
Deep in his heart

Deep in his heart it’s only me in there I asked for true love I got it but not in the way I expected- Erica A human gets herself mixed up in the world of the night creatures with no way out. Follow our protagonist as she goes in crazy adventures,finds more about herself and finds love

Kushi_Minami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

He fell from the sky

A man was laying unmoving on the

ground,with his eyes closed without a sign of life.

When I got closer I saw a pool of blood forming beneath him.

I was scared witless,there were countless wounds on his body,there was a stab mark on his chest,to be more specific the place his heart is meant to be.

Though I was scared I knew I had to call the authorities,i was about to turn around to go get my phone when I saw his fingers move.

I checked his pulse though it was weak he still had a pulse,just to be sure I also checked if he was breathing and he was still alive.

Thank goodness I don't want to be a witness in a murder case.

I ran into the cabin to get my phone but then I realized that there was no network at this part of the woods.

Should I go back and call an ambulance but with the severe wounds on his body,he may be dead before the ambulance gets here,i was having an internal conflict.

After much contemplation I carried him into the cabin.

I cleaned his wounds and wrapped them in bandages.

Good thing I left the first aid kit the last time I was here,using the first aid kit wouldn't help much with the kind injuries he has but I'll have to make do with what I have for now. Throughout out the whole process he didn't move at all,if it wasn't for the fact that he was still breathing I'll think he is dead.

I wonder what could have happened to him,what did he get himself involved in to result in him getting injured like this and also he was accurately stabbed on his chest meaning the other person wanted him dead.

As much as I'll like to know what happened to him,as the saying goes curiosity kills the cat, I am also aware that if I learn about anything pertaining to his current circumstances I may be putting myself in danger.

Anyway I should be more focused on getting him medical help,since there are no signs of him waking anytime soon I should try my luck to see if I can get a network connection.

Erica got up from the bedside,took her phone and headed out.

Outside her gaze fell on the blood patch on the ground making her fall back into thoughts.

There are no footprints or tyre tracks so he wasn't dropped here but he couldn't possibly fall out of the sky right said Erica.