
Deathly Loyalty

The wickedness of the stings, it did not falter its killing. He controlled them and he alone longed for the crimson red to run down his chin with glee. Licking his lips, a grin wide with white teeth, a man with the dragon-like shades, its red tint that of blood. A loud chuckle escaped from his throat.

"P-Please! Doflamingo! " a pirate begged for his very soul amongst the bodies that lay with pained faces. "I won't mess up. I won't disgrace your mark again! "

It did nothing to quench the tall man's anger, for they had a simple task. A devil fruit of great value, to be taken from the fool who knew not its real worth. The pirate had gotten distracted by other treasures. By the time they had finished their pilfering, the devil fruit had already been departed, with a great deal of security.

"You. Had. One. Job. " he laughed, although veins were visible on his forehead. "Take it before it gets departed. You return to me empty handed. You're more of a sorry excuse than that of Bellamy. "

"You, gave him a second chance... " the pirate had nervous look, a slight laugh. But the eyes, they knew all too well to lie about fear.

"Bellamy, he has something about him. He has a goal, that of which I admire. It's amazing how he looks up to me. "

"Please, let me-- "

"But you? You have nothing to show for, you're weak. A puny rotten runt who acts selfishly. " a voice so devilish, the pirate had gulped at the snap. Doflamingo continued. "I do a lot for my family. Of course there are things that I want, but I have a family to look after. "

"I can tolerate their mistakes because they can always amend them. You, however, have shown how disloyal you can be. You went against my orders. "

With a flick of his forefinger, a string cut through the pirate's neck, where blood poured into his shoulders before the body keeled over and hit the floor with a thud.

"Bellamy, I am sure you are grateful I gave you that chance. "

The short and broader man, a look of slight fear yet strong determination, nodded. "Yes, Doflamingo, I am. "

The thrones stood empty, where Bellamy hoped to fill one of those one day. He looked at the Doflamingo, his pink feathered coat facing him as he glared out of the window. He did not turn to face him, but the tone of his voice was as sincere as his motive for slaughtering that helpless lamb.

"I have a job for you, Bellamy. " a short pause seemed to take an eternity. "I still need that devil fruit. "