
Depths Of disappear

This Novel is presented by @Mangrove_Vibes (Me) as a Fan Fiction of the popular manga "Attack on Titan" written by the honourable Japanese Writer Hajimé Isayama. As an Attack on Titan fan, I was too much saddened after reading the whole manga. The ending of the manga left a spot as a message from the future or maybe an ending(maybe). I wanted to complete one more round of the cycle of the Titan theory in AOT like... Ymir(The Founder of Titan's) became the first Titan by being attached to a Prehistoric being known as "Hallucigenia"(source of all Life as They say). It was living under an unusually big tree. so after Eren died in the manga, His Severed head was buried under the tree that He use to nap and hangout with Mikasa and Armin. After a lot of time,The tree grows larger and larger to match the tree that Ymir's Hallucigenia lived under. Then a Kid and His pet Dog comes to investigate. That's how the manga ended... I started the next round of the Founding Titan and Titans from that ending with the help of Time loop and the paths.

MangroveVibes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

" Camp - Off "

'2 Years & 9 months after the Titan attack'

The survivors of the Titan attack were lead to safety by a group of Soldiers Who fought against the flesh eating Giants known as 'Titans' to protect innocent lives. The Soldiers that saved the innocent People was known as "Survey Cops" or members of "THE WINGS OF FREEDOM"

*It's been raining after months without rain. The lands of dust and sand began to perish and vegetation increased slowly. *

It's a full Moon night.

There's a big black rock near a Camp and someone is standing on it in the darkness while it's still raining. He kept watching the Camp while Others were asleep. His name is Eren Yeager. He saw 2 lightning strikes far away,out of the 50m walls that was around the land. It was a view of a nice lightning bolt but He knew it was 2 Titan transformations. Suddenly He heard something rumbling behind Him. He turned around and He saw a Girl. Eren asked "Why didn't You sleep?" She said "I slept but I woke up and I didn't saw You at the Camp so I came to check" Eren asked "So? You like the rain?" She smiled and said "Yes,Eren..." Eren asked "Have You ever seen a Titan transformation?" She said "Yes,It's hard to watch because it's too bright" Eren said "Hmm,There are Humans like Us inside the Titans" She asked "Yes,That's why They die after the nape is damaged,Right?" then she asked "Do You know why We practice swinging and rope control?" Eren asked "Huh? why?" She said "The Commander said that that They are making some sort of an equipment or a weapon that makes it easier to kill the Titans instead of using guns" Eren asked "There's a point but who knows how much Titans will be there?"

She said "An important question but only the commander can control Us Eren" Eren said "We don't have to be controlled,Hiannah" She tried to talk but Eren didn't let Her. Eren said "People use to live outside the wall before these sh*theads appear" Hiannah grabbed Eren's left right hand and said "Let's talk about this later Eren,We can be safe here" Eren asked "Why do You choose Safety instead of Freedom?" She was speechless. Eren said "Just go inside before You get sick" Hiannah refused to go inside without Eren. Hiannah said "You didn't tell Me about Your past" He said "It's not a good story" She said "Let's go to My room,Come on Eren" Then Eren accepted it and They went back. Hiannah gave Eren a towel and Eren took off His jacket. Hiannah gave Eren some hot water and then Eren said "Thank You Hiannah" and then Hiannah dried out her clothes and took off Her coat off. She asked from Eren "Are You okay like this?" Eren said "Yes,I'm alright" She asked "Why did You cry?" Eren said "I- I remembered My childhood... I couldn't... I couldn't... handle it" Hiannah said "Please share Your pain with Me,I'm here For You now" Eren asked "Where is Your Sister?" Hiannah said "She wanted to sleep with Alicia" Eren said "We've got more events ahead" Hiannah said "Yes...I lost My Parents 2 years ago and It still hurts Me and Tsuki" Eren said "I don't know what happened to My Parents, I don't remember much but the Woman Who took care of Me was killed and eaten by a Titan... I lost everyone... She told Me to protect Her daughter but I couldn't" Hiannah asked "My condolence... It's not that different right? We both are equal" Eren said "Yes,True" Hiannah asked "What is Your Dream Eren?" He said "Freedom... I want to be free from this miserable life" Hiannah said "I'm scared to live now" Eren looked at Her and said "Turn off the lamp" Hiannah asked "Why?" Eren turned off the lamp and pulled Hiannah to Him. Then Eren said "Shhh..." Hiannah kept staring at Eren. He silently said "Someone could think something else if We are seen together like this" Hiannah looked at Eren in confusion and She blushed. Eren's eyes were locked after seeing Hiannah's eyes. Hiannah turned around and asked "What are You thinking?" Eren said silently "nothing" Eren closed His eyes and few moments later They both fell asleep without any disturbance.

Hiannah wakes up in the middle of the morning and notices that Eren was not with Her. So She went out of Her stay and then She freaked out. The Commander was there and She was speechless. The Commander said "You slep alot Ms.Hiannah" She said "I- I'm sorry Commander,I didn't mean to" Then He asked "You should be punished right? You know our rules" Hiannah begged for forgiveness but the Commander was really mad. He didn't care about Her. He said "Take off Your Uniform" Hiannah couldn't believe what He said. He repeated "I said 'take off the Uniform" Hiannah refused and replied "But? Sir...I- I-... I- can't do it, How could I?" The Commander said "Do it or 2 of My Men will have to do it for You" She accepted it because She didn't want Her to be touched by anyone. Then She took off Her Uniform and kept it on a rock. The Commander said "Now go and wait at the flag pole" Then She was taken to a flagpole and She was tied onto it hard and She was washed in cold water. They left Her there without any help. She was crying in anger,She was cold and angry.

After a while...

Eren saw Her and He came to Her secretly and She was unconscious. Eren said "Hiannah! Hey" She didn't respond so Eren untied Her and carried Her away from the Camp. Eren kept Her on a rock and spilled water on Her face. Then She woke up and Eren gave Her some water. She drank water and coughed. Eren asked "Are You okay?" She said "Eren,I'm tired" Eren said "Sorry for leaving You alone" Hiannah said "It was my fault Eren,Don't be worried" Eren asked "We can go to the woods or else we both will be punished a lot" She said "Okay,But I'm tired" Eren said "Don't worry,I can carry you" Hiannah said "Oh... I... I don't really think You can,You must be tired now" Eren said "I'm not tired" Then Eren got Her up and Hiannah laughed Eren said "Shh... They might Hear us" and Eren carried Her away.