the two suddenly stopped moving, freezing like statues, and dust seemed to grow livelier in an instant.

Rushing down the hill, making a break for the injured man.

"The ****?!"

It collected around the man's neck, along with smaller groups of it floating around the body, cutting the 'doctors' ability to observe almost entirely.

"What is it!?"

Before he could at all interfere, it had already begun to shrink.

Seeing within, he was as surprised as he was shocked.

The previous blood was gone, and in the wound's place, was that dust filling the wound entirely, the blood flow was cut off, no longer pouring out, although it was bulging sometimes, almost in tune to his pulse.


Seeing where the rest of the dust went, he saw it moving around, collecting smaller balls of dust near the ground.

'Were those...?'

There wasn't a speck of blood left from when he was first injured on the ground.

They recollected into the small encapsulation, and it began to shrink quickly, the cut changed from dust to the normal white color of his flesh.

Upon the dust being nearly depleted, the light within gone, the gash was closed, and imminently, it returned from where it left, back up the hill.

Hovering over the two, they suddenly regained their movement, although it looked more strained than before, the dust suddenly losing its bounce of energy.

Sheathing its weapon, clean of any blood, it turned around, grabbing the headless corpse of the girl that was leaning against a dead tree by the arm, and returned to the forest.

Not before looking back towards the town and petting the rabbit between the ears.

Disappearing between the folds of the trees, into its shadows, the bunny followed, hopping after it.

Seeing the knight go away, a few who didn't even know they were holding their breath sighed in relief of it being gone, only some confusion was left inside the people...and tiredness.

Only three had thought differently.

Dua watched the two walk away.

'The rabbit changed...I should ask Ixa about that when I see him.'

Xander was cautious, thinking for the town, and of what Dua had said being proven.

'I need to talk to Dua again, I need to know more about what happened in that forest.'

Alexda thinking never ceased the moment he saw the knight.

'Did one of my men betray me? No, but that would explain why he had a chance to survive, but what it just did, healed his injury-!'

Realizing a certain possibility, he stared back towards Dua.

'Just what did you find...Dua?'

Seeing that things were finally over, people didn't know what to think, but considering the nighttime, and their kids yawning and shivering(not distinctive to either the cold or fear), they began to filter back towards their homes, while talking about the knight and rabbit they just saw.

While they walked away, Xander resolved their punishment.

"Bring them into the dungeon, make sure none of them are armed."

As they were escorted away, Xander looked from them to the hill, to the quiet street and podium.

'At least things will calm down from here, we can finally enjoy some peace.'

Not realizing his own jinx on the situation, he smiled, and spoke out.

"Dua, you never finished telling me what happened, and after seeing all that confirming what you said, I feel you have a lot more to tell me."

"I can only tell you so much, I already told you I cannot reveal more about them than I already have, at most I can tell you of my trip back, I promised, you know how much I value my word."

"You like this guy that much?"

"Not like, indebted, I don't know nearly enough about them to where even I can say I know how I feel about them saving my life twice, I need time to rest to find out.

"Rest comes, just finish what you were telling me."

Walking towards where the building holding all those malnourished from their time in the dungeon, Dua began to recount his experience from where he left off, waking up after he passed out.

• • • • • •

"That was...a lot."

Dropping the corpse, Ixa felt tired enough to where he felt he needed to physically rest, in both bodies, and he barely felt anything through them at all!

As he reached the edge of the forest before, on the hill, he saw the gathering crowd below, and decided to listen in.

These ears seem rather strong, considering he could hear from all the way on top of the hill, mostly due to the man on the podium raising his voice.

Hearing everything, he was not only disgusted, but glad.

"Those 'guards' deserved death with what they did."

He didn't indulge on such nasty thoughts, but considering everything of what they have done, and how it impacted the people of this town, he felt it was rather justified.

'Some will forget and heal, some it will take ample time, while for others it may haunt them for their lives, casting a shadow they cannot escape on their own.'

Not to even mention the physical things, like capturing and taking their belongings, to secretly sending their loved ones to starve.


Wish I could kill him myself.'

This he allowed himself to feel and believe.

Considering how he could make him die a painful death right here and now, he thought to try it, however...

Seeing all the people's face, transition from fear, incensed, to concern, he saw his own thoughts reflected in them, and reflected.

'They want justice, and him dying randomly won't allow them to have it, while for me, it's only a sense of justice, or revenge?

Which is it?'

Continuing to listen, watching the families leave, going to where they are injured.

'Can I heal that? Malnutrition isn't damage more so than just a lack of the stuff to preserve life...maybe.'

Finally, to seeing Dua getting awarded, and the surprise the man had in store for the other group, Ixa was the one to cackle in his mind this time.

'This guy is one smart...guy, man, mind blanked for a second.'

Looking behind him, he saw what he had felt, the knight's body had finally made it.

The metal boots a little dirtied from the constant trekking in the watery grounds, to him staring at himself from two perspectives in two different manners, it created a rather nauseating effect.

'This is going to need some getting used to if really want to...adapt.'

Looking back to see the commotion, a woman escaping the encirclement, another injured and holding his throat as red escaped it.


Ixa would frown if he could, considering what these people did, he believed they deserved more than simply time in the dungeon, but the same experience, not getting enough food, depraved of nutrients and energy, feeling the absolute worse.

Seeing someone wanting to escape such a fate, much less in his direction, not seeing him, he had an idea.

'You want an out? I'll give you an out."

The knight pulled the sword from his sheath.

The rest was said and done, from the cruel death he gave her, to utilizing the torn piece of her to heal the man, to collecting the spare necrotic essence material.

That pat on the head to himself was for maintaining an air of mystery, he still needed to keep himself in disguise, their matching pace really making things seem too odd for his liking, even if it already was.

He had made things a little difficult for Dua, contacting him to make sure no one down there messed with the healing process, and that was after saying for him to bring the man up here, only to realize he could probably heal him from the hill.

The range of his abilities truly was rather absurd.

Looking up at the necrotic essence material, Ixa in the body of the knight smiled.

"Although, I didn't expect it to be so tiring, it felt exponentially more exhausting than before."

[ I think I can explain that bit.]

Ixa's influence is slowly unfolding, and so is Ixa himself, like a little box, opening to showcase what it is on the inside, do you want to know what Ixa is...?

WELL, you gotta keep reading then!

Hope to see yall in the next chapter, have a great day/night!


(As always, comment if you'd like to ask something, interact with me, or anything, I enjoy talking to my readers.)

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