
Demon's wrath

In a world where demons roam freely, a secret society of demon hunters strives to protect humanity. The protagonist, a young boy named Kael, harbors a dark secret: a powerful demon resides within him. As Kael struggles to control the demon inside, he must also face external threats from both demons and those who would destroy him for what he is.

Zenex6 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Trial by fire

The city streets were quiet in the early morning light, the usual hustle and bustle of urban life replaced by an eerie calm. Gazeff led his three students through the narrow alleyways, his footsteps light and measured. Kael walked beside Elara and Ronan, each step filled with anticipation and a slight edge of anxiety. The early sunlight cast long shadows across the cobblestones, and the air was thick with a tension that was almost palpable.

Kael glanced at his mentor, noting the calm, almost serene expression on Gazeff's face. It was unnerving how composed the man could be, even in the face of what was to come. Elara, on the other hand, seemed focused, her eyes scanning their surroundings, always alert. Ronan remained silent, his expression hard, the tension in his body coiled like a spring ready to snap.

Gazeff finally stopped before an old, abandoned school building. The windows were shattered, and the once-bright facade was now faded and covered in grime. The place had an air of neglect and desolation. Kael could feel a chill run down his spine. This was not just any abandoned building. There was a malevolence here, something dark and oppressive that lingered in the air.

"This," Gazeff began, his voice calm and steady, "is where your next test will take place." He turned to face his students, his expression serious. "Inside this building is a special grade demon. Your task is to exorcise it. Work together, use your Aether Arts wisely, and remember—special grade demons are not to be taken lightly."

Kael's heart pounded in his chest. A special grade demon? They had faced third-grade demons before, but this was different. Special grade demons were in a league of their own, possessing powers that could easily decimate an entire city block. Elara and Ronan exchanged a glance, each steeling themselves for the battle ahead.

Gazeff continued, "I will not intervene unless absolutely necessary. Consider this a real mission, as you would face in the field. Your survival depends on your ability to adapt and overcome. Do you understand?"

The three nodded, determination set in their eyes. With a silent command, Gazeff motioned for them to enter the building. Kael took a deep breath and stepped forward, leading the way. The door creaked open, revealing a darkened hallway that stretched into the gloom. The air inside was heavy, carrying the scent of decay and something else—something acrid, like burning metal.

As they moved deeper into the building, the oppressive feeling grew stronger. Kael could feel the demon's presence, a pulsating aura of malice and rage. It was waiting for them, lurking in the shadows, watching their every move.

They entered a large, open hall—what was once a gymnasium. The floor was cracked, and the walls were scorched black. At the center of the room, a figure stood, cloaked in shadows. Its eyes glowed with a fiery intensity, and a dark, twisted grin spread across its face.

"That's the demon," Elara whispered, her grip tightening on her weapon.

Ronan nodded, his own weapon at the ready. "Stay sharp. It's not going to go down easily."

Without warning, the demon lunged forward, moving with a speed that belied its size. Kael barely had time to react, throwing up a shield of shadows to block the attack. The impact sent him stumbling back, his arms shaking from the force.

Elara and Ronan sprang into action, attacking from both sides. Elara unleashed a barrage of Aether-infused arrows, each one aimed with deadly precision. Ronan, with his blade crackling with energy, closed in from the opposite side, aiming for the demon's vital points.

The demon roared, its voice a guttural growl that shook the very walls. It swung its massive arms, deflecting their attacks with a fierce, relentless power. But the three hunters were relentless, coordinating their strikes, working together as a unit. Slowly, they began to gain the upper hand.

Just as they thought they were making progress, the demon's eyes blazed with an unnatural light. It raised its arms, and the air around them seemed to warp and twist. A feeling of dread washed over Kael as the space around them began to shift.

Gazeff, watching from the corner of the room, remained calm, his expression unreadable. "This is its Netherworld Shift," he called out, his voice steady amidst the chaos. "Flaming Hell."

The gymnasium dissolved into a sea of fire. Flames erupted from the floor, walls, and ceiling, creating a hellscape of unbearable heat and light. The air became thick with smoke, and the ground itself seemed to melt under their feet. The demon's laughter echoed through the inferno, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines.

Kael, Elara, and Ronan were momentarily disoriented, the sudden change in their environment throwing them off balance. The intense heat sapped their strength, and the very air seemed to burn in their lungs. The demon's advantage was clear; in this world of its creation, it was king.

Gazeff's voice cut through the chaos. "The Netherworld is a reflection of the demon's power and essence. Here, it can manipulate reality itself. Your test is to overcome it, to find a way to fight back."

Kael's mind raced. They had trained for this, learned about Netherworld Shifts in theory, but facing one in reality was an entirely different experience. He could feel the oppressive force of the demon's will pressing down on him, trying to crush his resolve.

But Gazeff's words gave him hope. "If demons can create Netherworlds," Gazeff continued, "then so can we. The human version is possible, but it requires immense skill and control over your Aether. Learn to counter the demon's world with your own."

Kael felt something stir within him—a surge of determination. He glanced at Elara and Ronan, who were fighting to maintain their footing amidst the flames. "We need to work together," he called out, his voice barely audible over the roar of the fire. "Focus your Aether, counter its reality with ours!"

Elara nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. She began to channel her Aether, her aura flaring brightly, cutting through the smoke. Ronan followed suit, his own energy crackling with intensity.

Kael concentrated, reaching deep within himself, seeking out the power that lay dormant. He could feel Lilith's presence, her dark energy mingling with his own. For a moment, he hesitated, but then he felt a strange clarity—a sense of purpose. He knew what he needed to do.

He began to weave his Aether, creating chains of energy that wrapped around him, forming a protective barrier. The Soul Chain—his unique ability, born from his bond with Lilith. The chains glowed with a spectral light, cutting through the fiery landscape.

With Kael leading the way, the three hunters pressed forward, their combined auras pushing back against the demon's reality. The flames seemed to part before them, and the demon's laughter faltered, replaced by a growl of frustration.

They closed in on the demon, their attacks relentless. The Soul Chain wrapped around the demon's limbs, binding it in place. Elara unleashed a final volley of arrows, each one infused with a burst of Aether, piercing the demon's hide. Ronan's blade flashed in the firelight as he moved in for the kill.

The demon roared, its body writhing in pain as it struggled against the chains. For a moment, it seemed as though it might break free, but Kael tightened his grip, pouring all of his strength into maintaining the binding.

"Elara, Ronan—now!" he shouted.

With a synchronized effort, Elara and Ronan delivered the finishing blow, their weapons cleaving through the demon's neck. The creature let out a final, agonized scream before dissolving into a plume of smoke and fire.

As the demon vanished, so did its Netherworld. The gymnasium reappeared around them, the flames and smoke dissipating into nothingness. Kael, Elara, and Ronan stood panting, sweat dripping down their faces, but they were victorious.

Gazeff stepped forward, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Well done," he said, his voice filled with approval. "You've passed the test. You've proven that even in the face of a demon's strongest technique, you can overcome with the right strategy and determination."

Kael felt a surge of relief, a sense of accomplishment filling him. They had done it. They had faced a special grade demon and won.

But as he looked at Gazeff, he could see a glint of something else in his mentor's eyes—something that made him uneasy. This was just the beginning. There were more challenges to come, more trials that would test them to their very limits.

And Kael knew that he would need every bit of strength and willpower to face them.
