
Demonic Cultivator Reincarnated as a Snake

Once known as the most feared demonic cultivator in the Immortal World, San Meili met his end and does not know how he died or who killed him. Helpless with his fate, San Meili thought his Dao had come to an end, but it was far from that. "Am I still alive?! And I'm reincarnated as a snake?! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?!!!" -------- My first language is not English, and I speak it very poorly. Good reading! Support me on Patreon, and receive exclusive benefits!! https://www.patreon.com/DearDukkha

DearDukkha · Fantasia
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60 Chs

A Good Night's Sleep

Well, there are moments in life when you doubt everything and everyone. You may even wonder: Am I really alive, or am I just a fleeting thought from a brain with a body in a vegetative state?

At moments like these a strong emotion can awaken you, such as sudden happiness, or unexpected suffering. Sometimes even something that leaves you surprised can awaken your state. For example, I was incredibly happy that I was able to use Nature's Judgment. Not once or twice, but three times! Three times! But then came the shock. How the hell was I, a magical beast, supposed to learn etiquette? Fuck other people's opinions, I just have to be strong enough to make them accept my opinion, don't I!

When I argued this with my mother, she gave me a blow with her tail, and said that magical beasts have a strict hierarchy, especially for those at the bottom of the hierarchy. She said this, but she didn't give it any credibility! I myself have seen her blow up a battlefield that, according to the rules, she could not interfere with! I know she does it for my own good, but still....

Haaa... I can only accept my fate...

And if that's not enough, I still have to teach about the Plant element! The only saving grace, is that at least she will teach me about those runes I know nothing about...

After that, I still had to try to explain to her what that light was, but there is no way to explain who Lu Bao Shi is to her without words! Perhaps having realized that she should have taught me how to speak, she left this subject aside, at least for the time being.

And I, after such a confusing day, went to sleep before my mother asked me about the roots, since even I don't know how to explain about that. Since my mother was irritated with me, I decided to sleep alone... or almost alone. I went to the vampire girl...Hellen, with Jorge already in my head. When I arrived in front of her, she already had an irritated look on her face, but I suppose it was because she hadn't been sleeping very well since she arrived. So I wrapped my tail with a rattle around her arm and led her into a corner. She kept talking, but since I couldn't understand and almost didn't hear (I hate being a snake at these times), I just took her to the soft, warm grass and made her lie down. I wrapped myself around her body, and prepared myself for sleep. Jorge was curled up on my horn, so he should be comfortable.

She was still mumbling something, but I just snuggled into her neck and closed my eyes. Out of habit, I conveyed to her what I think is a dignified "good night" that I always convey to my mother, and fell asleep. I had always thought that vampires were supposed to have cold bodies and be undead, but this was completely wrong. Her body was warm, and although it beat slowly almost to a stop, her heart was still beating strenuously. Do vampires breed like humans?

I must think about this some other time...


Hellen didn't want to admit it, she really didn't, but... she was feeling comfortable. This black grass, which was not catalogued in the Marquis' library, along with San Meili's cold body, formed a perfect balance of comfort. And although his scales were thick and hard, since he was sleeping in a relaxed manner, it did not hurt or bother her. There was only one thing that kept her from getting a comfortable night's sleep. The deadly stare Lady Amanda was giving him!

It was as if Hellen had stolen something from her!

He's the one who grabbed me and used me as a pillow, okay? I had nothing to do with it!'

Once again, Hellen felt wronged. Don't these magical beasts understand that she is one of the 4 flowers in the marquis' castle? That she is an important person?! How can the Beast World be so unfair to her?

She thought she wouldn't be able to sleep that night, with that deadly gaze directed at her. It was then that she saw San Meili trembling slightly, and right after that, a sleepy Jorge woke up and looked around. When he saw where he was, he went to Hellen's hand and took it. Just as before, he urged her to caress San Meili's head. As if by magic, as soon as she started stroking San Meili's head, he stopped shaking immediately, and snuggled closer to Hellen's neck, finding a comfortable position. Seeing that scene, Amanda finally stopped flicking Hellen with her eyes.

Amanda curled up, and soon fell asleep. Helle continued stroking San Meili's head, while Jorge had already gone back to sleep. Soon, Hellen herself also fell asleep. It was comforting to be here, but she would obviously never admit it.


The next day, as soon as she woke up, Hellen noticed that she was alone... or rather, Jorge was sleeping, grabbing her breasts. Startled, Hellen pushed Jorge away. Jorge woke up from his sleep, and when he saw where he was, he realized that he was a long way from where he had gone to sleep. Confused and still yawning, he went to look for San Meili. He clearly felt nothing after being sent flying...

Hellen was once again furious at the audacity of these Beast World creatures! San Meili first forced her to sleep with him, then she is groped by a humanoid wooden creature! Where is the end of all this humiliation?!

Snorting with rage, she left the cave. She has to remind herself, that even if she is furious, she must not irritate Lady amanda. Half the cave collapsed in a fit of rage from the white snake.

Arriving outside the cave, she took a breath of fresh air. There is no better environment for a vampire than this underground world. There is no sunlight here, but for 12 hours every day, there is a warmer climate. It is a well-known truth that vampires are natural enemies of sunlight. Unlike the legends, however, they do not burn to dust. When in sunlight, their bodies burn similar to humans if thrown into a furnace. Their flesh melts and their muscles and bones burn. If left long enough, they turn to dust. A legend that circulates even in the vampire world, is that the first vampire and progenitor of his species, because he was stronger, more resistant and had a longer life span than humans, thought that his species was an evolution of humans, something better and improved. Therefore, he cursed the sun for his arrogance of thinking he is above all others, and because of this, the first vampire was cursed that whenever the sun appears, he will have to hide from its brightness and greatness.

Nobody knows whether this story is true or not, and nobody has ever dared to ask the king of the vampires. Leaving this matter aside, she pulled a leather pouch from her tattered cloak. So many things happened yesterday that she didn't have time to change clothes, bathe or eat. From inside the leather bag she took out a metal cube, and threw it on the floor. The cube cracked and a metal hut was formed.

Inside the cabin, there was simple furniture, a living room and a kitchen, also with a small bathroom. After taking a shower and changing her clothes, she went to the refrigerator in the kitchen, and picked up a package that looked like milk. Still in the kitchen, she picked up what looked like cereal, but was made of blood. Even the milk was replaced by blood!

After eating and fixing her hair, she left the metal hut...

I spent the whole day without power at home, that is the reason I am late. I will work on another chapter for today, but it will take a while. Aside from the bad news, I wanted to give a special thanks to Sunny_holylight, for gifting this book with a power stone. Thank you very much, you have encouraged me to keep improving! That's it, good reading, everyone.

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