
Demonic Cultivator Reincarnated as a Snake

Once known as the most feared demonic cultivator in the Immortal World, San Meili met his end and does not know how he died or who killed him. Helpless with his fate, San Meili thought his Dao had come to an end, but it was far from that. "Am I still alive?! And I'm reincarnated as a snake?! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?!!!" -------- My first language is not English, and I speak it very poorly. Good reading! Support me on Patreon, and receive exclusive benefits!! https://www.patreon.com/DearDukkha

DearDukkha · Fantasia
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60 Chs

Eternals, The Deadly Enemies of the Magical Beasts

It may seem that I am relaxed to the people watching me, but no, I am not relaxed. Since Lu Bao Shi woke up, I can understand everything she says. I notice that this is probably because she uses my spiritual energy, so since she woke up, I keep giving her my spiritual energy every day. It's exhausting, but it's nice to see that Lu Bao Shi seems healthier every day.

And to the surprise of zero people, Lu Bao Shi is incredibly arrogant! By golly, she thinks she's a goddess or something! She even called me a 'lowly mortal'! I had to threaten not to feed her with my spiritual energy to get her to stop. I can't hit her, and even if I could, I don't know if I could. I mean, she is so small, and seems so fragile, how can I harm such a being?

Haa... I have become more sentimental since I have been reincarnated...

Nothing much has changed in these two years that have passed, but I have noticed one thing, it is very difficult to learn new techniques! I never had so many difficulties before in the Immortal World, but since I reincarnated, it seems that my perception has become worse. Not only my ability to learn, but even moving up a level has become difficult. My mother says that I'm moving up the ranks fast, but for me, it's still incredibly slow. Before, I could move up realms, fighting someone up to two realms above me. Nowadays, facing magical beasts with only one minor realm above me, is quite difficult.

One day, while walking through the forest with Jorge and Hellen, three advanced stage 3 magic beasts attacked us. It was very difficult to kill them, and I even injured myself before killing them. Thinking about Hellen, things are complicated with her...

After a month of living with her, I got used to her presence, and after a while, I noticed that I need her for my day to be complete. Before, she smelled of blood, and only blood. But after a while, she smelled like a peony, a soft and delicate fragrance. My sense of smell is the strongest sense I have. My eyesight was pretty bad before I became a magical beast. My hearing, though improved, is not the best. So you could say that Hellen hit the nail on the head, whether on purpose or not.

Maybe because she is a magical beast, although I found her body beautiful, I found it just that, beautiful. But the way we talked while training, how she smiled when talking about her home, how nostalgic she got when remembering her childhood... maybe I am in love. I mean, I haven't thought about getting involved with anyone, and getting involved with another magical beast is a big no-no!

But that doesn't mean that I want to get married! In this life, I am not even six years old, for heaven's sake! Alright, if you count the time I lived in the Dark Dimension I'm a few million years old, but? Ok, I'm making an excuse not to have a relationship, how did you find out, Sherlock Holmes?

We had a healthy relationship until recently. How did that leave to meet her parents?! Just because I gave her a little blood?! I have been in relationships with other women since my wife died, but I still feel that feeling, deep in my chest...that feeling of fear. Fear of getting emotionally involved. Fear of losing, fear of feeling helpless again, fear of being betrayed...


Ignore that noise. Maybe I forgot to tell you, but we are running away from my mother's territory. Two weeks ago, Lu Bao Shi became agitated, and when I asked, Lu Bao Shi said that the forest was afraid. I didn't understand what that meant, but when I told my mother, she said she knew why, and that we should flee as soon as possible.

Eternals. The mortal enemies of the magical beasts. Simply put, creatures that no matter how many times you kill them, they always come back. They can have humanoid figures, they can be a colossal creature miles long, but they can also be a creature the size of an insect.

My mother said that many ages ago they appeared in the Beast World. Like the vampires, they wanted something from the magical beasts, but we don't know what it was. All my mother knows is that shortly after they arrived, a war broke out. At that time, there was still a blue sky, the sunlight reached us, and the life of the magical beasts was simpler. But after the arrival of the Eternals, the forests died, the magical beasts went into a frenzy, and the waters of the rivers became murky.

This war has lasted so long, yet so long, that not a single magical beast remembers why this war started. All the magical beasts know is that the Eternals and the magical beasts cannot coexist. Some magical beasts these days have learned a way to enslave some eternals, but the overwhelming majority of magical beasts believe that this is abhorrent. They think that these hideous creatures should vanish from existence, that they don't even deserve to be used as slaves.

I am talking about this for one simple reason. All of my mother's subordinates betrayed her. My mother didn't think that they had betrayed her, until she learned of the death of the forest. Apparently, the matriarch is one of those who advocates the use of the Eternals as slaves. And to the general surprise of the nation, the matriarch took my little offense to her heart.

Oh my, how shocked I am that that old fart felt offended because someone didn't want to go see her. She should pray to heaven that I don't become more powerful than she is....

The only subordinate who didn't betray my mother, the bluebird, who has the ability to let anyone see his memories, is following us. I have become lazy even in thought, so in order not to call him bluebird whenever I think of him, I have been calling him Feni, and he seems to like that name.

With Feni and my mother, Jorge is in my head, as always, and Lu Bao Shi is sitting on my horn like a queen while pointing the way. My mother asked me to ask Lu Bao Shi the safest way. Since Lu Bao Shi can tell where the fear of the forest comes from, the part that has the most vividness, is the place where the eternal is furthest away. Honestly, magical beasts have to improve their nomenclature. Eternals? What the hell kind of name is that? My mother wanted to name me Niger Anguis, you can see the level of creativity of the magical beasts. Easy... this means that the name of the Judgement of Nature technique, which my mother liked... she didn't like it because she never thought about it, right? Right?

And Hellen is also with us. I told her to get in touch with her parents, but she said that since we are committed, I live or die, she will be by my side. She seems a little hesitant in saying these words, and seeing her cheeks flush as she says these words is incredibly cute. Oh, this vampire girl is so beautiful, and her smell... is otherworldly!

I'm getting off track again. Chasing us, there are 10 Rank 5 magical beasts, 20 Rank 3 magical beasts, and 2 Rank 9 magical beasts, the same level as my mother. I asked Hellen to climb on my mother's head, so that we can move faster.

I am already 32 feet tall, so I can no longer climb on my mother's head. Those were good times...

Swiish Swiiissssh

Lu Bao Shi stirred, and even without using Shadow Vision, I know why she is like this. That feeling of disgust and revulsion...

The eternal has arrived, he is almost here.

I apologize for this chapter, I didn't like it very much, but some things need to be presented before the end of volume 1. I will try hard in the next chapters, the most that can happen is that I only release 1 chapter a day. Good reading everyone and see you tomorrow!

DearDukkhacreators' thoughts