

On the holy demon continent, luo meng begins his journey to become the greatest demon in all 33 heavens.

Mister_santana · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

fire concept

Luo Meng looked at a black stone building in front of him. Relatively speaking, this building was very ordinary. It was several dozen meters tall, but not very big.

"Is this the third floor practice area?" asked Luo Meng.

"Mn. This is the registry office. The third floor practice areas have different prices depending on their classification."

Luo Meng nodded and pushed open the door, entering. Inside the building, there were two middle-aged men playing chess.

"Have you come to choose a practice area?" The middle-aged man looked up from his chess game.


"Do you want to practice cultivation methods? Or practice Concepts and Laws?"

"I want a Concept practice area." Luo Meng said before continuing. "Which ones do you have?"

The middle-aged man looked at Luo Meng and replied.

"We have concepts for the five main elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. We have the Wind Concept, the Thunder Concept, and we also have some derived Concepts like the Landscape Concept, Ice Cloud Concept, Fog Concept… and so on!"

The Landscape Concept, Ice Cloud Concept, Mist Concept, in the end, these Concepts were simply variations of the five main elemental Concepts. Although they could improve one's strength, their growth potential was limited.

Those Concepts that really peaked were the most basic Concepts that served as a foundation for everyone. This included the more advanced Concepts like the Concepts of Space and Time, Concept of Annihilation, Concept of Immortality…

But as for these more mystical Concepts, Skysplit Tower didn't have them.

"Fire concept." Said Luo Meng.

Understanding the concepts of the five main elements would be of great help to Luo Meng on his path of cultivation, as he had already understood the Yin Yang concept, understanding the five elements would be very beneficial for him.

"One kill point and 20 high quality Blood Demon Crystals every 10 days. This is your symbol." The middle-aged man threw a token at Luo Meng, as well as a piece of jade marking the location of the practice area.

Luo Meng walked past her. A kill point and 20 high quality Blood Demon Crystals was really a high cost, but it wasn't much for him. On the third floor, gaining kill points was much more difficult than on the second. That's because the martial artists here were also stronger.

For a Concept practice area, he had to use a kill point every 10 days. If a martial artist only fought one match every two months, it would be impossible to earn enough constant kill points.

Luo Meng took the jade paper and left the registry office. After passing through a small transmission matrix, Luo Meng arrived at his destination – the Fire Concept practice area.


Luo Meng originally thought that the Fire Concept practice area would be similar to a hidden chamber. But on entering, he was completely surprised; it was as if he had arrived in another world.

There were dozens of volcanoes spewing magma. The sky was completely red releasing extreme heat.

The floor was also extremely hot with several cracks where red lines could be seen. These red lines were the condensed fire source energy.

Instead of turning into flames, it evolved into thousands of red lines that contained countless deep, deep meanings.

These lines were everywhere in the practice area, could be seen on volcanoes, on the ground and in the sky.

Luo Meng was stunned. "Is this really the Skysplit Tower?"

His father had partly told him about the mysteries of the Skysplit tower so his surprise passed quickly like a breeze.

As far as he knew this is a real space, and it is that this is a miniature world that has been sealed by someone with vast supernatural powers and compressed inside the Skysplit Tower.

Although his space ring could also be considered another type of miniature world, this type of world was extremely unstable. It could only last a few hundred thousand years, and not only that, but it could also not contain living beings.

It was a completely different concept from the stable space in front of him.

For there to be such a stable space sealed within the Skysplit Tower that also contained the principles of Laws and Concepts, what kind of immense force was this?

"From what I know of the divine lord's heritage, this must have been created by a King of the world at the very least!" Luo Meng thought as he watched.

A world king already and a peak power in the divine realm, in the divine lord's life he never got to see a world king up close.

As Luo Meng approached one of the volcanoes he could clearly feel the inherent deep foundations of fire contained within it.

A Concept was a rule. In this world, nothing could be separated from these rules. Over the years, the changes of the stars, from when a seed grew into a tree, from the life and death of a mortal, everything, every change, was inseparable from these ruling rules.

A drop of water. A grain of sand.

Everything contained the power of the Laws.

Something that seemed simple wasn't always simple. Once the basis of these simplicities is uncovered, all the complexities can be reduced...

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