
Demon Slayer: Shadows United

In an alternate universe, where another branch of the Kamado family survived, Kaiji emerges as a powerful ally to Tanjiro and Nezuko. With his unique Shadow and Light breathing styles, Kaiji fights alongside his beloved cousins in their quest to protect humanity from the demons that threaten their world. As Kaiji navigates his own inner struggles and battles, he remains fiercely loyal and protective of Tanjiro and Nezuko. Together, they form an unbreakable bond, facing the challenges of love, friendship, and the darkness that lurks within their own hearts. Shadows United is an epic tale of family, trust, and the strength that emerges when light and shadows unite against the forces of darkness.

MnTheEnd · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Prologue: Bloodstained Memories

Note: So, I was the one who planned this out but due to my lack of writing skills for this, I made an AI write this for me. I really have ideas in my head and I can imagine it but I suck at writing it so, enjoy this AI-written story.


Tanjiro trudged wearily up the mountain path, his bamboo basket filled with coal slung over his shoulder. The evening sun cast long shadows as he approached his family's humble abode. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, bringing a glimmer of warmth to his tired heart. Yet, as he reached the front door, a suffocating sense of dread washed over him.

Pushing open the door, Tanjiro called out, "I'm home!"

Silence greeted his words. His heart raced as he stepped further into the house, only to be met with a scene of unimaginable horror. The walls were splattered with blood, the air heavy with the scent of death. His family, his dear siblings, lay lifeless on the floor.

"T-Tou-chan! Kaa-chan! Shigeru! Hanako!" Tanjiro's voice quivered with disbelief and anguish as he called out each of his siblings' names, his eyes brimming with tears.

Barely conscious, Kaiji lay on the ground, his black hair matted with blood, his red eyes clouded with pain. Tanjiro's heart clenched at the sight of his cousin's wounded form.

"Kaiji! What happened? Who did this?" Tanjiro's voice trembled with a mix of grief and rage as he knelt beside Kaiji.

Kaiji's voice was a weak rasp, his breaths labored. "Demons... They came... attacked us."

Tanjiro's hands clenched into fists, his sorrow transforming into an unwavering resolve. "Hang on, Kaiji. I'll get you help. I'll find a way to save you and Nezuko."

With tears streaming down his face, Tanjiro gently cradled his unconscious sister, Nezuko, in his arms. He could feel the warmth of her breath against his cheek, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness.

Kaiji's voice cracked with pain and determination. "Tanjiro, protect... Nezuko. Find... the truth."

Tanjiro nodded, his voice heavy with determination. "I will, Kaiji. I promise."

As he emerged from the blood-soaked house, carrying Nezuko and supporting Kaiji, Tanjiro felt a newfound fire burning within him. He would become a demon slayer, seeking vengeance for his family and a cure for his sister's condition. The path ahead was treacherous and filled with uncertainty, but Tanjiro was resolute.


Short I know but, how is it so far? Good? Bad? Terrible? Let me know.