
Not Gnolls


"What's the matter?"

The young king was looking down at his throne chair. In front of him is his young brother Reyz, the beautiful-eyed girl, a lady in red, and their bodyguards.

Reyz was kneeling on the ground. "Bother, It'll take a month. The Regents said that they will come here and there's a chance that they would use our Dust kingdom as a place to test the Candidate Regents like me."

"You mean you will stay here for a month?"


"Then what you must,"

"Thank you, King brother."

"Train more, you are still not up to their standards."

"I will," said Reyz, he heard that his brother only said those rumors that he had a treasure but Reyz did not believe it.

"I will also leave, protect my kingdom during that time."

"To where?"

"Kill other race, don't come. You're not that strong."

"What race?"

"Don't ask too many f*cking questions, just do what you need to do."

Reyz scratched his head, did not know what to do or say.

"Practice the methods I told you to do. If you lose or receive a defeat, I will find you myself, don't tarnish the name of Throunos family."

"Yes, older brother."

"But well, I would celebrate if you lose."

Helpless, Reyz left with his harem after bidding goodbye to his older brother. The young king did not forget to look at the two bodyguards of the measly princesses.

"It's not time, yet." He muttered, then they disappeared.


"So, we are going?"

The young king asked a group of individuals.

"My king, we are all ready." They said.

"What is that on your back?"

"Last time, we didn't give a gift. For having a deal with us to go together to that place. Then we would like to give this as thanks."

The young king smirked a little. "Our deal is limited, with your strength. I'm not sure if you could make it."

"You don't have to worry about us, my king,"

"Before we exercise my muscle, I will have my lunch first." Then the young king came to the cart that contains a lot of spiritual plants from their Igorot tribe. Ignoring them as he started munching all of them at a fast pace.

The group of individuals are the elders of the Igorot tribe.

'He's not even afraid that we might poison it, but he knew we need him for that Demi-Gap.' the Shaman thought.

They turned their back while the king wolfed down the spiritual plants.

"Ah, this is good. But lacking, however, we are going to place full of that thing. Let's go old guys, go haha!"

As the people of the Dust Kingdom didn't witness their king leaving the castle, the young king and the elders of the Igorot tribe rode a flying bird. It's not even a temporal beast yet, but the size was big. They can carry the elders and the King,

While on the back of the giant sparrow,

"I should tame a beast once I'm back."

They crossed towns that are part of his Dust kingdom. They saw many people that are not surprised by the flying beast. The young king knew they were used to this kind of occurrence.

After they passed the territories of his kingdom, the young king suddenly says to them,

"Go down."

While his hands are crossed, down below is a cave-like sinkhole, but it's in a small mountain covered with dense forest trees.

"Is that where it is?" The older brother of Morus asked,

'I've looked down there and there's nothing in here but remains of disorder beasts. Is this the place?'

After their discussion last time with the young king, they tried to search for the place that could've been the place where the Gnolls are. But they couldn't find it, not even when they tried their ability to sense spatial occurrence.


The young didn't even answer but took a gold coin and lifted his finger. There are five coins in total when the young king suddenly flicked them in an extremely fast move.

He looked at everyone and say,

"Remember once you entered. Every single one of you handles your life. We didn't know what's inside and could end your life instantly,"

"You don't have to worry young king, We knew how to survive in the wild. Much less we are waiting for this moment in our lives." The elder shaman replied.

'We are Igorot, the natural hunters of the wild. We even took job assassinations for fun, but we are much more focused on our culture. This king underestimates us so much.

The trees shined bright. After a second the Gold coins hit them, the young king didn't enter, but he went down from the beast bird to pick up his weapon, the gold coins.

He looked up and saw that the tribe didn't enter too. The look they gave is like they wanted the king to enter if it's safe.

"No one can force me to enter first. I am a king. Do you think I would let myself go down there first?"

He is standing proud. Even if they force him, he will not budge, even if they fight for this simple reason.

"Tssk such pride."

Another elder spoke. He jumps to the dimensional aurora-like thing between the trees that looks like a trap of a spider.

Before he enters, he heard the young king say,

"Once we all entered, we are enemies. Don't expect me to show mercy,"

Then the elder disappeared. All of them saw that the young king was not bluffing, so...

"I would live to fight you fair, I want to see what is your real power." the brother of Morus replied as he followed the elder with vigor.

"So long, young king," the shaman, the grand elder, and the other elder replied.

The young king nodded, knowing that all of them entered the Demi plane. He revealed a smirk on his face.

"They will not fool me, there's still time to kill a thing."

The young king suddenly shots his gold coin to the giant bird,


The bird couldn't react as its head was pierced through by the speeding coin, then the young king dashed to somewhere. He did not enter the Demi Plane,

His movement was so fast that made the ground cracks and tress burst as he jumped from it from time to time.

"The king is a fighter," when he caught up to the shadow, the young king found out that this is an original body.

The man's eyes were mad. They did all the things to be careful, but the king still noticed it.

"Do you think you could escape me? Even if you tell your tribe. I would kill them all. After all, a Demi plane is a big resource for me." The young king Baal said.

'If I'm a disorder user, I would've been fooled. As I am now a symbiotic cultivator, I know that the one who entered is his double. A good ability, I'm impressed.'

"None of them would survive,"

"Why do you think so? You are underestimating us."

"Because I am not sure if I could survive inside. After all, it's not a Demi Plane of Gnolls."


The elder couldn't finish what he was trying to say, because his skull was pierced through by a coin instantly,

The young king is not finished as he picked up its severed head, bit, and ripped it apart from its body using his mouth while muttering,

"They can't survive because that's Demi plane of Savannah Ashura, the red warrior Asura race."

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