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What is Deira Escorts 0581708105 Escorts service in Deira

Leia o romance Deira Escorts 0581708105 Escorts service in Deira escrito pelo autor DaoistUggSNM publicado no WebNovel. Deira Escorts 0581708105 Escorts service in Deira...


Deira Escorts 0581708105 Escorts service in Deira

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In Search Of

When in desperate situations, humans tend to search inside. Desperate situations arise due to needs. ----- The drama of the manifestation and fulfillment of these needs makes it a Grand Play of Life. A Great Circus in which we are all just jokers if we watch our actions. ----- I used to be a child who was happy watching a butterfly fly. I used to be a child who used to roll around the ground without the fear of being hurt. I used to be a child who used to dance without my reputation on the line. I used to be a child who used to not be chained by human thoughts. ----- But alas, humans have a brain and brain thinks. Humans think that by thinking they will have solutions. ----- And I am going on a journey to ask some questions about life and finding the answers myself. ----- You may ask, why is there a need for this play? I have no answer. You may ask, who is watching this show? I have no answer. You may ask, why are we here playing a role in this show? I have no answer. I have no answer to many of these life questions. But I want to find out the answers and hence the needs arise. Making a full circle of making humans desperate from a peaceful state. ----- From a careless child to a grown-up child, to an adult, to a wounded adult, to a desperate adult, to a hurt adult, to a hurt old man, to a wise old man, to ashes. This is the story of the majority of humans. ----- What would be my role in this Grand Play of Life? Would I ever leave this circus? Will death solve all of this? ----- Follow me through my journey. ----- Oh, wait, at least let me let you know my name. ----- Krishna.

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