
Death Note: The New Kira

Yamishi Yagami, a young talented student renowned for his intellect, runs into a Shinigami on his way home from school. The Shinigami looks to Yamashi with a look of intrigue... "Are you as bored as I am?" "Yes" Little does Yamashi know that this shinigami has just found his new Kira *Warning: includes scenes with sex, torture and violence. You have been warned.* Support me here: https://www.patreon.com/dipforthechips

dipforthechips · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

A Good Student

*clatter clatter clatter*

The rain was heavy and the fog was thick but inside a specific classroom, there was a history class being held.

Yamishi, could you please tell us the year that Kira's rain of terror finally came to an end?

Yamishi slowly raised his head from his notes and said in a monotone voice "The the mass-murdering terrorist known simply as Kira met their demise in 2013, exactly 70 years ago today.

"Excellent job! Maybe I should be paying you to teach our classes" the teacher smiled and continued her teaching.


The day went by slowly and the constant smog which filled the city of Tokyo made the days feel even longer and more depressing.

When the day finally came to an end, Yamishi packed up his books and walked out from the classroom towards his locker.

Along the way, two seniors from another school walked up on either side of him. 'Hm, this is pitiful... This school is meant to be the best in Tokyo yet somehow these worthless humans still squirmed their way into it.' He thought.

Yamishi was tall and muscular for the age of 16, standing at 6'1" with a well-toned body. However both of these guys were much bigger.

They followed him until they came to a hallway with nobody in it, grabbed his shoulder and opened their mouth to speak "your the one who broke my boys nose, aren't you?"

"Get out of my sight, you aren't even worth looking at." He began to walk off when a hand grabbed his shoulder again.

"That's it, you've do... Arghh!" Yamishi had grabbed the seniors hand and begun to squeeze it with inhuman strength.

Yamishi turned to look at the two men behind him. A hint of red flashed in his eyes... "Do you want me to expose what you have done to you're school? I'm sure they won't want you risking our schools future collaborations." This was enough for them to leave him alone.

'I hate doing stuff like that... so unnecessary... Why are worthless things like them even allowed to exist in this world.' he thought as he made his way to collect his bag.

It was unusual for Yamishi to get into a fight as he usually preferred to sort things out with his intellect, sadly sometimes things don't go the way you want them to.


Yamishi pushed through the smog of Tokyo city, which was so thick you needed to wear a mask whenever outside. 'Scientists always predicted the world would become this way... It's a shame people never listen to those who know best.'

Yamishi continued to walk towards his house when all of a sudden *smack* something fell from the sky and and landed right in front of him...

It was a notebook... No it was a death note

Authors note: hey peoples this is my new fanfic that im starting. If you like it leave a comment to let me know. I will be uploading a new chapter whenever I get the spare time. that could be once a week or maybe 3 times a week. who knows?