
Death Man of Earth

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What is Death Man of Earth

Leia o romance Death Man of Earth escrito pelo autor AsadKing_Khan publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Jack-of-all-trade, The Skill Borrower

Warning I lost most of my work for this, just the writing would have sucked but I also lost my huge amount of planning and its too much work to try and rebuild what I was writing, so I’ve stopped writing this and started a new novel. It’s very different from this one though, but if you’d still like to support me it’s called “For I will be the war Empress.” I am a student though so posting stories won’t really be on a fixed day but I’ll try my best. Anyways, thank you for reading this. The world is at its peak of technology, Many things that seemed unachievable were now at arms length. Yet even now, Money is still what really controls the world and the people. Those who have too much time began to spend time in a virtual reality game that is so vast and open, that there are still many places that haven't been open. This game was called The Lands of Oasis. L.O for short. Like many others, this man has a hard time with money, earning minimum wage from a local convenience store, which he hates, but he needs to pay rent after all, but he's not self absorbent, he was also working to pay off his dead father's debt, and mother's hospital fees. He was once a top player in RPG games but now, he has no choice to live by working until he spotted a great deal with the game he has always wanted to try, A boarding house for gamers, specifically for L.O players. The male managed to get a deal with only having to pay 30% the amount that was meant to be paid for half a year, room and gaming equipment and food included, he rushed to take the chance. Earning money however he could within the game, Even getting a legendary and one of a kind class. Without realizing it, his job slowly became something he truly loved, now slowly aiming for the title of number one player. Yet what if there was something else that was brought with his luck, while in a random party, a member suddenly acts weird before logging off. The next day, they were found killed. At first, the boy wasn’t going to mind it, but the moment he witnessed his own companion, he himself felt he had to find out what happened, both inside, and outside the game.

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The Stars in Your Eyes

Jian Kang Lu has spent the past two years wondering that maybe he was destined to live alone until the end of his life. He will turn 36 soon, and can’t find anyone piqued his interest anymore. He’s a doctor, with a decent look and financially well. His life seems so perfect, except that he was still single. Living his life day by day working in the hospital with the same routine everyday. Just like a robot. When he decided to go for a trip, he finally found someone that sparks his world once again. For the first time in his life, he was drawn to this young man’s charm. A very young man, pure like a fresh first snow falling from the winter sky. Jian Kang Lu can’t help whispering in his mind “Will he think that i’m just a pervert old guy?” Though he was 36 years old, lots of people said he doesn’t even look like a 30 years old man. He was quite confident with his own appearance. With that, he tried to pursue this pure young man, trying to bend this pure young man into his lover. Starting from a small conversation. After that question he threw, that young man looked at him and his eyes stared with wonder. After 5 second he answered, “Yes, how do you know?”. His voice is soft. Somehow just to hear this young man’s voice for the first time made Jian Kang Lu’s heart fluttering. Just like a small kitten that’s so cute, and pure. Make him want to embrace this lovely kitten in his arms. This is a simple story about two people with their own insecurities, trying to find their own little happiness. Along the journey, will they finally find the meaning of love? Cover belong to original artist, used with permission. IG & Twitter @ereyzme

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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