
The dead walk and the living also

"Luke, how did you know it would be good for us to hide here?" Vanessa asks me for the third time since the chaos in the country started.

But like last time, I don't plan to reveal it and just answer "Secret". She makes an irritated expression and turns away from me. Then she asks "When can we get out of here? Shall we wait for help from the government? Our food is running out."

Thinking about it ... it's true. I didn't buy much because I was in a hurry and afraid. Now I regret not having gone back to the grocery store alone to buy more things ... but you will know what could have happened if I had gone.

"I'll find a way." Really, we're going to need to get out of here at one time or another. Unlike her, I know that it is better not to run into government agents. I'm going to leave our room and kill some zombies, to get some experience and break some supplies. I would like to take Vanessa, but someone needs to stay with our daughter and it would be very risky to take her with us. For now I better do everything myself.

I wear jeans, a leather jacket with long sleeves, and tie my hair up in a short, secure bun. So I put on a rubber boot that I "borrowed" from the company I worked for before and I grab a knife from the ones I bought at the market and say "I'm going out to get some resources, stay here."

She opens her eyes wide and immediately Vanessa steps up on my path and says "You can't!" She speaks rather loudly and realizing her mistake, she lowers her voice "We need to wait here, it is dangerous to leave our room ... You heard those strange sounds, those screams and those shots too!."

"Vanessa, it's really dangerous, but I need to get out and you need to stay here taking care of Ame. I know how to manage and you know that I know better than you what is going on here. I can handle it." She hesitates for a moment and I push her away from the middle of the door.

It was night and Amelia was sleeping a heavy sleep, so I managed to get out easily without her trying to stop me.

Opening the door, I see a large courtyard, full of plantings and a few white wooden benches. Some columns held the roof of the patio and combined with the rest of the decoration.

In the courtyard, I heard some loud zombie sounds from the left and right, but I also heard some low noises coming from the rooms.

Putting my face through the door quickly, I see 5 zombies to the right from the side of the kitchen, bathrooms and other rooms. Looking to the left, I see only 3 zombies and they are entertained at the grid gate, They had their hands through the gate, waving their arms as if they wanted to reach something

Should I go to the right soon? No ... I could be surrounded by the 8 zombies. Should I first search the rooms? It is unlikely to have anything in them ... other than zombies.

I think it is better to put an end to the ones on the left before going to the right. It's a shame to have to kill them now ... I could postpone it since I don't want to leave yet. But ok, come on.

Even nervous and afraid, I move as quietly as possible and luckily or whatever, I manage to get very close to one of the zombies and quickly I move to his side and put a hand on his chest and a leg behind him and I push him backwards, causing him to trip and fall on his back. The other 2 zombies notice me and slowly take their arms off the bars so they can come towards me, but even with my heart almost out of my mouth, I quickly ended the fallen zombie with a stab in the eye and distance myself a little from the two zombies. When they moved away from the gate a bit, I ran and kicked the leg of one of them, who then fell down sitting down but soon started to get up. Wasting no time, I also kicked the other one, but this one I manage to take down well and quickly finish it.

Having killed the first two and calmed me down, the last one was easier and I just had to stick the knife in his eye and pull it out. In the process, I held my long blouse and bloody hands a little, but without problems ... however, I think I should look for a glove for myself later. Security is never too much, getting blood from zombie and other things is not good.

Looking through the gate, I see what was getting the zombies' attention. He was a 40-year-old man who apparently had just died and a zombie was already eating him. I look for a moment but a noise from behind me caught my eye. It was the sound of a zombie and it was slowly approaching me. Behind him, other zombies started to turn to my side and started to come slowly too. I quickly approach the nearest zombie and drop it to kill it. That done, I look ahead and see the remaining 4 zombies "snarling" at me and one of them starts running towards me.

"What?!" I didn't think a zombie could run, not in the world of The Walking Dead! My heart, which had calmed down after the death of the second zombie at the gate, started to beat hard and fast again, I was very nervous!

Trying to calm myself down, I prepare to give the zombie who was running a run and ... * Tuff *

He fell flat on his face and slid for meters before stopping, I quickly run towards him and when he turns his face to me I stab him in the head and he dies. I struggle a bit to get the knife out of his skull and ...

"Krwaak" "Krawkk" I hear two zombies and ... they are running too! And they are very close!

Thinking fast, I run slowly towards one of them and trip him and he fell, although this time the zombie did not slip. I then quickly run into the room where I was with my family and knock on the door. "Vanessa, quick! Open the door!" I try to speak as loudly as I can without shouting loud enough to attract other zombies.

I stand with my back to the door and see the two zombies again, one getting up and the other running towards me. "Damn it." I mumble angrily and go a little forward and again give the zombie a sweep. He falls flat on his face and I stab him in the eye.

And just in time, Vanessa opens the door and gets scared. Amelia also woke up to the noise of the zombie knocking on the door, got scared, screamed and got up to look at what it was. She sees the zombie's body and is paralyzed with fear and then starts to cry.

I was going to hug her, but I'm all covered in blood. I look at Vanessa who now seemed to be thinking about something and say "Amélia". She looks at me for a moment and then goes towards Amelia and hugs her to comfort her. I look back and see the other zombie coming towards me, but this time he is walking and I give up my idea of ​​entering the room to rest and close the bedroom door and walk slowly towards the zombie, drop him on the floor and I stick my knife into his skull.

Now there were only two left, but these two ... they came very slowly and paying attention to their belly you could see that they had already eaten recently. And they had several bullet holes in the body.

Without any fear, I walk towards the two sons of bitches and knock them down. I kill one and then stab the other who was crawling towards me.

The courtyard then became quieter and it was only possible to hear some low zombie sounds.

That was dangerous, the zombie that runs at me when I was in front of the door could have knocked Vanessa down if she had opened the door just before ...

But let this be a learning experience, there is no point in thinking about this possibility.

It's a little late, but I'm not sleepy right now. So I decide to continue cleaning the inn.

I decide to start with one of the last rooms, which was open. When I get there, I see a zombie lying on the ground, the zombie's entire belly was missing and even some parts of his neck and legs were missing. I hear the sound of a zombie faintly from my side and I see a zombie with a belly even fuller than the previous two and I kill it. Then I look at the zombie that had been devoured on the ground and I see a gun next to his body. I imagine it was his and he used it before he died.

I bend down to pick up the gun and grab a cloth in the room, I clean the gun and check how many bullets there are and see that the magazine is unloaded. So I decide to look for more in the room and find three plastic bags containing about 7 bullets each.

I put two bags in my pocket and open a bag to reload the "my" gun magazine. Then I put it around my waist and look for something useful in the room, finding only a military knife and a nice backpack.

After that I go out to look in other rooms, but for security I go to the front rooms first. I end up finding only a few packaged cookies and spoiled food in the rooms. I also found a few zombies in some rooms, but I've gotten used to killing them and it just got easier. Those zombies that were in the rooms were a little weak.

After killing all the zombies, the inn became silent. Very silent. And then ... slowly one of the last doors opens and I see a man looking at me.

He then asks "Hey, are you one of them?"

And I answer "Of course not. They don't speak and are deformed, unlike me." I reply, slightly offended even though I know he didn't ask it wrong.

"Yeah, I think you're right." He then slowly left the room. He was a white man with light eyes and straight brown hair, he was dressed casually in a white shirt and beige denim shorts. He looked about 34 years old.

Behind him appears a younger woman, who is apparently in her 20s. White skin and a T-shirt ... short and green. She wore gray denim shorts and wore flat sandals.

I look at them for a moment and ask "Is there anyone else with you?"

The man who is now closer, looks at me without understanding. "Because?" He asks.

I look him in the eye for a moment and walk past him. Passing by him, I realize how much taller he is. He must be about six inches, but he probably has a couple more inches.

I keep going and see the woman behind him, she looked confused and a little scared, so I heard a voice. "Hey, what the hell?" It was the man, who should have turned to me to see what I would do.

I ignore him and keep walking, so I search the whole room looking for someone else and I can't find anyone or anything of value ... of value in the times of now.

The man then enters the room and so does the woman. "Satisfied?" He asks, looking a little upset.

"No." I say without expression. I think I'm kinda ... too paranoid. Especially now, that the apocalypse has just started and people are still not all crazy.

But ... this inn was practically in the middle of nowhere and the people here are all suspicious to me. Decided, I take my gun and aim it at both of them.

They startle and take a step back, the man almost falling on his ass.

"H-Eh ?! What the fuck is that?" "Ah!"

"I'm sorry, but everyone at this inn is a stranger and I have a family to look after."

They seem to understand and calm down a little more, but the man slowly raises both arms and the woman follows him.

"Okay, brother. What do you want?" He asks a little tensely.

"Turn around." I say and check if they are armed with anything and just find a small table knife with the man.

"What were you going to do with it? You were going to cut a piece of zombie meat to eat?" I let down my guard and put the gun away, although I still don't completely trust them.

They calm down more and I say "Now I'm going to finish combing the other rooms." I walk past them with my hand on my waist, holding the gun. They look at each other a little and the man says "I'm going with you, she will stay here because she is scared, but I want to help."

I stop in the middle of the door and think '... it is possible that they try something with my family, who are hiding in our room now.'

Thinking about it, I reply "No, you two can come with me. Don't worry, you will be safe with me. I already killed everyone who was loose and maybe someone else who is silent in one of the rooms, but I probably already killed them all. "

I smile and start to enter all the rooms that I have not previously entered.

During the hunting process, I ask the couple. "What's your story?"

The man again is the one who takes the lead and says, "Well, I'm a former store salesman. I met her during a sale and it was love at first sight. So, after a while of dating she wanted to come here to have some adventures with me. " He smiles and I turn my gaze to her. She looked a little embarrassed, but I ignored it and went into the room and started searching. After searching another room I break the silence and ask "What about you, girl? What did you do before?"

"College girl." She says and looks a little nervous. It seems that she is someone very shy, haha. How cute ... or not?

Opening the door, or rather, breaking down the door, I enter the room and see a fat man sleeping SKINNESS on his bed.

"What the fuck ?!" Shit, I exclaimed as soon as I saw it.

The chubby man is startled and gets up. "What ?! What is it? What is it?" He quickly sits down, covers himself with his comforter and goes to the corner of the bed and then asks, apparently with his heart almost out of his mouth "Are you monsters?"

* Sigh * "No." "No." "No?"

I talk to the other guy and the woman repeats the same a little after us.

After that event, I left the two with the chubby guy and went to clean the rest of the building.

In the end, I managed to find one more weapon and lots of supplies, but they all had short expiration dates. But how good and how lucky to have found all this. The inn was kinda far from everything, so the food supply was really something.

Oh, and I met one more person when I went to the kitchen / pantry.

And now I have 2 firearms, a military knife, a large backpack of high quality and besides my family I have 4 more people to take care of.

For now I just wanted to sleep ... just thinking about the work I'm going to have to keep this here stressing me out. But duty calls me. *Sigh*

Ah, making long chapters is not for me.

I am editing the previous chapters, but the changes will be insignificant.

Publishing something in a language you don't know is horrible. Editing is very bad *sigh*

Imaginando_Mundoscreators' thoughts
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