1 Prologue

Happy. Carefree. Lively. Enjoying. Polite. Caring. Generous. Optimism.

Few of the human traits that seemed to have ceased in existence in this… this barren piece-of-shit wasteland you once called home. I heard stories that the world was once… full of life. Things now, they're hella different. You murder your kind, steal their belongings and basically just be as shit as possible to one another. And yet, it's a normal day here. Lawless. Humanity is reset, taken aback. We are taken back to our primitive days, but these apes, they're incredibly intelligent, and can use weapons of mass destruction. Yes, you heard me. Tools of total annihilation, possibly yet again.

"What happened?" you ask me. There were stories. Stories of a bygone era. They say the world was on the brink of war, tension among nations was rising. Conflict. It was everywhere. Perhaps this was the side that humanity didn't want us to see. People say war was the answer. People say doing so does otherwise. Causing more and more and more and probably even more problems.

And then the latter did deliver.

Temperance really wasn't a strong suit of leaders, all itching to go send men to die for nothing. To kill for nothing. But this war. It didn't need to send people over to fight. The stories say they were waged at great distances. Killing people without stepping foot on the door mat outside, huh? I think that's just impossible. What kind of weaponry were they able to grab onto anyway? It doesn't matter now—the world is in fucking ruins.

What matters now is how I'm supposed to live.

And living means killing.

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