
Deep in his heart

Deep in his heart it’s only me in there I asked for true love I got it but not in the way I expected- Erica A human gets herself mixed up in the world of the night creatures with no way out. Follow our protagonist as she goes in crazy adventures,finds more about herself and finds love

Kushi_Minami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

No place like home

The exams came and went really fast.

Students who lived in the hostels were packing up for the holidays. I also was preparing myself to go home,I miss my family so much.

I'm now at the bus stop with my bags waiting for a bus. I was hugged by someone behind me,I was scared at first but when smelt a familiar scent I relaxed.

Don't tell me you were going to leave without saying goodbye said Zara.

No it's nothing like that,I didn't want to disturb you said Erica . You have being busy lately so i thought...

You thought I won't have have time to say goodbye to my bestie Zara finished Erica's sentence.

For the next few minutes that I wait for a bus I got lectured by Zara on reasons why she won't miss sending me off.


Zara POV:

The bus arrived and I hugged Erica one more time before she left.

This morning I received information that the second prince has agreed to end the fight but instead of being happy I was intrigued,there is

something suspicious here,how come the second prince now wants to raise the white flag. It's too good to be true anyway this probably some stupid ploy by the second prince.


Lore valley a place where there lived strange people and unbelievable myths.

I entered two buses and a cab before I reached home. Lore valley is really far from Reno university,I left Reno university at 1:00pm and got to lore valley at 5:00pm

The door was immediately opened the moment I stepped on the front porch,out from the door rushed out my little sister Lucy,she hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.

She released me from her hold and I could see her face,she was brimming with happiness.

I was dragged into the house by her

Big sister is here I heard her call out to everyone else in the house.

My mom came out of the kitchen and I could see flour all over her. My mom is looking as beautiful as ever,it's hard to believe she has three grown kids.

I was given another session of bear hugging by my mom.

Look at you,you have lost so much weight said mom. You obviously didn't take good care of yourself.

I'm pretty sure I'm not as skinny as she makes it sound like.

Now go upstairs and drop your bags,freshen up then you come back stairs for dinner,ok honey mom said.

My room looks exactly the same way I left it,it may not be luxurious but it sure is cozy. My room was painted entirely in black,the shelf and furniture in white.

Lucy POV:

I'm so pumped up that my big sister is back from school,when she has settled I'll make sure she gists me on everything that happened in the school.

Dad came back shortly came back home shortly after with my twin brother Luca,Luca is always disappearing from home. He usually is expressionless but when we told that big sis was back,a rarely seen smile was plastered on his face. Before big sis left for the university the both of them always went on some crazy adventure but I never joined since the outdoors isn't really my thing. He will probably try to take her out with him but I won't let that happen,it's my turn to spend time with her.

We started eating dinner only after big sis Erica was at the table.

Lucy and Luca are in middle school,they are twelve.

Kushi_Minamicreators' thoughts