
Midoriya.... (3 Months Arc)

The start of a new arc!!!!!!!

3 months until the 2nd term of UA. In those 3 months Izuku had to overcome his rage and get one for all back. As of right now it didn't look too hot. It had been a couple of days and Izuku still hadn't returned. This time no one knew where he was. Uraraka asked Aizawa, All Might, his mom and the rest of Class 1A. They all grew concerned for Izuku as this was just not like him. Someone in particular was petrified.

Todoroki was at the endeavor agency. He was getting some sparing in when he saw a text message on his phone. He saw Uraraka message and was immediately worried.



Todoroki then grabbed his shoes. The person who he was sparing said

"Todoroki sir the sparing isn't over yet"

"I don't care I have more personal matter to attend" As he was walking out he saw Endeavor walking down the hallway. Endeavor was suppressed to see he was done so early.

"Shoto why aren't you training"

"Because Im leaving"


"To help a friend..." Todoroki walked past Endeavor. Endeavor filled with rage grabbed his son by the shoulder.

"NO SHOTO FUCK YOUR FRIEND. YOU ARE A HERO MADE TO TAKE THE NUMBER 1 SPOT!!! I REFUSE TO LET YOU LEAVE!!!!!" Todoroki snapped and his right side went ice cold and Endeavors hand was now frozen ice. Todoroki then elbowed Endeavor in the face breaking his nose. Endeavor saw blood splash into his face as he fell back as the ice covering his hand shattered. Sparkles flew as he landed and saw Todoroki's eyes. It was filled with rage and a lot of it. It was the look of an endeavor. He then turned and walked out saying

"Im not coming back bastard" He then slammed the door and walked thinking

Where would Midoriya be?

As he was walking he thought of an idea.

Todoroki arrived at a hospital. He entered the place and asked the clerk where a certain someone was. He went to the room and opened the door to find Katsuki Bakugo doing one handed push ups. Todoroki knew this through Midoriya. Ever since the hospital incident aired live on television Todoroki kept close conversations with Midoriya. Bakugo's right arm was still busted but his left was healing. Another 3 months and he would be fine. Todoroki closed the door which alarmed Bakugo. Bakugo jumped and landed on his two feet to see him.


"Bakugo do you know where Midoriya is"

"Shouldn't he be with round face and his daughter"

"No he isn't. Midoriya disappeared."


"I think something happened but its serious. From what I could gather from Uraraka Midoriya got into a huge fight with a villain and he just hasn't been the same since it. He then lashed out and left the home without a trace." Bakugos face was filled with worry as he opened his closet and grabbed his shirt. He then kicked the door open saying

"LETS GO FIND THIS NERD ICYHOT!!!!" Todoroki was confused

"What about your injuries" Bakugo damn neared popped a vein screaming

"FUCK THAT THE NERD COMES FIRST!!!!!" He then stomped out. Todoroki smiled saying

"You have changed a lot Bakugo"