

( +18 warning: this chapter contains violence and torture)

even thinking about all this I already knew what to do,

I sighed and slowly put the necklace back in its original place and put my good hand in the left pocket where was a Sharp stone, my only weapon,

I had already decided that I would help the girl but for that I needed to put all my cards on the table including my life and I would have to win this game with only my limited cards,

it was a high risk bet with no benefit but I was still going to do it. now with my renewed determination I began to analyze the alleged kidnappers,

the adult who carried the child was calm in his steps , walked like a soldier, and was tall and fat like a pig,he would give me a job but the five boys were walking hesitant and unstable, where not accustomed to the darkness of night and people and I would not hesitate to use this in my favor.

I had little time to think and act if they continued at that speed of walking in a matter of minutes they would soon arrive at their supposed goals.

I took a deep breath and let my body mingle in the darkness of the alleyways.

I started slowly approaching my targets, my first target was the adult if I knocked him down I was confident enough to deal with the rest,

I was now close enough to see the girl feature which led me to confirm that girl is Annie Leonhart but she did not seem to feel the fear that a child would feel at that moment she seemed to show only calm.

I sighed in a low tone, the chances of this kidnapping being a trap to catch me were very high... but the frequent adult pick glances toward Annie Leonhart indicated something else,

I felt a surge of nausea and anger growing inside me,

awakening memories once belonging to another life,a more painful and bitter,

those memories were strong enough for me ignore the pain, the weariness, and my plans,all that was in my mind was to cause pain to the keeper of that look,then without much though I came out of the darkness and I went forward with my hand on the stone and I fired with all my might toward the pig head, before even confirming that the stone was going to hit.

I advanced towards one of the brats and a low noise to him,and a heavy body bumping into something, giving a quick glimpse saw that the pig had fallen back Crushing one of the brats in the process and flinging Annie away,

now I just needed to spank the rest is to help Annie or was that what I planned before my back felt the ground frozen and before my face felt the impact of carrying two fists,

I barely had the chance to process what was happening, almost not seeing the pustle that came towards my face which forced me to roll to the side and get on my knees which made me get hit by a kick in the chest draining me the air and flinging me far enough to fall close to the pig pounding on the ground.

I had been too rushed and very naive to divert my attention during a fight,I was almost losing hope of leaving life,

in the darkness of the night I felt the dark ground in search of something to defend myself, while I tried to fell something to cut my hand and instantly grabbed the Sharp object who could help me and still lying down on my knees and looked at the object in my hand,

a small knife with the cord and blade trimmed with gold with the number four and two, the knife could be extravagant but had quality.

I turned my gaze to the tree brats who where a few feet away from me,they were taller and stronger than me but their eyes were full of caution,where losing the confidence of victory. I was armed and they were not,I held the advantage and seemed to realize that they had a chance to die,

fear began to settle in their eyes, the sweet temptation of fear, the desire to turn their back and run for their lives,few they could deal with the pressure of death and be determined enough to play with their own lives,

and then to my unspoken surprise one of the brats turned his back and ran off, but the two remaining despite the legs and the trembling bodies did not flee, their eyes filled with fear but also determination,

it was at this moment that I learned how cruel this world was, to force children to stop this look of acceptance of death.

I got up and stood,bowed and extended my left arm with the knife in my hand facing my targets,i left my right arm inert and close to my body,I extended my right leg back and my left leg forward and I lowered myself until I was almost on my knees and finally I bowed my up to the level of the left knee,

a hand-to-hand combat position that I learned focused on using the muscles of the back and thighs to reach Superhuman velocities and the name of this fighting stance is "predator"

one of the few combat position that I knew use and do in seconds and also the most efficient for the current situation where the enemies held the advantage

in the strength but lost in speed but if I the consequences would be very serious.

I took a deep breath and put my strength on my legs and I lunged forward so fast that my foot almost did not touch the ground,

before I noticed I had passed by the boys but I could not confirm if I had hit someone because I could not hear and was in the air diagonally with my bad shoulder

aimed at the ground and was only a few inches off the ground,

if I did not correct my position there was a chance to hurt me severally,

forcibly I turned my body in the diagonal getting a position where

I would fall with my feet more,I knew that the higher the speed the greater the impact,I gritted my teeth and pressed my feet to the ground,as soon as I pressed my foot I felt the pain of having the flesh torn and to make matters worse I was dragged a few meters until I could stop.

as soon as I stopped I feel on my knees and began to breath heavily with my head now,

I could feel the muscles of my body complaining about the exhaustion and pain,I could hardly keep consciousness from having my vision constantly blinking.

I closed my eyes and started to trying to feel my body... apparently my legs worked but my arms and ears were already another history,

all I could hear was noises and I could not move my right hand and when I tried the only answer I got was pain and minimal movements in the region of the finger, contract the corners of my mouth into something they would call a "smile", which was the most ironic situation,when was the last time I hurt my self like this? and the most intriguing how I reached that speed?

been in my previous life I would not be able to do the same,it could hardly be counted as a failure the only proof of failure was my useless right arm and my muscles were exhausted but the symptom of failure was muscles exhausted and my arm seemed broken,at that moment when I advanced I did not remember how my arm had apparently broken,

while I thought I began to feel my hearing returning but there were still noises and the first thing I listened to despite the noises was moan's of pain.

I decided to open my eyelids and the first sight I met my eyes was my little bloody hands resting on the poorly lit cold and dirty floor,

I took a deep breath and stood up and looked at the source of the groans of pain and to my surprise near me there was only one of the brats lying on a large pool of blood

with a huge rip in the stomach, the only reason he still had not died was the knife stuck in it serving as stagnation but he would not live along,his breathing was getting slower and low he almost did not move.

I walked slowly to him half stumbling,I saw the head he turned in my direction and I could see in his eyes only calm,he had already accepted death but seemed to want to say a few things before resting, luck for me he was not far away and soon got close enough to him to listen to the wishes,

I on your knees before your body.

*Cof *Cof "came to finish the service or just came to see me agonize?"

neither option came to listen to his last words and put his poor soul in eternal rest",

I replied and put my hand on the handle of the knife stuck in his stomach but without pressing.

"beautiful words for a little murder but I will accept your offer tempting

*Cof *Cof in my left pants pocket there is a letter, please delivered to Éclair at the factory in the south region",

I had to finish it now, every word he spoke the next one was harder to be told I almost did not had heard his last word,

"depart quietly knowing that your last wish will be fulfilled, rest in peace",

that was the last sentence he heard before I quickly removed the knife in his stomach and cut his throat, when I cut his throat looked directly into his eyes to prove my promise and to take responsibility for taking a life,

he had died with a smile as soon as I saw his eyes lost the luster I stretched out my hand useful and I closed my eyelids,

got up to finish my goal but as I looked forward to try to find Annie I noticed the absence of the pig body.

so my brain processed what the pig lack represented but it was too late to reacting as soon as I tried to move I felt a powerful impact on my stomach making me spit a lot of blood and lifting me a few inches from the ground and then falling to my knees on the floor making me drop the knife,

half dizzy I started to think when he had disappear, the moment I got up to rest the present dying the pig body was still there but I could not be sure,

not in this darkness or in the various Alleys scattered in all direction like a labyrinth,it was easy to hide and useful for anyone who knew how to wear the cloak of darkness but one thing I was sure if I did not find a way to react to death would be the last thing I would have to suffer,

I locked my breath,I lowered my head like I was out of force and rolled my eyes showing the whites of my eyes and I kept on my knees trying to fake a faint but if the fat men was going to notice it was already doubtful if he did not decide to torture me,

"your fucking brat, ruined my fun,you better not have fainted because you have not yet ended,by the way cool knife",

as soon as I heard his first world's I was almost sure that the pig was going to torture me and as he was speaking I was preparing mentally to feel the pain and when he finally finished speaking

I felt a wave of pain and something sinking into my left shoulder but I pressed my teeth and held it without making any noise I needed to hold out and wait for a change to fight back regardless of my own pain but it seemed like my silence had irritated him because soon after I heard his footsteps go behind me and for a moment there was silence until the was interrupted by a noise of something breaking and that something was the bone of my right knee the pig had stepped but again I remained silent and my only reaction was to have contacted my body for second due to enormous pain but this level of reaction made him even more irritated,

"since that is so, maybe this will work",

once the pig has finished of talking I was pushed hard on the hard stone ground erasing my conscience for a few seconds to wake up immediately felling one of the knees of the pig the one on my left arm with one hand holding my wrist and the other hand holding a knife inches from my fingers,

the same serrated knife I used to mow a life, and just as internally I feared,the pig slowly cut my finger with a smile as if it were best day,was one of the worst sensations,

to see his fingers being serrated In front of him and enormous pain he caused and the blood staining the soil red.

after a while I had already lost three fingers but even so the maximum he got from me was my hate, my lack of reaction started to make him bored,so out of nowhere the pig looked forward and started to smile,I looked at her line of sight to see an Annie tied with horror and fear in her eyes,"since you wanted so much to help her we'll see your reaction to what I'm going to do with that brat",as soon as finished talking the pig tucked knife on my left shoulder and walked toward Annie.

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