
Chapter 1: Mal Evie Celia And Dizzy

The Descendants Girls Love

Hey Dizzy

Hi Mal

Hi Dizzy and Mal

What's up Evie

Hi big sister Evie

Hello Dizzy

Hi Celia

What's up with you today Celia

Hola Celia

So how are your nieces

What nieces

You know Brandy And Candy

Oh yeah there okay I guess

Oh no what happened this time

Candy and Arthur fell out again

Oh my god not again

What did they fight about

Where you in the room

It was about their wedding invites

Oh then what's the problem

Ariel and Ursula

Okay what's the big deal

The deal is Ursula stole Ariels voice remember

Oh yeah and used it as her own oh now I see the problem

Yeah and knowing those two and their daughters Melody and Lil Ursula they will fight each other at the wedding

Oh no we can't have that

I agree all four of them will mess it up

Then the twins will be heart broken

And they would have to choose too

That means which side to go to

And Arthur is a mommas boy like Ben

Yeah well Candy is a daddy's girl

This is bad you guys maybe not

What do you mean

I mean don't invite any of them

That won't work

Yeah remember Maleficent's story

Oh yeah I guess you are right

Let me talk to the girls

I will help too after all I am their aunt

Okay see you Evie and Dizzy

By Mal and Celia

Yeah good luck you two

End Conversation

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