
Demonic Cultivator Reincarnated as a Snake

Once known as the most feared demonic cultivator in the Immortal World, San Meili met his end and does not know how he died or who killed him. Helpless with his fate, San Meili thought his Dao had come to an end, but it was far from that. "Am I still alive?! And I'm reincarnated as a snake?! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?!!!" -------- My first language is not English, and I speak it very poorly. Good reading! Support me on Patreon, and receive exclusive benefits!! https://www.patreon.com/DearDukkha

DearDukkha · Fantasia
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60 Chs

End of the Battle of San Meili, The Eternal One is Here!

A large field once peaceful and with beautiful flowers and grass, it was now devastated. There were holes and erosion in many parts, with flames still burning, and acid dissolving the soil, bodies, and blood. The bodies of these magical beasts were shattered, mutilated, bitten, and poisoned.

In the middle of all this carnage, there was a black snake with red eyes and three horns on its head. The black serpent was 32 feet (9.75 m) long. And its whole body was full of wounds. There were bites, burns, and much more. Its scales fell off, were broken, burned, dissolved in acid, or frozen, so few were left on its body.

The black snake, San Meili, was panting, and his eyes were unfocused. A little way away, San Meili, a shattered Wood Golem, rested its wooden body. San Meili with some difficulty walked over to the shattered Wood Golem. He leaned his battered serpent body against the Golem and looked up into the distant skies.

Hellen and Jorge arrived at his side soon after. His clothes were a little torn, and Jorge had some parts of his body broken and cracked. In the end, all the Rank 3 magical beasts came to this battlefield, and Hellen and Jorge had to fight to survive. This made San Meili furious, and he almost invaded the main battlefield, where his mother was facing the two Rank 9 magical beasts.

But Hellen convinced him of the opposite, saying that if he went, she would use her runes. Seeing the state of San Meili's body, Hellen trembled a little, and Jorge clenched his small fists tightly. Both felt helpless that they couldn't help the fight any further. The result of their inability was San Meili's battered body. The once shiny and lustrous scales on his body, the few that remained, were all scarred or nearly broken.

"Don't think nonsense, you two. This is a consequence of what I have brought upon myself. You shouldn't feel guilt or anything of that sort, but rather anger at the situation I have put you both in." San Meili's soft voice sounded.

He did not turn around, but he could imagine what Hellen and Jorge were thinking. He strongly disagreed with what they both thought. Even as he fought, he saw Hellen and Jorge's battle prowess.

Despite his small size, Jorge's speed and strength were enormous. He fought with his fists against 15 foot (4.57 m) magic beasts and won. Without using any spiritual energy skills, he won by using enough destructive power that nothing remained of the corpses. Hellen used what he had learned about the Plant element and its manipulation of blood, a skill of noble vampires, to create an entirely new martial art.

The intelligent use of her skills and the Plant element, along with knowing her limits, allowed her to get out of this fight without so much as a scratch! It is not a mistake to say that Hellen is a battle genius.

"Stop talking bullshit, you idiot! You're a mess, stay put, I'm going to use the healing technique Lady Amanda taught me once. And if you say anything else, I will tell Lady Amanda that you spent your training time doing nothing this week." Hellen said with an annoyed look and pout.

San Meili was a little unhappy at being called an idiot, he was a proud person after all, but he still didn't take his eyes off the sky. Beside him, still invisible to everyone else, Lu Bao Shi was going to the place he proclaimed as his own, San Meili's central horn, while Jorge was happily resting on San Meili's big head, stroking his head, as if trying to make him forget the pain.

A small sprout appeared from the ground, and from it a drop of dew soon condensed. Hellen plucked the sprout from the ground with redoubled care, digging around it so as not to hurt a single root of the sprout. After succeeding, she approached San Meili, and nudged him with her elbow.

Having got his attention, she told him to lower his head, and so he did. When the dewdrop fell from the single leaf bud on San Meili's head, his body glowed slightly, and began to heal at a rate visible to the naked eye. Hellen was exhausted by the excessive use of spiritual energy, but she kept a serious face, giving no indication of her fatigue. But San Meili had lived with her for two years, he knew it was all a facade.

Moving his body slowly, he wrapped his body around Hellen's, who had no strength to resist and soon fell down sitting up. She was a little embarrassed that her legs failed her, but continued with a serious face, while pretending her cheeks were not slightly reddened. Bringing his large head close to San Meili's face, he opened his mouth. His mouth, now almost fully recovered, had long fangs, still stained with his own blood and the blood of his enemies. Anyone seeing such a mouth so close to his face would feel fear or awe, but Hellen just found it... charming.

"You have been a good girl, my beautiful vampire, so drink my blood and quench your thirst. Our war is just beginning." San Meili said in a soft voice as he looked up at the sky again.

High in the heavens, the eternal darkness and the dome of this underground world were still there, but there was something else. A one-mile-long white snake with wings made of twigs and leaves was fighting an Underworld Beetle. The beetle's appearance was similar to an elephant beetle, but much more ferocious, with spines sticking out all over its exoskeleton. It had a dark green color, with ghostly green eyes. The Underworld Beetle was 0.5 mile (0.8 km) long, with great physical strength. Its element was Torment, a rare element among magical beasts.

Fighting on its side was a spectral-type magical beast. This one was much smaller, its appearance was like that of a fierce dark green Tibetan mastiff 600 feet (182.88 m) long. Both were Rank 9, but both were already on their last legs. The Underworld Beetle, with its green flames, could burn the essence of someone's life. It had a large hole in its exoskeleton. Amanda repeatedly used Nature's Judgment on the same spot, thus managing to break through the Underworld Beetle's absolute defense. The Spectrum was weak against Elements from the Pillar of Creation, so Amanda from the beginning was not so concerned about it.

Amanda was not unharmed, but she knew that all of this was just to delay her until the eternal came. Amanda was at the end of her patience. After the end of another clash of strength with the Underworld Beetle, Amanda weighed her next actions and quickly came to a decision. Her body flew up and away from her enemies, her mouth opened, and green light began to glow.

Nature's Judgment!


A devastating beam of green light swept everything in front of Amanda, heading towards the Spectre. Why did she attack the one she found least problematic? So that he wouldn't go after her cub in case something happened to her, of course! She has prepared two emergency plans so as not to die today. But from the course it is taking, she knows that hope of escaping alive is small, very small. She is at peace with that, as long as she dies the way she wants to, and her cub survives and has a long life. But she will not go down without a fight. She hasn't spent that much time with her baby yet.

And how will she know that her cub's future partner will take good care of him? The vampire girl is not bad, but there is still something missing in her...

On the ground, San Meili was still gazing delightedly at the result of his mother's Nature Trial, when he suddenly felt disgusted. The air seemed slimy and more polluted, the ground seemed unpleasant to the touch. He felt disgust and his eyes glittered with anger.

He knew what that was. The problem was that it was faster than everyone expected. Jorge and Hellen looked in the direction San Meili was looking, but all they saw was empty air. Lu Bao Shi and the fox, that was still sitting a little way away from San Meili, also felt disgusted when they saw the figure flying towards Amanda. The figure was flying at high speed with madness and hatred in its many eyes.

The eternal one had arrived. His gaze promised vengeance and death. After so many years, he would finally be able to wash away the humiliation he had suffered with blood!

That is today's chapter. I gave special attention to all the possible translation mistakes I might have made, I hope you enjoy it. Good reading, everyone, see you tomorrow!

DearDukkhacreators' thoughts