

Zhao Yun could only convince 10 people from his platoon to follow him and they were all from Zhending as he was. He decapitated the spy and put the head in a pouch while putting the armor on that the spy was wearing before.

He left Thunder behind since that would be too obvious while Shadow could follow them from the sky without having to fear that she would reveal their identities.

They then left the camp at night as Zhao Xian commanded from them and told everyone in his little suicide squad that he was Heng Hua now until they are done.

They marched for the whole night to arrive at Guangzong County as they arrived at the city of Guangzong where the Yellow Turbans should be in the morning. The pouch was completely red from blood as the head of the spy was in it.

Suddenly someone shouted down onto them, "Who are you?"

"We are people from Changshan Commandery that want to join you against the corrupted Emperor and his corrupted officers. We killed a platoon leader before fleeing. His name is Zhao Yun," says Zhao Yun with confidence as the guards on the wall seemed convinced.

"I will inform the General. Brother stay put we will let you in as fast as possible," says the guard as one of them left while the others had their eyes on them.

The group of ten was quite exhausted from the whole marching without rest only Zhao Yun was feigning his exhaustion when the guard returned with another person.

"They seem too exhausted to not tell the truth, my lord," says one of the guards that were watching them.

"So you are saying that they could be telling the truth about everything," says the person that was with the guards.

"Yes, even the pouch they are carrying is fresh enough that it was killed last night but not too fresh that it is still spilling blood," says the other guard, and the person nods.

"Then let them in. I will inform my brother about everything. They will be under my command," says the person when the guards nod.

"Yes, my lord," say the guards as they bowed before the person left. Zhao Yun and the others couldn't see the person that well but it must have been a big shot or they wouldn't be allowed to enter the city this easily.

The gates open and they are allowed to enter the city and the guards take the bloody pouch and one of them guides them to the barracks while saying, "You will be under the General of the People, Zhang Liang. He takes care of his people everyone in this city has sworn fealty to the rebellion under the General of the Sky, Zhang Jiao."

They arrived at the barracks and morale seemed to be quite high. It was at least higher than back in their camp as they were eating and drinking to their heart's desire when the guard says, "You should rest and eat later since you marched the whole night."

He shows them the free beds and says, "Here you can sleep. Zhang Liang will send a person when he is ready to talk to you."

"Thank you, brother," says Zhao Yun as the guard smiles.

"No, we have to thank. If you ten really killed your platoon leader that will make one person less to worry for us," says the guard as he then left leaving the ten alone in the barracks.

"We made it in," whispers Tang Shi as Zhao Yun nods while the other eight were relieved that they weren't killed for impersonating a rebel.

"We are lucky that we had a head to spare because the spy attacked me in camp but we should still be on our edge since at any moment our cover can be blown," whispers Zhao Yun as everyone nods before laying down to sleep.

At midday, they were awakened by an officer from Zhang Liang that says, "The General wants to meet you all in the Leader's House."

"Did something happen?" asks Zhao Yun as the officer shakes his head.

"I don't really know. One moment the Leader was happy and the next he turned pale before going red. The General was the same just that he didn't turn red but stayed pale. The Leader also smashed a table in his fury god knows why," says the officer as the group was nervous about this.

"Can you give us a second to prepare our clothes?" asks Tang Shi as the officer nods in agreement.

"Yes, it would be for the best since the leader is angry maybe this gives him time to calm down. We don't want to lose capable soldiers just because the Leader has a fit," says the officer as he walks out while saying, "I'm waiting outside."

Once outside Zhao Yun walks towards the window and stretches his hand out signaling Shadow to come near. Shadow landed and Zhao Yun hands her a notice while saying, "Full speed to father. I need an attack now or we might die today."

Shadow nods as she takes the note in her peak and flies off at top speed surprising everyone as she wasn't in sight after some seconds making Tang Shi say, "That Eagle of yours is quite fast. How long do you think the troops will need to get here?"

"I hope they get here before everything gets too hot and we lose our heads. I want everyone to go to the latrine before going there since they could have found out who we are and with an empty bladder we could at least lie without shitting ourselves," says Zhao Yun as with them going into the latrine could buy them time.

Shadow was overflying the allied camp as she landed in front of Zhao Xian's tent. She entered the tent without trouble when Zhao Xian saw her, he asks, "Shadow do you have something for me?"

Shadow dropped the message that Zhao Yun gave her and Zhao Xian read it before his face changed and he walks out and shouts, "Everyone ready to march we have to engage the enemy even if we are exhausted when we arrive."

"Is that necessary?" asks an officer as he was worried that they will be sent to their death.

"We have to give the rebels something to think about so our spies don't get killed. They just got into the city and are called by their leader that seems to suspect something," says Zhao Xian angry that no one is moving when suddenly Thunder came running towards the tent of Zhao Xian.

He seemed angry that his master was in danger and no one was doing anything. He looked at Zhao Xian as saying he would take matters into his own hand or better-said hoofs and fight his way inside to get his master out safe and sound.

"I know Thunder but you have to be patient and let us do our work or everything will be worst for us and Zhao Yun," says Zhao Xian petting Thunder as the camp was hastily packed together and they marched towards Guangzong.

The cavalry was sent beforehand as they wouldn't need much time to arrive while the Infantry and Archers would need at least until evening to arrive there. It would be too late for Zhao Yun and the others inside the city.

In the meantime, the last person left the latrine and the officer says, "Alright we should go then. The Leader should be calm by now I hope."

"Did he kill someone before?" asks one of the soldiers under Zhao Yun.

"Yes, he was suspicious of them. But three escaped with their lives. What was his name again," says the officer as he was thinking but couldn't remember the name of the person when he continues, "It seems I forgot but I know that he had quite the big earlobes I have ever seen. He came pretending to support us with fifty other men but only he and two others manage to escape."

Hearing that description Zhao Yun could only think of one person and it was Liu Bei. He didn't say it out loud since that could make them suspicious but he asks, "What did he do to gain the Leader's suspicion?"

"He was trying to win the people to his side but many saw through him and reported him immediately and we dealt with him quite fast since no one supports the Emperor here," says the officer as they almost arrived at the location that the Leader and their new General.

Right before they arrived a guard arrives before them nervous as he shouts, "The enemy is here!"

"You go first we will go after you," says the officer since this was more important than to bring the ten new recruit to the Leader.

The group could hear everything that was been talked about inside as the guard says, "The cavalry of the Empire arrived. They were hissing the Liu flag and He flag. We don't know their commander but it could be like our spies told us Lu Zhi."

"You only saw the cavalry?" asks a voice reasonable.

"Yes, they seem ready to attack any moment. We closed the gate so they wouldn't be able to attack," says the guard in a nervous tone while the group was nervous as well outside while inside they were relieved that Shadow arrived at time to Zhao Xian.

"Go back to the wall and look out for the other troops. Lu Zhi is an intelligent man. He could try to take our eyes from another direction by placing his cavalry in front of us," says the voice reasonable again.

"Brother, what should we do about the ten newcomers?" asks the voice that the ten could put a name to as it was Zhang Liang.

"Bring them here the moment they arrive. I want to talk to them for the foolish action they did by provoking an Immortal that now associates me with the murder of his Godson," says the voice angry again as everyone was now nervous inside and outside after hearing that.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts