

In vacant lot of isolated town, two men have gathered for no occasion but "confrontation". Taking a look around the surroundings, an empty site fill with big debris of wall which people often used as ground field to view, will attract the attention of many who stumbles upon it... Not because of the beauty of it's site but the wall which displays an fascinating art.

The fresh human blood, color of crimson red splattered and drips across the stone acting as canvas, creating a strange delightful effect. Altering the sight slightly on left area of the demolished house, two men behind the creation of mesmerizing art can be seen next to it... Representing an artist who's about to finish his work.

"Why are you... ha... ha... doing this... to me... ha... ha...?"

He speaks with difficulty due to puffing. A disturbing tune of voice comparable to a crack sound as if cold blood has been clogged inside the esophagus, starts to come out from his mouth.

The weakened body which has been slammed ruthlessly on the wall countless of times, didn't show any sign of resistance as it gets levitated and pin on broken wall that has been destroyed by wrecking ball.

Grains of dust falls along side the drips of his blood, making it's way from swollen cheeks down to his neck which has been mark by red hand sign, indicating it experience a vigorous strangle at least close to death. One look is all it takes to judge him as a victim... Someone who's barely alive, it's even a miracle he still breathing after experiencing such an event.

The man responsible behind his disturbing experience stares at him without showing slightest trace of guilt. Mean girlish blue eyes comparable to a clear sea which has been hit by the sun light, aesthetically looks at injured party. Every glance will give even notorious warrior chills and make them succumb into fear.

"Isn't it obvious...? You bumped into my shoulder earlier..."

Stating the motive behind his violent actions. He slightly lowered the right arm which strangling him vigorously for several minutes, and move his pinkish lips closer into victim's ear. The warm breath coming out from his mouth, creep around the skin causes horripilation... The way he speaks is as cold as Everest!

Attitude along with motives were far too immature to be considered as reasonable. Certainly "bumping into someone shoulder" isn't enough excuse to use extreme violence as punishment to whoever causes it. However, for someone like him who does things given enough reason... It's enough! But in the end of the day, fraud action is still a fraud!


He let out a long painful groan the moment his bottoms hit the ground. It happens because the hand gripping him tightly has been loosened. The impact he receives is almost equivalent to meteorite falling on the Earth surface.

The beaten face of victim starts to shape into agony. Despite showing signs of submission and not putting any struggles, he strengthen his right leg and kick his unguarded liver.

"Blarghhhhh-! Cough! Cough! Blargh!"

The body couldn't tolerate any more damage so it starts to vomit blood along with undigested food.


Another deadly sharp kick has been throw as follow up hitting the same spot. It was so strong that the body was sent flying into debris of rocks!

He doesn't even have energy to breath or react. The only thing gull can do is fall on the ground as his consciousness fades. Such a cruel sight, but for someone who can looks at it unaffected, defines he is a cold blooded person.

The grass rustle as he take a step on it, following fresh trail of blood. He glances at his unconscious body and take a momentary pause... Not to give a pity but to remind himself what happened for things to turn out this way?

Few hours before...

On the school campus a pretty boy can be seen walking alone on the school grounds wearing a winter uniform, the black coat and red long sleeves underneath suits his girls face perfectly...

Countless number of dust floats everytime he takes a step forward, it circulates around his head as the wind blew it up... Some dust sticks into his smooth silky hair but he shoved it by lightly combing his bangs, he did it gloriously it catches the attention of students who were watching him nearby.

"Hey! Look! Isn't that Ameguri Hayama? He looks gorgeous as they say..."

Pointing his index finger at his direction, he couldn't help but call him out and praise his appearance. Rumor around the school says he is number 1 choices among students as the most beautiful girl(boy) in school.

The natural grumpy expression on his face shines beautifully along with mean blue eyes. People often mistaken him as someone who always upset but it's only his natural look. From the inside he is calm and wouldn't even feel slightest amount of anger. Proven by the fact he overheard them talking about him but didn't pay attention.

Taking a number of steps, he eventually loses the prying eyes of students on standby and reaches the school gate. He stops looking at the dusty ground, raising his beautiful face only to sight a familiar looking individual standing outside.


Whispering his name into the thin air while staring at him deeply as if analyzing what kind of personality he possesses from the insides, simply shows that he recognizes him only in a name.

"There are countless of rumors circulates around about him such as violently beating up first year students, harassing women, picking a fight with teachers and many more... Which lead into majority of students distancing themselves away from him. Giving his bad reputation, no one is stupid enough to asked for a direct confrontation..."

It's only a common sense to avoid unnecessary troubles but an abnormal existence identify himself as Ameguri Hayama has what it takes to declare a war against a delinquent like Apollo.

"He seems to be waiting for someone. So it was all true then? But his reigning on school is over, I won't tolerate anymore of his bad conduct."

Hypothesizing the reason behind his frustration as most likely a student fault. Apollo is waiting for his new victim to come outside. The expression on his face says it all, whoever it is (the victim) won't go home unscathed. Probably a few broken bones is enough.

"According to my source of information, Apollo is a lone wolf. Due to his bad reputation no one wanted to be friends with him or be his classmate, even teachers avoids him because he brings nothing but trouble. However, despite being alone the number of his followers is something not to be underestimated."

Not being aware of his current status, there are numbers of individual who proclaimed to be on the same group as Apollo. Label themselves as gang but it's only a rumors.

"It does matter, I guess. Even if wolves comes to me as a pac. All I have to do is take them on armed state..."

Going for a hunt without rifle and bullets is something only idiots do. He knows Apollo is troublesome individual that's why forcing him out of school as soon as possible is the only solution.

"It's no exaggeration, many people wanted to expelled him but wary of consequences that comes after. He might come during night time or after school. Calling the cops doesn't help them due to lack of evidence... Even if he beat up number of students to state where a child could tell. He won't get caught, as long as the victim refuses to speak. Their silence gives him confidence and lead into another casualty. If fear doesn't exist then it's enough reason to continue being violent."

He disregard the thoughts inside his head and proceed on walking, taking a number of heavy steps. The sounds of his heels every time it touches the ground becomes louder the more he gets closer to him, it makes Apollo notice his arrival.


He glares at the person walking nearby, the sharp gaze creeps around his body starting from toe to head. A pretty boy with mean girlish blue eyes, having a rather attractive face. He doesn't recognize the individual approaching him and immediately looks away.

"He isn't the one..."

Getting back on his original position, completely ignoring the person who's about to come was rather a big mistake of his life.

Ameguri Hayama didn't missed his movements. Analyzing the body language gives him an impression of relaxation. It appears Apollo is completely off guard. Even if he isn't the plan will still continue because he is strong.

There are approximately two meters separating them from one another. He extended his arms while clenching the fist, as if it holds a baseball bat and about to him someone. However, what comes into his mind is far different. He raises the arm on shoulder level in acute angle, just like throwing a left straight and lariat his nape.


He was shocked by his actions, no one's expecting him to land an attack. He didn't even expect to be attack in the first place. While being in confused state, the arms wrapped around his neck becomes tighter as if snake binds him.

"You are picking a fight huh!"

He starts to show resistance after feeling the pain by removing the wrapped hands... However, it didn't budge an inch.

"What...? Why...?"

Question comes one after another, someone who thinks the world circulates for him after getting what he wants doesn't have any idea why he couldn't break free.

"Shhhh... Be quiet, you can save that energy later. I will make you scream until your vocals explodes..."

Feeling a fear he never felt before, the terrified eyes glances at the face on individual restraining him. There's no hesitation in his eyes.

"You... You are a monster!"

"Monster? That was rather rude to say..."

Despite gettings insults, he only shows sign of maturity and didn't pay attention to it. The appearance of individual is the same but there seems to be change in personality. Apollo instinctively realize it, he is dealing with someone far dangerous.

"If I notices him earlier... No! Even if I notices him earlier the outcome will be the same. Should I be grateful? because I didn't fight back otherwise I will receive more beating?"

No one can answer his question, it's only ifs so it doesn't matter. The fact karma is about to hit him is something he didn't consider... He can only tremble, feeling the eternity for every seconds. Thinking what's going to happen to him as his body gets drag to isolated place.

Flashback ends...

The thoughts inside his head has been cut. He glances at his beaten body after reminding himself of how things started.


Few minutes have passed since then, it appears the unconscious Apollo starts to wake up and even goes to crawl away from him.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!!! Hue! Ahhh!!! Please, I will do anything! Take me away from him!"

Bursting into empty tears while grasping the grass and debris of rocks, using it as handle to pull his body forward. He screams all of his thoughts inside his head.

"Someone please help me! Monster... There is a monster here! Please, take me anywhere! Doesn't matter where,. Just take me! Take me away from him! Huhu! ARGHH!"

Even though it's silent the sound of his cries is louder than anything else.

"You are crawling away from me?"

The cold gaze watches over him as he crawls away like a baby. Being aware of his feelings, he knows what's going on inside his head but doesn't understand why... So he just stare at him and eventually asked what comes after.

"Anyway... I have a question for you... What do you think is happiness?"

A peculiar question suddenly comes outside of his mouth but it didn't reach the individual. Experiencing trauma, he couldn't hear anything other than his own voice. It's one of things he didn't notice.

"You don't know...? It seems I won't get any answer from you."

No response comes so, he disregard the question and continue to the objective at hand. He stand up from knee stance and glance at the sky, feeling the breeze of wind... It syncs well with his thoughts.

"All I want is to find the meaning of life... What's the reason why I'm alive? For what purpose? The thing called emotions, I wanted to feel it too. I wanted to be happy, is there someone who can make me experience those feelings? I've been living for long time and never feel those in the slightest... They say experiencing pain could bring sadness and anger towards responsible for the pain but whenever someone hurt me I don't feel any resentment rather it feels... Empty..."

He takes a deep sigh and closes his eyes. Having no idea how to reach his goal, he can only follows the advice of many.

"Stick with her and you will reach your goal... But how long do I have to wait for it to happen? I don't know... But I shouldn't rush things. If my destination cannot be changed then the only way to achieve my goal is to keep moving forward no matter what kind of hardships and failure I went through..."

Accepting the fate at hand, he opens his beautiful eyes and focus it at the man in lying in front of him.

"It looks like he is unconscious for real..."

Standing still while observing, the impression of "admiration to the destruction he cause" makes the person who watches over him think that way... It's a cruel sight to be hold... But not for someone like him.

"If you are stronger than me... Without a doubt our situation will be different... I might be the one begging and shedding tears but it's impossible to happen. Even if I wanted too... After all I never shed a single tear."

Finishing his business, he picks up the phone on his pocket and send someone a message.


The notification of message has been sent successfully, circulates all over the place. He just stare at the screen of his phone until it switches off automatically, reflecting his gorgeous face.

"They told me this place have a decent view which put everyone at calm state but... All I can see are bunch of grass and concrete. Once upon a time the old vacant lot has a decent view but it's been a decade since the place has been abandoned. Residents move to a different area and no one's left to take care of the place."

He looks away from the fragments of rock and pick up his belongings. Glancing at Apollo for one last time he left the place and proceed to his new destination.

"It was another failure..."

Keeping the natural grumpy expression on his face. He starts to think what comes after?

"I wonder what I'm going to do next...?"

The destination eventually reached without prior knowledge.

"Oh I'm already at park..."

Coming into realization, he looks around the surroundings. Spotting an old wooden bench from a distance, he approaches it to take a seat. He extended his arm towards the chair and touches the wood with the tip of his index finger. In the moment of contact, he slightly slide and raised it, checking if the chair is dirty... Confirming it was clean, he lays his bag and sit down.

"It's a good afternoon to smoke..."

Muttering the words on cold thin air, he puts the cigarette into his mouth gently pinching it with his soft pink lips and light the cigar.

"The wind doesn't seem to be strong... However, it was unsually cold... Perhaps the winter is coming..."

He looks up and release a thick smoke comparable to clouds. Focusing his gaze at the mixture of red orange sky which after effect of sun set, watching it fade away as the cold wind slowly blows it off.

"They told me that happiness can also be found on smoking cigarettes so, I tried but it doesn't have any effect other than reducing my life span... If I continue perhaps I might be able to reach the part where its fun...?"

The same question circulates on his mind over and over again, hoping an answer will come. However, it's "impossible". After all, happiness is something he must built and it's not something that can be gain through imitation... But there's no way for poor child to figure it out... Even if there's a ray of light in his dark world, as long as he keep his eyes closed, no matter where, all he sees is nothing but darkness.

Countless of time goes by and the night comes without his knowledge. By opening the girlish mean blue eyes, it reflects the light that comes from the moon. Syncs in perfection with it's unique gleam.

"It's already late..."

The soft lips color of carnation pink which would make anyone looking at it have desire for a bite speaks the thoughts inside his head.

"I should clean this..."

Reaching his hand towards the ashtray full of filters. Just how many sticks he consumes? It's probably twice as number of months... Averting the sharp gaze at the empty pack, he clutches the box and shoot it at the empty garbage can.

"I'm going home..."

He stands up from old wooden bench and let out a yawn just like a sleepy baby before proceeds walking into his house. Every steps generates a loud sound, not because of heavy steps but the silent environment... It was so quiet that he could hear his own blood flowing inside his veins.

Additionally, the strong breeze of wind which blowing his smooth silk hair past a sharp sound penetrating his ears... It gives him a slightly cold feeling from the insides. He listens to the sharp sounds of wind and a faint voice of woman slip through his ear which caught his attention.

"Is someone out there...!? Please help me...!"

The voice coming from a distance, seeking for help put him frozen into his tracks.

"A voice...? This town is isolated... there should be no one living here other than me. Was it my imagination?"

He starts to think that the wind is only playing games with his mind and the faint voice was only a product of silence... He closes his eyes, perhaps disregarding the thoughts and proceeds to walk without bathing an eye on the direction of sound. Despite walking blindly, he continued as if completely familiarize with the route, perhaps knowing obstacle doesn't exist?

"Please...! Help me...!"

The same voices went through his ears again. But this time he couldn't take lightly of it...


He opens his eyes and glance at the direction of the sound.

"Did someone really came here?"

Convince that someone is truly seeking for his help. He takes a step forward, advancing into the obscure place while sorting his thoughts.

"I don't have a full grasp on the situation but since the voice truly exist then I can only think of one reason why she is asking for help..."

He clutch his fist about to punch someone and prepare himself for a fight.


The expression on his face becomes serious as he slowly gets closer to the dark vacant lot... It was filled with tall grass and number of small trees so, he couldn't witness what's happening behind but certain of one thing.

"Help me!!! He-"

The place which has been silent for few minutes, suddenly imit a loud voice. The woman, most likely a victim yelled but got cut. It probably happen because the person on chase manages to catch-up.


Despite wanting to help the person as soon as possible, he proceeds to walk slowly otherwise the situation will become complicated. While taking a walk, he remove his bag away from his shoulder and put it down on the ground. Releasing a hindrance to a fight, he crouch down on dusty street and begin to create a plan to deal with the assault.

Showing his experience beautifully, perhaps getting used to this kind of situation...? He sneaks on the grass field, shoving it gently and silently with his hand... Then, stomping the stem using his feet creating a small path.


As the distance is being narrow, the sounds of sinister laughter eventually reaches him. However, it didn't cause any interruption on his work and continue until there's only a single layer of grass left... Shoving it away and a tragic sight unfold before him!

The environment is not too dark, so he can clearly see what's happening in front. A weakened woman lying on the ground to be precise she is pinned down by a big fat man, sitting on her stomach, trapping her between his legs. He observes the situation and averted his gaze to the person in front of fat man.

"There's two of them huh..."

Listing the number of suspects and turn his gaze at empty space behind the tree on left direction. Perhaps noticing someone presence behind the tree.

"Hmmm? Am I imagining things...? Well it doesn't matter for now I need to deal with them."

Disregarding the unnecessary thoughts and focus his attention to the suspects in front of him.

"Man I gotta say she is fast... for some nasty sex doll."

The suspect polar opposite of his partner stole a glance at the woman as he speaks. Despite having a thin body, and short on height. He is quite strong, proven the restraints on their victim. The hand which only skin and bones were holding both of her wrist, and other hand which palm is full of calluses covers her mouth. The size of it far exceed the average, it's certainly odd for his physique.

Altering the analytical gaze into his face, express a product of drug abused. If it were put into words, his mother during labor probably take huge amount of drug which affect her baby's growth.

Evidently proven by a trace of big eye bags shows lack of sleep but natural cause, nose red as ripen melons, and being anemic... Having a transparent skin, his veins were visible as if black ink stain on whitest cloth.

"Well, we still catch up to her... Akuma-san, you always make your prey run away before you have a taste of them. Is there any reason for that?"

The dry black lips that a single light flick is enough to tear it apart. Puts his thoughts into words as the red eyes stare lustfully at his partner.

"Yes, I always love the expression on their face when they think it's safe but in reality there's no escape... It's fun to watch them! Huahahaha!"

Laughing sinisterly... A monster in human skin identify himself as Akuma, letting out the tongue full of cracks as it licks the thick black lips making the saliva drips down to his chin just like a dog with rabies.

A predator drools watching the helpless prey they caught. The sharps eyes eventually look at her body with his mouth wide open, shows the remaining few number of rotten teeth causes anxiety to whoever witness it.

She watches him aroused himself feeling the terror of things bound to happen. The pupil in her eyes begin to shake vigorously, it was a natural reaction for someone who's about to get assault.

"That's the spirit!"

The terrified reaction she expresses causes more arousal to the perverts. He starts to move his ugly face closer to her, a smell of bad breathe conquer the fresh aroma of wind. A mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen circulates around her nose... The breath was so nasty that even a plant refuse to take carbon dioxide from him.

"Oh Melissa-san... I have been keeping an eye on you for so long... Certainly I didn't expect to have a taste of your refine body sooner. Blah bleh blah...."

Releasing the long disgusting tongue and licking her cheeks around like a maniac. The acid like saliva drip and creep into her cleavage which put her into more panic state.


She instinctively reacted to the saliva crawling on her, moving her upper body as sign of resistance.

However, her struggles gives horripilation. It's only applicable to those who possessed a wicked fetish (getting aroused everytime someone is in desperate state).

"Ohhhh, Melissa-san! I can't hold it anymore~!"

The lust inside his body couldn't be contain any longer, tongue which licking her cheeks slides down into her neck.


The tip touches her soft skin and circulates it as if cleaning a plate with trace of sweet chocolate. Accomplice observed his movement and found it glorious, letting out a wolf whistle.

"Man... That's dope!"

Getting amused his techniques, his body begin to feel excitement and desire to have a taste of her sooner.


His partner listen to his compliment and let out a chuckle. Then, focus his attention back to his prey, using his teeth full of cavities... He bites the wet part of her neck, hoping it will create a kiss mark but the results could only lead into infection. It won't matter whether she lives or die. Once they have a taste of her refine body, it will be disposed. Erasing her existence as if it wasn't there in the first place.

The sharp teeth penetrate her soft white skin, causing a wound and a crimson red blood drips on her neck down to cleavage..

He smiles wryly as he moves is face away from her, raising his head and back at the same time. Wiping the saliva away from his dark thick lips with his forearm and glares sharply at her chest.

"Now the fun is about to start!"

Informing her victim about his plans, reaching his hands towards her sleeveless shirt. Grabbing it aggressively and pulling it from parallel position.


The thin clothes generates an irritating sounds after being ripped, which lead for her huge breast to appear.


He couldn't help but amaze, the size of g cup along with pinkish nipples was too appetizing for him. The two maniac didn't even bath an eye on her face and focus on their gaze only to her chest.

The tears starts to flow out from her red swollen eyes. Assault is about to happen, still her eyes didn't shows signs of giving up.

"There's still a way! I'm not going to fall here! I won't fall here!"

Convincing herself today isn't the day where she will get victimized! Perhaps, realizing no one will come to help her, she can only rely on herself and wait for chances to come make her body into relax state.

He notices the strange behavior and let out another malevolence smile.

"So you've finally accepted your fate Melissa-san...? Heeeh! Remember this well! Woman exist to get assaulted by men! The sole purpose of your existence was to give us pleasure! I will carved that fact into your body so that even in death you won't forget us!"

Expressing the idealism, he dive his head into her breast and suck her nipples aggressively.

She begin to experience feelings unknown to her fear, sadness, hopelessness... A mixture of different emotions, and a strong stimulus circulates inside her body as if orgasm is about to happen. But instead of body liquid it's blood! She will get stab with a sword and burst endless amount of blood resulting into her death!

The techniques probably put her into submission based on the fact she starts to breath heavily. However, it was a misunderstanding. Neither his techniques nor actions causes her anxiety it was a delusions but there's no way for him to know.

"So you were enjoying yourself huh Melissa-san? Why don't we level up things then!"

Wanting to move to a higher stage, he stands up from her stomach and take a step back letting go of her breast.

"This is it! An opening!"

The moment she's been waiting for has finally come, it's once in a life time opportunity. Strengthening her left leg and aim it at his crotch.

"Die pervert!"

Shouting words inside her head thinking the kick on balls is enough to kill him.

"Die eh?"

He stands still looking unguarded full of confidence, being aware of the fact "she was convinced that her attack will succeed for sure and watches over it... However, half-way it was caught by his small fat hands putting her on shocked state, far greater than she could imagine.


"Heeeh heeehh! Did you seriously think I will let my guard down, Melissa-san...? Heeeh! Your plan was certainly not bad but your leg was too slow."

Face palming himself as he chuckles shows his disappointmwnt towards her. Certainly the only way to escape the restraint was to kick his testicles but the attack was so slow that even a kid could catch it. Additionally, it doesn't have enough strength to make him feel pain.

"No way... After everything I went through, it was all for nothing...? Am I going to get assault here?"

Realizing the difference in strength and being put into desperate situation, she eventually give up on everything and loses her will to fight.

A feeling of hopelessness slowly consumes her from the insides... Making her brain malfunction, it's slowly begin to turn off putting her on cardiac arrest.

"Haaah! That's what I'm talking about! Fall into despair, Melissa-san! It makes me hard even more! HAHAHAHA!"

Using the opportunity while she is losing herself. He proceeds to undress her lower body, grabbing both sides of the shorts and forcefully take it off... It slip through her smooth skin and making her vagina appear.

"Now for the main event!"

Staring at her private part intently while moving his hands to touch her thigh, slipping to her bottoms. He lifted her legs that shows no resistance and put the back of her kness into his shoulder.

"Thanks for the food!"

Expressing his gratitude to the delicious meal serve for him, he makes a way for thumb fingers to press her clit opening the close intersection. The pee hole peaks underneath and he strokes his hardened tongue inside out giving her oral sex.

"What's wrong Melissa-san?"

the accomplice who's silent for a while begins to speak. However, there was response which makes him come into realization.

"Hahaha! Look Akuma-san, Melissa-san seems to give up on her life!"

Apparently his appearance reflects his taste about woman... "Necrophilia". A person with an alias of corpse hunter. Being well known for digging graves and snatching the corpse and assaulting their cold bodies. Unimaginable number of grave has been dug from the cemetery and he is responsible behind it.

"Fuuh ~! Akuma-san! Hurry up I wanted to have a taste of her so ba-"

He is about to rush his partner but didn't manage to finished his words, and immediately falls on the ground.

Few minutes before it happened....

A certain person has been creeping on the obscure area of vacant lot, during the assault. He successfully sneak behind the pervert unnoticed and throws a rabbit punch with all of his strength. Certainly an unguarded weak backhead receiving an 800 to 1000 attack power could be lethal. However, the maniac didn't fall instead, his stiffened body as if it got petrified.

Since he didn't fall at first, he puts another follow up. Raising his strengthen left leg while standing sideways behind him, and side kick the back of his head. Hitting the same area where the rabbit punch land, it releases a crack sound as if skull was fractured which caught everyone's attention... This time his body falls on the ground and begin to move strangely just like someone with epilepsy.

The first to notice it is Melissa, her blurry vision starts to become clear and comes into realization that the hands restraining her has been loosened.

Blue eyes gleams in perfection with the moonlight and smooth silky hair which blowing by the strong breeze of wind. A sight she will remember forever.

"I'm... save..."

The eyes which given up on everything slowly becomes moist. She wanted to cry and say the words "thank you" but it's too soon.

He stops molesting the victim and raises his head, noticing that something odd is really happening. Moving his eyes around, the first thing it caught was the sight of Melissa wiping her tears away.

"What? Since whe-"

Just like his partner, he didn't manage to finish what he wanted to say... Ameguri anticipated that the suspect will likely stole a glance at them so, he uses that chance to attack him. The leg which is extended on the air after throwing a side kick rotates, aiming for his temple, hitting him with a back spin kick, resulting into few seconds of dizziness.


Letting out a painful groan after receiving the attack that comes from blind spot. A strange feeling imit inside his head, he could feel the blood making a trail from temple down to his cheek.

"Blood...? This is dangerous..."

Apparently the heels which has been sharpened by streets went to deep on his head resulting into a injury. He wished to see the person responsible for such a wound so, the focus turn into him.

However, his actions lead into another injury! Ameguri didn't pull back his legs completely, instead he keep it on air and throws a three consecutive side kick... stomping his left eye vigorously!


"Shit! Argh!"

Having no way to defend himself, he received the lethal attack willingly and sacrifice his vision.

Despite throwing a consecutive kick, it wasn't enough to knock him down. In order to seperate them from each other, he pulls back his leg completely and uses her chest at foothold. It was intentional because her chest is perfect ground to regain his stance.


She felt the sharp heels hit her body and let out a painful groan. But he ignores her completely. Raising the same leg again after landing to stomp his forehead.


This time he couldn't handle the blow and eventually take a fall. Ameguri uses it as a chance to stomp the ground and grab her wrist... Without fruther warning, he pull her backwards, it's a rush.

"Oww oww oww..."

The pudding texture bottoms grind through the ground, small fragments of rocks might give her a minor injury but it's better than dying.

He succeed in separating them from each other, the biggest concern has been lifted and now his focus turn into Akuma who's looking at him furiously. Slowly standing up from the ground and pull out a knife hidden on his shorts.


The sharp knife with spring lock flick the air, making tip pointed at Ameguri direction.

"You've done it now bstard! I'm going to kill you...!"

Cursing him with his declaration. The two of them look at each other in the eyes and eventually come into realization. Eyes without slightest trace of hesitation which only means one thing, both of them killed someone before... The wound on his left eyes starts to swell and bleed, a perfect hindrance. However, neither of them have traces of fear.

Confidence and rage removes the fear away from them. Akuma who overwhelmed by his own rage wanted to kill Ameguri, and Ameguri who has overwhelming confidence that he won't lose... Both of them take a preparation to kill one another.

Ameguri take a southpaw stance, a basic stance for left handed person. As a sign of death match between. Being ambidextrous but often uses his left hand. Both of his fist has the same amount of power but when it comes to efficiency the left fist is difficult to guard.

Akuma overwhelmed by rage rushes to his opponent and swing the knife on his right hand inward, acting like hook. It was a deadly attack and way too fast but for someone like Ameguri it was a child's play.

He hops on the ground twisted his body on left syncing it with the momentum of stab and throws a right straight at the same time which result into a perfect counter.


Akuma didn't expect to miss the knife making him vulnerable for fraction of second. In a death battle it's more than enough to decide the results.


His face paints agony as it let out a painful groan. He unconsciously takes a step backwards after receiving heavy right straight. The painful punch put him back into his composure, certainly if Ameguri has a deadly weapon the battle between them is over.

"Bstard... It appears you are not ordinary kid! Did you follow us here?"

Settling with a small talk to buy some time, keeping his murderous gaze at him. "This is fine for now... I needed time to think. How can I deal with him!?" He starts to think what to do knowing a person standing in front of him was far from being ordinary.

"No, I'm just a passer by..."

There's no reason for him to respond but, he is also thinking the same thing as Akuma. Talking is a waste of time and energy but both of them needed time to polish their next move.

"Heeeh? Passer by eh...? Well, it doesn't matter. You are dangerous individual for me to fight. How about we make a deal?"

"Deal? What are you talking about?"

The pointless converstions starts to have a meaning, it seems he is at least willing to compromise. By listening to his response, he gained some confidence. Perhaps, thinking that Ameguri is wary of his weapon at hand.

"The situation means trouble for both of us, even in unarmed state, you are still a dangerous individual to take head on... It's the same thing for me, I bet you are wary about my knife... So how about we share her refine body instead of killing each other? I will let you take her virginity."

Proposing a rather amusing deal, he cut his words and remain silent for few seconds.

"If you have doubts then I can watch from a distance while you are having fun with her... Once you are done it's my turn."

Now take my bait...

He listens to the proposal and switch into a basic stance... Maintaining the silent for couple of seconds.

"That seems like a good deal..."


Melissa who's listening to their conversation, let out a squeal. Without doubt, she is hoping to be saved and starts to feels anxious when her savior is hinting a cooperation with enemy to gang up on her body.

"Not bad deal right? You can start right away..."

Akuma rather found her reaction amusing and seems to believe he is going to accept his proposal.

However, no words comes after instead his next words was directed to a different person.

"Melissa, do you want to survive?"

An unexpected words come out from his mouth, no one could have predicted the outcome even Melissa herself... She was silent due to shock but he didn't wait for her and proceed.

"If you want to survive, then run on the street and leave me behind... Follow the path on grass and you will see a bag when you get out of this place, I leave my phone inside along with spare clothes."

He gives her an order and switch back into southpaw fighting stance.

"If you can't make a contact with police officer and don't know where to go. I put my address on my phone just follow the GPS and you will be safe."

Despite not looking at her directly, he could tell she is staring at him in confusion.

Fighting someone with deadly weapon isn't an easy thing to do even for me. Removing the hindrance away and putting pressure on enemy, certainly a perfect plan to succeed.

"Now the choice is up to you... follow my orders and save yourself or stay here and die with me."

Perhaps feeling his resolved, she stands up and runaway without a moment of hesitation, leaving him behind.

"So we don't have a deal...?"

He was under state of pressure but Akuma didn't let himself get consume for now... tightening his hand on the knife and prepare himself for another attack.

I didn't think he is taking advantage of my plan. He probably used that time to create a worst possible outcome for me.

Ameguri wasn't afraid in the slightest rather he looks so confident and even bold to make a declaration while slowly approaching the suspect.

"The only deal here is me slaughtering you..."

"Damn... I cannot let it end here!"

It was a simple provocation but enough to shake him to the core. Looking into his eyes, he found it irritating and wishes to pluck it with knife.

Few seconds have passed, neither side make a move.

His opponent is waiting for him to attack and the rage built inside him completely devoured his mins.

"It's do or die! Kill or get killed!"

Resolving himself, he creep towards Ameguri making him enter his range.

Próximo capítulo